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(1000 BCE – 500 CE)
China (Zhou – Han), India
(Maurya – Gupta), and
Mediterranean (Greece &
Classical Period Generalizations
Know more about them
with archaeological and
written records
Not all of the world – not
N. Europe, central Asia,
most Africa, nor America.
All built on achievements
of river civilization
Largest population
concentrations (China 3x
higher to 60 million,
Roman about 54 mil,
India, 50 million)
Use of iron gave new
military edge (new
epidemics as people
Shifts of geographical base
(India from Indus to
Ganges, China expands to
rice-growing Yangtze)
Increased trade, but not
globalization (each
operated independently –
adaptation over adoption)
Classical Civilizations
Generalizations (cont)
• Created larger political structures for larger territory
(more diversity)
• All have more elaborate philosophical and religious
systems to draw diverse people towards unity
• Established institutions and values that shaped key
parts of world (political centralism of China vs.
regionalism of India, emotional restraint of
China/Japan vs. display of feeling of Mediterranean
Geography – 2/3 mountains
(rugged cliffs, gorges), less
20% arable plains, rivers only
seasonal – too fast, remove
silts, several great harbors
(most towns within 50 miles).
Lack of wheat – needed
Athens – good clay for
pottery, protected by mts.
Extensive Sea Trade across
Divided people into independent city-states
Politics (early)
Minoan Crete, 2000-1450 B.C.E.
Height between 2000 and 1450
Sudden and catastrophic collapse
around 1450 B.C.E.
Mycenaean Greeks, 1600-1200 B.C.E.
Flourished between 1400 and 1200
A warrior people – Trojan War
The Greek Dark Age (c. 1100-c.
750 B.C.E.)
Mycenae torched about 1190 B.C.E.
• Collapse of agricultural
Greek-speaking invaders from the
• Migration east across
the Aegean Sea
Political Classical
Most oligarchies (narrow elite families)
that transition to democracy: Athens
aristocracy to tyranny to reform – Solon
(ended debt slavery) & Cleisthenes
(ostracism, council of 500)
Key poleis: Athens (direct democracy by
lot – height under Pericles, most
representative govt. in ancient world) and
Sparta (rigid, two kings and gerousia and
apella – military state due to helot revolts)
Series of wars over trade and influence
(Persian in 490-480 and Peloponnesian in
434-401 BCE)
Philip II & son Alexander the Great (336323) of Macedon take advantage of
political vacuum
The Growth of an Athenian Empire in the
Age of Pericles
Delian League formed 478-77
B.C.E., would not allow members to
leave began to threaten Spartan
allies like Corinth and their colonies
in Sicily.
AP Practice Question
What is true of Athenian democracy?
a. Court trials were held without the use of juries.
b. All those who could reach the age of eighteen
could vote.
c. It had a single executive.
d. Unfavorable decisions could not be appealed to
a higher court.
e. It was a direct democracy.
AP Practice Question
Greek culture was spread through all of the
following EXCEPT
a. the Hellenistic empire.
b. colonization.
c. the culture of Islamic Spain.
d. the Byzantine empire.
e. the empire of Mali.
But…..Because Greece (and Rome)
lagged behind India and China in
production technology, it had an
unfavorable balance of trade.
Gained wealth through trade/strong navy.
Athenians – wine, olive oil, pottery, silver mines
Farmers often felt squeezed – lost property to larger
landholders – heavy debts
Needed more sophisticated communication system –
early Greek alphabet, eventually replace barter system
with money system (Lydians in Turkey invent)
AP Practice Question
Greek colonization accomplished all of the following
a. increasing communication among
Mediterranean peoples.
b. facilitating trade among the poleis.
c. building a centralized stated.
d. spreading the Greek language and culture.
e. heightening social life in Anatolia.
Polytheistic (Zeus is creator God), many abstract ones
(Aphrodite of Love, Mars of War, Athena of Wisdom).
Regular ceremonies had political importance –
glorifying state, feeding masses for popular support,
foretelling future (Delphi oracle).
