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Examination of Physiology
I .Choose the best answer for each of the following ( 1
point for each, total 40 points)
1.The most important mechanism to maintain the
homeostasis is
A.Negative feedback
B.Positive feedback
C.Nervous regulation
D.Humoral regulation
2. Which of the following is not an example of cotransport?
A.Movement of glucose and Na+ through the epithelial
membrane in the intestinal epithelium
B.Movement of Na+ and K+ through the action of the Na+
C.Movement of Na+ and glucose across the kidney tubules
D.Movement of Na+ into a cell while Ca2+ moves out
E.Exchange between Na+ and H+ ions
3. What would happen if the threshold potential were
A.Amplitude of AP will be higher than normal
B.Propagation velocity of AP will be increased
C.Sodium channels will be more activated
D.Excitability of cells will be increased
E.Excitability of cells will be decreased
4.Ca2+ triggers contraction by binding to
C.Cross bridge
5. In resting muscle, tropomyosin
A. Inhibits Ca2+ release from sarcoplasmic reticulum
B. Prevents Ca2+ from binding to troponin
C. Excites the binding of heavy meromyosion globular heads
to actin subunits.
D. Prevents the formation of cross-bridges
E. Promots Ca2+ transport from plasma to sarcoplasmic
6. An increase of intracellular Na+ concentration would
expected to
A.Stimulate Ca2+ pump
B. Stimulate Na+ pump
C.Low excitability of the cell
D.Increase intracellular level of amino acid
E.Decrease intracellular Ca2+ concentration
7. The transmission at neuromuscular junction
characterized by
A.Two way directional propagation
B. No time delay
C. Affected uneasy by drugs and changes of environment
D. One to one transport
E. All above are false
8. A hematocrit of 45% means that in the sample of blood
A.45% of the hemoglobin is in the plasma
B.45% of the total blood volume is made of blood plasma
C.45% of the total blood volume is made of platelets and red
and white blood cells
D.45% of the hemoglobin is in the red blood cells
E.45% of the formed elements in blood are red blood cells
9.When the radius of the resistance vesseles is increased,
which one of the following is increased?
A. Systolic blood pressure
B. Diastolic blood pressure
C.Viscosity of the blood
E.Capillary blood now
10.Stroke volume is increased by
A.Decrease in venous compliance
B.Increase in afterload
C.Increase in contractility
D.Increase in heart rate
E.Decrease in coronary blood now
11. When a person moves from a supine position to a
standing position, which of the following compensatory
changes occurs?
A.Decreased heart rate
B.Increased contractility
C.Decreased total peripherad resistance
D.Decreased cardiac output
E.Increased phase 0 of the action potential
12.The membrane potential of a ventricular myocardium is
closest to equilibrium potential
of K+ during
A.Phase 0 of the action potential
B.Phase 2 of the action potential
C.Phase 3 of the action potential
D.Pphase 4 of the action potential
E.The effective refractory period
13.If systolic pressure is 120 mmHg, diastolic pressure is
80mmHg, the mean blood pressure is
14.If the ejection fraction increases, there will be a decrease
A.Cardiac output
B.End-diastolic volume
C.Heart rate
D.Pulse pressure
E.Stroke volume
B.Residual volume + Vital capacity
C.Residual volume + Expiratory volume + Tidal volume
D.Residual volume + Inspiratory reserve volume
E.Functional residual volume + Tidal volume
17.A lack of normal surfactant will result in
A.Increased lung compliance
B.Stabilization of alveolar volume
C.Increased retractive force of the lungs
D.Reduced alveolar-arterial O2 tension difference
E.Increased partial pressure of O2 in blood
18.Hypoxemia (low partial pressure of PO2 in blood)
produces hyperventilation by a
direst effect on the
A.Phrenic nerve
B.J receptors
C.Lung stretch receptors
D.Medullary chemoreceptors
E.Arotid and aortic body chemoreceptors
19.If an area of the lung is not ventilated because of
bronchial obstruction, the pulmonary capillary blood serving
that area will have a Po2 that is
A.Equal to atmospheric PO2
B.Equal to mixed pulmonary venous PO2
C.Equal to normal systemic arterial Po2
D.Lower than mixed pulmonary venous PO2
E.Higher than the mixed pulmonary venous PO2
20.The most versatile and important digestive juice is
A.Gastric juice
B.Small intestinal juice
C.Pancreatic juice
15.Which of the following agents or changes has a negative
effect on the heart?
