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General Physics EXAM STUDY GUIDE
Semester 2 2011
Multiple choice (scantron) - questions will require calculations, interpretation of diagrams and concepts.
Exam counts 10% of your semester grade
Topics: Newton’s laws of motion, projectile motion, energy, power, center of mass, torque, impulse and momentum,
circular motion, waves & resonance
Bring a calculator to the exam
You must turn in your textbook in our classroom when you take your exam
1) For each topic, make a list of all quantities, their symbols and units
2) Make a list of all equations that model each topic
3) Make up example problems to solve for each variable (one at a time!) in the equations.
4) Review textbook chapters: 4, 6, 7-9, 13, 14, 25 (sec.1-8), 26 (sec. 5-8) 37 (sec. 7-8) look at the Summary; Review
questions and Think and Explain questions for each chapter.
5) Review your test corrections
6) Review your class notes, worksheets, labs
7) Organize the terms (reverse side) by topic and make a concept map of the ideas for each topic
Energy (Ch.8)
Be able to identify types of energy that are transferred
Projectile Motion (ch. 6)
Be able to draw a force diagram for a projectile
between objects (kinetic, gravitational potential, elastic
Be able to calculate horizontal and vertical displacements and
potential, dissipated).
velocities for a projectile
Draw energy bar charts that describe energy transfers between
Identify a projectile’s acceleration in each direction
objects at different points in time.
Write and solve conservation of energy problems that are
Forces and Newton’s Laws of Motion (Ch. 4)
Be able to draw or recognize force diagrams for an object in a
consistent with these bar chart diagrams.
state of rest, constant velocity, or acceleration.
State and apply the Law of Conservation of Energy.
Understand what happens to an object as long as a net force is
Distinguish between total energy and change in energy
acting on it.
Be able to calculate Power
Understand the difference between weight, mass, and
Circular Motion (Ch. 13)
gravitational field strength. Be able to calculate these
Distinguish average velocity from instantaneous velocities
(such as initial and final velocities) and from change in
Understand what the slope of a Net force vs. acceleration
graph means.
Be able to draw and recognize correct force diagrams for
objects moving in a curved path.
Center of Mass and Torque (Ch. 9, 14)
Be able to determine the speed of the center of mass of a
Be able to calculate velocity, centripetal acceleration and net
system of 2 objects.
force for an object moving in a circular path.
Distinguish between stable, unstable and neutral equilibrium
For a person on a roller coaster, be able to calculate the normal
and be able to explain why object topple.
force at hills, valleys and loops.
Be able to calculate torque.
Waves and Resonance (Ch. 25-26)
Understand what is vibrating in a mechanical wave (sound)
Momentum and Impulse (Ch. 7)
Define momentum and distinguish between momentum, mass,
compared to an EM wave.
and velocity. Distinguish momentum from change in
Give examples of mechanical waves and EM waves.
Identify parts of a wave such as amplitude and wavelength.
Define impulse and distinguish between impulse and net force.
Calculate wave quantities such as wavelength, period,
Understand how to calculate impulse from a Net force vs. time
frequency, velocity.
Know the speed of electromagnetic waves through space = c
Describe the relationship between impulse and momentum.
Explain what a standing wave is
Use the concepts of impulse and momentum to explain
Explain what causes objects to resonate
"cushioning" and other effects.
Explain how resonance relates to harmonics
State and apply the Law of Conservation of Momentum.
Explain what makes one musical instrument sound different
from another
Semester 2 Vocabulary
average velocity
center of mass
centripetal acceleration
change in momentum
change in velocity
circular motion
conservation of energy
conservation of momentum
constant speed
constant velocity
cycles per second
dissipated energy
elastic potential energy
electromagnetic wave
energy bar charts
force diagram
friction force
Fundamental frequency
gravitational acceleration
gravitational field strength
gravitational force
gravitational potential energy
hertz (kilo-, mega-, giga-)
instantaneous velocity
Kilogram meter per second
Kilogram meter per second squared
kinetic energy
linear acceleration
Meter per second
Meter per second squared
Natural frequency
net force
Newton second
Newton meter (energy)
Newton meter (torque)
Normal force
Radio wave
Standing wave
Sound wave
tension force
Wave speed