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Chapter 18
Section 1
The Conquest of an
Anticipatory Set
• What is diplomacy?
• Resolving a dispute
without using violence
• How did the Romans build
an empire and at what
• They used military to
• They used diplomacy to
turn conquered people
into allies
• Social unrest and civil
• S.S. 6.7.3
• Identify the location of and the political and
geographic reasons for the growth of Roman
territories and expansion of the empire, including
how the empire fostered economic growth through
the use of currency and trade routes
• E-LA Reading 6.2.2
• Analyze text that uses the compare-and-contrast
organizational pattern
• Students will learn about the expansion
of Roman power throughout the
Mediterranean region. They will also
learn about how the rapid growth
created problems for the Roman
Language of the
• Tactic
• Hannibal
• Spartacus
The Growth of the Republic
• The Romans overthrew their last king and formed an
alliance with other people in Latium
• The alliance was called the Latin League
• 1st Rome and its allies drove the Etruscans out of
central Italy
• Then the Romans gradually took control of the rest
of the Italian Peninsula
• They developed a strong military force, which would
be the foundation on which they would build an
• The other foundation was a good diplomacy
The Roman Army (Input)
• Military service was expected of Rome’s male citizens
• At first military campaigns were short
• A campaign is a military operation with a specific goal, such as
capture a city
• Unpaid citizen-soldiers left their farms to fight for a few weeks
and then returned home
• As Rome began to expand, weeks of service became months
• This created a problem because farmers were away from their
crops for too long
• The government began to pay their soldiers. As a result the
military became a career
The Roman Army (Input)
• The basic unit of the Roman army was the legion
• A legion had 4,500 to 5,000 heavily armed citizens
• most served as infantry, or foot soldiers, but a
legion also had officers and specialists
(blacksmiths and engineers)
• Soldiers served for 20 to 25 years. After they were
given land to settle on in newly conquered areas
The Roman Army (Input)
• At first Romans organized their infantry into long,
unbroken lines
• This tactic worked well on flat plains, but not on hills. Long
lines were hard to maintain
• A tactic is a method used to achieve a short-term goal, such
as winning a battle
• The Romans solved this by dividing each legion into groups
of soldiers called maniples with 100 soldiers
• On flat plains maniples could form solid battle lines, but in
rough country they could fight on their own
• This flexibility gave the Roman legions an advantage over
most enemies
The Roman Army
Roman Diplomacy
• The Romans combined military strength with diplomacy
• Once their conquered a region, they turned its people
into allies
• They offered peace and many advantages of Roman
citizenship to defeated groups
• In exchange, the Romans asked for loyalty and support
• They were asked to sign peace treaties and agreed to
“have the same enemies as the Romans”
• They also agreed to provide troops
• Rome became the largest military force in the
The Punic Wars (Input)
• Rome’s military strength was tested in a series of
wars with Carthage
• Carthage was a city found by Phoenician sea traders
in North Africa
• The Romans called this conflict the Punic Wars
• “Punic” came from Poeni, the Latin word for
The Punic Wars (Input)
The First Punic War
• Rome and Carthage were alike
• Both began as cities
• Both grew into empires
• While Rome was conquering Italy, Carthage gained
control of Spain and islands in the Mediterranean Sea
• The 1st Punic War began in 265 B.C. when Rome sent
troops to Sicily (on the southern tip of Italy)
• The war ended more than 20 years later when
Carthage agreed to turn over Sicily to the Romans
The Second Punic War
• Brilliant general Hannibal from Carthage, launched the
Second Punic War
• He left Spain with an army of about 40,000 soldiers
and about 40 war elephants to invade northern Italy
to make them allies
• Hannibal’s army reached the Alps and into Italy with
only a few elephants and about ½ his army
• Those who hated Roman rule joined him along the
• Hannibal’s army marched south through Italy winnign
battle after battle
The Second Punic War
• The Roman’s worst defeat came from a fort called Cannae in
southern Italy
• Hannibal’s cavalry surrounded the Roman army, killing more than
45,000 men
• During this time the Roman’s were building a navy
• A Roman general named Scipio sailed to Carthage with a large
army. Then, Hannibal returned home from Italy
• Hannibal’s soldiers served a disastrous defeat
• A year later, Carthage asked for peace and Rome agreed
• Romans remained suspicious of Carthage. Years after the war
a senator Cato the Elder said “Carthage must be destroyed
The Third Punic War
• The Third Punic War began in 149 B.C.
• At this time Roman leaders vowed to end the power od Carthage
• Roman troops burned the city to the ground and sold its people
to slavery
• Legends say that the Romans even plowed salt into the ground
where Carthage had stood so nothing would ever grow there again
• The destruction of Carthage gave the Roman Republic control of
the western Mediterranean
• Next it sent its armies toward Greece and Southwest Asia
• By 133 B.C. the Romans ruled most of the Mediterranean region
Growing Pains (Input)
• The growth of its empire brought great wealth
and power to the city of Rome
• Not all Romans benefited equally from these gains
• Some Romans became rich and powerful while
others sank into poverty and slavery
• The growing gap between these groups created
serious problems for the Republic
Growing Pains
Social Unrest and Revolts
• As Rome’s empire expanded, food was brought
into the city from distant territories
• As food supply increased, prices fell
• Low prices were disastrous for farmers; they could
not pay off their small plots and had to sell them
• Large numbers of prisoners-of-war, now slaves,
came to Italy
• Instead of hiring, landowners bought slaves
• Farmers ended up with no land and no jobs
Social Unrest and Revolts
• The farmers became the poor class, jobless
• From time to time slaves organized revolts
• The most famous revolt was led by an enslaved
soldier named Spartacus
• Spartacus organized an army of about 70,000
slaves who had escaped
• After some early victories, his army was crushed
by Roman troops
• More than 6,000 slaves were executed for
Political Violence (Input)
• Unrest spread into politics
• A tribune named Tiberius Gracchus proposed breaking up
large estates and dividing the land among the poor
• Before he could carry out his reform, Tiberius was murdered
in a election riot along with 300 of his followers
• When his brother decided to promote the same reform, he
was murdered also
• Reform efforts died with the Gracchus brothers
• While no one knew yet, Rome’s republican form of
government was about to die as well.
Check for Understanding
• Please determine the BEST answer for the
following question.
• Please write your answer on your white
boards and wait for the teacher’s signal.
• On the teacher’s signal, hold up your white
Checking for
Understanding #1
Fill in the blank
• _______________ was the individual
who launched the Second Punic War.
• Hannibal
Checking for
Understanding #2
Answer the following question.
• What two things did the Romans
combine together to conquer a region?
• The two things the Romans combined
together to conquer a region was
military strength and diplomacy
Checking for
Understanding #3
Answer the following question.
•What growing gap created serious
problems for the Roman Republic?
• The growing gap of the rich and the
poor created serious problems for
the Roman Republic
• Guided Practice
• Complete questions 1 - 3 on the reading comprehension
• Raise your hand and wait to get stamped.
• If you received an “R” go to the back table with Ms. Graham.
• Independent Practice
• Once you have been stamped moved to independent practice
and complete numbers 4 and 5 on the reading comprehension
• Homework
• Note-taking guide on the reverse side.