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Due April 14, 2010
Chapter 3
1. Define the terms “monomer” and “polymer.” Connect these two terms by using them
in a complete sentence (.5pt).
2. List the four main types of macromolecules found in your body (.5pt).
3. What are the monomers and polymers of three of the four types of macromolecules
(lipids are excluded)? Provide the broad name (as opposed to an example) for the
monomer and polymer of each macromolecule (1pt).
4. Name the 6 functional groups of organic compounds and include their chemical
formula (.5pt).
5. What are the two “trademark” functional groups that make up a sugar? (.5pt)
6. Describe what an enzyme is. Include it is made of (i.e., proteins, carbohydrates, lipids
or nucleic acids) its function and how it influences chemical reactions in cells (1pts).
7. What type of reaction created polymers? (.5pt)
8. How many water molecules are created when 6 monomers are combined into a
polymer? (.5pt)
9. Hydrocarbons…….(.5pt)
A) are inorganic compounds.
B) are composed of carbon atoms that are attached to hydrogen skeletons.
C) contain only carbon and hydrogen atoms.
D) consist of atoms linked exclusively by single bonds.
E) All of the choices are correct.
10. Describe the difference between saturated and unsaturated fats (.5pt).
11. Are the following molecules isomers? (.5pt)
12. Where in the body are phospholipids found and why are they suited for that purpose?
13. Name the 4 levels of structure in proteins and describe each level (1pts).
14. What are the roles of DNA and RNA in a cell? What base pairs do they each use?
15. Explain how heat, pH and other environmental factors interfere with protein function
16. Describe the differences in bonding of lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates (.5pt).
Ch 4
1. What is meant by a large surface area to volume ratio? How does this impact cells?
2. List the differences between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells (.5pt)
3. How do DNA and chromosomes differ in Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells (.5pts)
4. Where else in a cell can DNA be found and how is it hypothesized that it got there?
5. Briefly describe the function of the following: (1pts)
a. Golgi Apparatus
b. Rribosome
c. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
d. Mitochondria
e. Lysosome
6. How do fibers in the cytoskeleton differ from one another? (.5pt)
7. Explain the different roles that the three types of junctions perform and where they
may be found in the body (1pt).
8. What structures are found in plant cells, but not animal cells? (.5 pt)
9.Label each organelle (1pt)
10. Explain how the hydrophobic properties of lipids create a membrane that is semipermeable (.5 pt).
11. Imaging you discovered a new type of cell unknown to science. What features would
you look for to determine if the cell was prokaryotic or eukaryotic? (.5 pt)
12. The cells that produce hair contain a lot of ________, while the cells that produce the
oils that coat the hair contain a lot of ________ (.5 pt).
A) smooth endoplasmic reticulum . . . lysosomes
B) rough endoplasmic reticulum . . . smooth endoplasmic reticulum
C) smooth endoplasmic reticulum . . . rough endoplasmic reticulum
D) microbodies . . . lysosomes
E) nuclei . . . chromatin
13. A drug that interferes with microtubule formation is likely to completely disrupt
A) the production of ribosomes.
B) the amoeboid motion of a cell.
C) the function of lysosomes.
D) contraction of muscle cells.
E) the movements of sperm cells.
14. A child dies following a series of chronic bacterial infections. At the autopsy, the
physicians are startled to see that the child's white blood cells are loaded with vacuoles
containing intact bacteria. Which of the following explanations could account for this
finding? (.5 pt)
A) A defect in the Golgi apparatus prevented the cells from processing and excreting the
B) A defect in the rough endoplasmic reticulum prevented the synthesis of the antibodies
(defensive proteins) that would have inactivated the bacteria.
C) A defect in the cell walls of the white blood cells permitted bacteria to enter the cells.
D) A defect in the lysosomes of the white blood cells prevented the cells from destroying
engulfed bacteria.
E) A defect in the surface receptors of the white blood cells permitted bacteria to enter
the cells.