“Human” like gods – read like soap-operas so
engendered early literature (like India, unlike China).
During times of strife, religion failed to satisfy ordinary
people so rise of mystery religions (like Christianity
became for Romans) and philosophies.
Since slave came mainly from conquered
territories, justified large military expansion
to maintain domestic and agricultural
workers – especially among Romans.
Patriarchal – male dominated, women not allowed to
interact with men outside of home (could not vote or
hold office), instances of infanticide of girls. Pericles
said “for a woman it is best if she is not talked of
either for the good or for evil.” (better status than in
China – could be involved in business), Athenian
Distinct social classes w/aristocrats at top and slaves
at bottom (Aristotle created elaborate philosophy to
justify slavery)
Sparta – helots were enslaved neighboring
population for agricultural work
Merchants (often foreigners) gained some status –
better than Chinese merchants in China, but less
accepted than Indian merchants in India.
AP Practice Question
In Greek society, women were treated as
a. equals to men, especially when it came
to voting.
b. gods
c. inferior to men in both social and
political affairs
d. slaves in every household
e. none of the above
Not especially
interested in agricultural
or manufacturing
technology (due to
presence of slavery and
expansive trade)
Key shipbuilding and
navigation innovations
Hippocrates (age of
Pericles --- plague)
Hellenistic Empire (Alexander’s)
will have several – scientific &
mathematical (Pythagoras),
Euclid, Archimedes) – again as
product of Oriental influence not
AP Practice Question
Alexander’s empire
a. extended throughout the Indian subcontinent.
b. blended eastern and western cultures.
c. remained stable for two centuries following his
d. ended slavery among the Greeks.
e. was known for its benevolence towards
conquered peoples.
Architecture – columns
Sculpture – human forms in the round,
studied human body and movement
Literature – Homer, tragedy,
comedy, Dionysians, Philosophers
(Aristotle, Socrates/Plato) – inquiry,
rational observation
Olympic Games
AP Practice Question
“The unexamined life is not worth living” is a
sentiment expressed by
a. Plato
b. Aristotle
c. Solon.
d. Cleisthenes
e. Socrates
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Roman Geography
Roman Politics (early)
Monarchy (753-509 BCE) – some ETRUSCANS
Republic (509-44 BCE) – senate from patrician class, two
consuls, tribunes protect interest of plebians (after invasions of
Gauls – plebs make up army)
Codified Law – Twelve Tables – 449 BCE
Punic War (264-146 BCE) – Carthage vs. Romans over Sicily
Land Reforms demanded – Gracchi brothers martyred
Social Wars (91-87 BCE) – Roman neighbors attempt to rebel –
civil war w/Marius and Sulla – Sulla invades Rome w/army 88
71 BCE – Spartacus leads slave revolt
60 BCE – First Triumvirate – Crassus, Pompey and Julius
44 BCE – Julius Caesar assassinated
44-33 BCE – Second Triumvirate – Octavian, Marc Antony,
31 BCE – Octavian defeats Marc Antony
AP Practice Question
All of the statements listed below are true of the Etruscans
a. They were traders and artisans
b. They are believed to have migrated from Anatolia.
c. They transmitted the alphabet through the Greeks to the
d. They contributed the concept of republican government
to Rome.
e. They transferred many of their religious beliefs to
AP Practice Question
During the time of the Roman republic,
a. the plebeians enjoyed no political
b. only patricians enjoyed the projections of the
c. trade was regional only.
d. all conquered peoples were offered citizenship.
e. Rome became master of the Mediterranean
Practice AP Question
From the time of the Roman republic to the Pax
a. Rome became increasingly democratic.
b. the Roman civilization became increasingly
c. the territory of Rome continued to expand.
d. Roman citizenship became increasingly rare.
e. Greek influence upon Rome became less
AP Practice Question
Which of the following is in the correct chronological
a. appointment of Julius Caesar as dictator; birth of Jesus;
rule of the Gracchi; founding of Constantinople.
b. rule of the Gracchi; appointment of Julius Caesar as
dictator; birth of Jesus; founding of Constantinople.
c. rule of the Gracchi; birth of Jesus; appointment of Julius
Caesar as dictator; founding of Constantinople.
d. birth of Jesus; rule of the Gracchi; founding of
Constantinople; appointment of Julius Caesar as dictator.
e. rule of the Gracchi; appointment of Julius Caesar as
dictator; founding of Constantinople; birth of Jesus.