A.Increased heart rate
B.Sympathetic stimulation
C.Norepinephrine (NE)
E.Cardiac glycosides
21.Which of the following factors inhibits the gastric
A.Gastric tonic contraction
B.The enterogastric reflex
C.The distention of foods on gastric wall
E.Gastric peristalsis
16.Total lung capacity is the sum of
A.Residual volume + Functional residual volume
22. When surrounding temperature is greater than the skin
temperature the only means by which the body can loses
heat is
E.Brown fat tissue
23.Which one of the following is not the important factor
that determines the rate of heat production ?
A.BMR of all the cells
B.Extra metabolism caused by muscle activity
C.Extra metabolism caused by the effect of hormone
D.Shivering thermogenesis and non-shivering thermogenesis
E.Decreasing of the skin vascular tone
24.The force opposing glomerular filtration is
A. Arterial blood pressure
B. Glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressure
C. Plasma colloid osmotic pressure
D. Blood pressure of afferent arteriole
E. Blood pressure of efferent arteriole
25.Which of followings can increase glomerular filtratioon
rate ?
A. Arterial blood pressure increases from 80 mmHg to 180
B. Arterial blood pressure decreases from 80 mmHg to 60
C. Increased action of renal sympathetic nerve
D. Intravenously infusing a large volume of normal saline ?
E. Intravenously infusing hyperosmotic glucose solution ?
26. When reabsorption of water filtrated by glomerulus
decrease 1%, how much the quantity
of urine will increase ?
27. The location reabsorbing glucose is
A.proximal tubule
B. Henle’s loop
C.distal convoluted tubule
D. collecting duct
E. proximal tubule and distal tubule
28. The location regulated by antidiuretic hormone is
A. Proximal convoluted tuble
B. Thick segment of descending limb
C. Thick segment of ascending limb
D. Thin segment of Henle’ loop
E. Distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct
(Test Paper B)
29. When sound wave is transmitted by tympanic
membrane and ossicular chain to oval window,
which of followings is correct
A. Both amplitude and pressure intensity of sound wave
B. Both amplitude and pressure intensity of sound wave
C. Amplitude of sound wave decreases and pressure
intensity of sound wave increases
D. Frequency of sound wave increases
E Frequency of sound wave decreases
30.which of the following is related to after discharge?
C.Chain circuit
D.Recurrent circuit
E.Synaptic sensitization
31.All of the following are true for neuromodulator, except
A.Often synthesized by presynaptic cell
B.Involved in rapid communication
C.Co-released with neurotranmitter
D.Amplifying or dampening the effectiveness of ongoing
synaptic activity
E.Change the presynaptic cell’s metabolism of a transmitter
32. Which of the following is not important in saltatory
conduction of the action potential along the axon
A.The myelin sheath surrounding the axon
B. The node of ranvier
C. Loading neurotransmitter in the synaptic vesicle
D.Passive current flow along the length of the membrane
E.Voltage-sensitive Na+ gates
33. Which one is not the feature of visceral pain ?
A.The highly localized types of damage to the viscera cause
severe pain
B.Ischemia, chemical damage, and stretching of the
ligaments cause severely pain
C.Localization of visceral pain is frequently difficult
D Often followed by the referred pain and referred
E.The signals are transmitted by A? fibers GABA (a
gamma-aminobutyric acid)
34.Which one of following is wrong about tendon reflex
A.It is caused by rapid stretch of the muscle
B.An instantaneous, strong reflex contraction of the same
C.A dynamic stretch reflex
D.Multiple synaptic pathway, continues for a prolonged
E.Transmitted to spinal cord from the IA sensory ending of
the muscle spindle
35. The most importment output pathway from the motor
cortex is
A.The rubrospinal tract
B.The reticulospinal and vestibulospinal tracts
C.The corticospinal tract
D.The pontocerebellar fibers
E.The olivocerebellar fibers
A.GH increases the breakdown of proteins
B.Thyroid hormones decreases the synthesis of the protein
in normal level
C.In patients with hyperthyroidism, high level of T3/T4
always promote the catabolism
D.Cortisol increases the breakdown of proteins in liver
E.Cortisol inhibits the breakdown of proteins in muscle
39.Which one of the following is not the hormone that
increases the glucose of blood?
D.Growth hormone
E.Somatostatin (SS)
40.Which one of the following is right?
