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Rome wasn’t built in a day!
Have you ever heard the saying ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’? This saying shows that great things
take time to build. Here is the story of how Rome began, and the time it took to become great.
Table 1: Timeline of the building of Rome
753 BC
509 BC
60 BC
53 BC
49 BC
44 BC
42 BC
31 BC
27 BC
Rome founded by Romulus and Remus.
Tarquin the last king of Rome removed and the Roman
Republic established by Lucius Junius Brutus.
The first Triumvirate (a government of three joint officers) of
Rome formed between Marcus Lucius Crassus, Gnaeus
Pompeius Magnus (Pompey the Great) and Julius Caesar.
Crassus killed in the battle at Carrahe.
Pompey and Caesar go into battle against each other. Caesar
wins and Pompey is assassinated in Egypt.
Julius Caesar assassinated by Brutus and Cassius.
Mark Antony, Octavian and Marcus Aemilius Lepidus defeat
Brutus and Cassius in the battle of Phillipi.
Mark Antony beaten at the battle of Activum.
Octavian becomes the sole power of Rome, takes on the
name Augustus and becomes the first Emperor of Rome.
The beginning - Romulus and Remus
The most well-known story of how Rome began is a myth. It tells the tale of twin brothers
Romulus and Remus who were said to have founded Rome on 21 April 753 BC. The legend says
they were the sons of the daughter of King Numitor of Alba Longa who had been removed from
the throne by his younger brother Amulius. Amulius then forced the king’s daughter to become a
vestal virgin, so that she could have no children and there would be no rivals for the throne.
She was impregnated by Mars, the God of War, and gave birth to twins Romulus and Remus.
Amulius ordered the twins to be drowned in the Tiber River. They survived and were washed up
under a fig tree.
The twins were suckled by a she-wolf, and later raised by a shepherd and his wife. Once they
grew up and found out who they really were, the twins killed their uncle Amulius. They then
decided to start a city. During an argument on where it should be built. Romulus killed Remus.
Romulus named the city after himself and became king of Rome and ruled for about 40 years.
Early Rome
Rome grew from a small town on the banks of the Tiber River to a city by trading along the banks
of the river. When the last of the seven kings of Rome, Tarquin the Proud was removed in 509
BC, the government was changed and the Roman republic began.
The Roman Republic
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The Roman Republic had two Triumvirates. The first one consisted of three men, Marcus Licinius
Crassus, Pompey the Great and Julius Caesar. Caesar and Pompey were great generals who made
Rome wealthy. Crassus was killed, and Pompey and Caesar ended up fighting each other.
Caesar’s army beat Pompey’s army. Caesar became the most powerful man in Rome and
declared dictator. In 44 BC he was assassinated by Roman senators Brutus and Cassius.
The Second Triumvirate of Rome was made up of Mark Antony, Caesar’s heir Octavian and
Caesars friend Marcus Aemilius Lepidus and they defeated Brutus and Cassius in battle in 42 BC.
Octavian ruled the western Roman lands and Antony the eastern. Antony got together with
Egypt’s Queen Cleopatra and they fought Octavian and Octavian beat Antony.
The Roman Empire
Octavian ended up as the only one left in power; he was granted powers by the Roman senate
and took the name Augustus to become the first Emperor of Rome. Aat this point the history of
Rome ends and the history of the Roman empire begins.
Bronze bust of Emperor Augustus
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