Roman Politics Empire
Lead by emperor – nominally
inherited (often
nominated/adopted heir)
Supported by bureaucrats – civil
servants, trained not inherited
(break down of power of
Single law throughout empire –
single coin, state worship of
emperor, Latin official language
Army was necessity – “he who
controls army, controls Rome” –
emperors put pay in state hands
not generals (doesn’t work –
loyalty to general because of
extra bribes)
Farming – commercial farming established
in provinces (especially N. Africa – soil
depletion) – established latifundia, landless
smaller farmers forced to cities.
Mining w/slave labor
©2004 Wadsworth, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning™ is a trademark used herein under license.
Trade networked with Chinese silk road and
Indian Ocean trade for luxury items.
AP Practice Question
The Pax Mongolica and the Pax Romana had in
a. a high volume of trade connected with the Silk
b. a common language.
c. common religious beliefs.
d. a common currency.
e. interruption of trade routes by pastoral nomads.
REAL AP Question
Which of the following characterizes trade between
the Roman Empire and India during the first two
centuries C.E.?
Rome to India
India to Rome
a. Silver & Gold
b. Tools & Weapons
Silver & Gold
c. Horses
d. Textiles
Silver & Gold
e. Tools & weapons
Wine & olive oil
Polytheistic – borrowed from Greeks
Emperor cult
Edict of Milan)
AP Practice Question
All of the following served to spread Christianity
a. the unity of the Mediterranean basin the first
b. the missionary efforts of Paul of Tarsus.
c. trade along the Silk Road.
d. the Roman roads of the Pax Romana.
e. its acceptance as the official religion of Rome
in the first century.
Patriarchal (paterfamilias –
declined importance over
Social Classes –
w/originally defined
political roles (patricians
vs. plebians)
Slave State (20-30% pop)
.Women – aristocratic were educated to
read/write – indirectly influential in politics
(diner parties, Livia – Augustus’ wife), could
own extensive property
Roads, bridges – means to connect
Concrete – arches, domes
Military technology
– forts, weapons
AP Practice Question
The Romans
a. did not permit slavery.
b. strongly influenced the Greek
c. restricted its army to its citizens.
d. expanded its empire to include India.
e. constructed a system of roads that
connected with Silk Road trade.
Histories – textbooks,
Poetry – Vergil (Aeneid –
glorification of state)
Painting – wall
decorations, portraiture
(emphasis of social
Architecture – baths,
stadiums, theaters
AP Practice Question
Which of the following was NOT one of Rome’s
cultural legacies?
a. The Romans preserved Hellenic philosophy.
b. The Romans built roads and fortification state
have lasted for centuries.
d. The Romans adopted the Islamic religion as the
official faith of the empire.
e. The Romans adopted a legal code still in some
use today.
AP Practice Question
Under Roman law,
a. women could not own property.
b. patricians enjoyed greater privileges than
c. accused persons were guaranteed legal
d. the accused was guilty until proven innocent by
a court of law.
e. women had few protections.
Collapse - Invasions
AP Practice Question
The classical empires of Rome, India, and Han
China shared in common
a. a strong centralized government throughout
their history.
b. a state religion.
c. a resistance to long-distance trade.
d. centuries of bountiful harvests.
e. the threat of foreign peoples along their
AP Practice Question
The classical empires of the Han, Romans, and
Gupta experienced all of the following EXCEPT
a. internal weakness prior to their downfall.
b. the need to hold off foreign tribes along their
c. conflicts between political and religious
d. financial decline.
e. the dissolution of the empires into numerous
local governments.