A.ACTH increases the release of CRH
B.Wolf-Chaikoff effect is caused by the increase of T3/T4
C.Stimulation of parasympathetic nerve inhibits the release
of T3/T4
D.Cortisol increases the release of ACTH
E.Cortisol decreases the number of red blood cell
II. Define the terms (2 points for each term,total 20 points)
1.Optimal length
2.Oxygen capacity
36. The specific neurotransmitter pathway from the
substantia nigra to striatum is
C.Gammaaminobutyric acid (GABA)
3.Forced expiratory volume
37.The cause of the acromegaly is
A.High concentration of growth hormone in adult
B.Low concentration of growth hormone in adult
C.Low concentration of growth hormone in childhood
D.High concentration of thyroid hormones in adult
E.High concentration of growth hormone in childhood
7.Filtration fraction
38.About the humoral regulation of protein metabolism,
which is right?
10.Afferent collateral inhibition
III.Answer the questions (10 points for each question,total
4.Effective refratory period
5.Basic electrical rhythm
6.Hypothalamic regulatory peptide
8.Dark adaptation
9.The specific dynamic action of protein ( food specific
dynamic effect)
40 points )
1.How many types of glucose transport across epithelial cell?
2.To describe the mechanism of production of an action
potential in ventricular muscle cell.
3.Please subscribe the composition and function of gastric
4. Please describe the affacts of arterial blood pressure and
renal plasma flow to glumerular filtration rate .
Answer Points for Examination of
I .Choose the best answer for each of the following
(I point for each total 40 points)
11.B 12.B 13.D 14.B 15.C 16.E 17.D 18.C 19.B 20.D
21.E 22.
37.A 38.C 39.E
II. Define the terms (2 points for each term,total 20 points)
1..optimal length
2. Oxygen Capacity
3.Forced expiratory volume
4.Systolic Pressure
5..Basic electrical rhythm
6.Hypothalamic regulatory peptide
7. Filtration fraction(FF)
8 Dark adaptation
9.Receptive relaxation
10.The specific dynamic action of protein(food specific
dynamic effect)
1. optimal length :The length at which the fiber develops the
greatest isometric active tension is termed the optimal
2. Oxygen Capacity: The maximum quantity of oxygen that
will combine chemically with the hemoglobin in a unit
volume of blood;
3. Forced expiratory volume: defines maximum air flow rate
out of lung in initial 1 second interval
4.SystoIic Pressure:: The highest value of aortic blood
pressure in systole.
1.The smooth muscle membrane automatically and slowly,
depolarizes and repolarizes in a cyclic fashion, these electric
activity is called the basic electric rhythm
2.The hormones which are secreted at nerve endings of
peptidergic neurons in the median eminence and
transported to anterior pituitary by hypothalamic
hypophyseal portal vessels, acting on the glandular cells to
control their secretion are called hypothalamic regulatory
3.During chewing and swallowing food, the stimulation of
food to the receptors in mouth, pharynx, and esophagus
reflexly causes the smooth muscle of the fundus and body of
the stomach to relax, which is called the gastric receptive
relaxation. This process allows the stomach to accommodate
a large numbers of food and fluid.
4.After a meal that contains large quantities of protein, the
metabolic rate usually begins rising within 1 hour. This effect
of protein on the metabolic rate is called the specific
dynamic action of protein(food specific dynamic effect)
III-Answer the questions (10points for each question,total
40 points )
1.How many types of glucose transport across epithelial cell?
(1) Carrier mediated diffusion
Diffusion carried out by carrier protein is termed carrier
mediated diffusion.
Substances: glucose, amino acid.
(2) Secondary active transport : Co-transport (symport):
It means the movements of actively transported substances
into cell along with sodium through the membrane in the
same direction.
Examples are co-transport of glucose or amino acids that
occur in the epithelial cells of the small intestine tract or
renal tubules to aid in the absorption of these substances
into the blood, which will be discussed in detailed in other
3.Composition and function of gastric secretion
1) HCl
① Converts pepsinogen to pepsin for chemical digestion,
provides optimal pH environment for pepsin
② Destroys some bacteria
③ Stimulates the small intestinal mucosa to release
secretin and CCK
④ Promotes the absorption of Ca2+ and Fe in small
2) Pepsinogen (precursor of pepsin): digestion of proteins
3) Mucus: forms a protective barrier for mucosal lining
The insoluble mucus and bicarbonate construct a barrier
protecting the stomach mucosa from injury by hydrochloric
acid and pepsin, which prevent hydrogen ions from diffusing
to the mucosal layer. The barrier is called mucus bicarbonate
4) Intrinsic factor (mucoprotein): combines with vitamin B12
to make it absorbable