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Chapter 6 Part I
Meiosis and Sexual Life Cycles
PowerPoint® Lecture Presentations for
Eighth Edition
Neil Campbell and Jane Reece
Lectures by Chris Romero, updated by Erin Barley with contributions from Joan Sharp
Copyright © 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Benjamin Cummings
Overview: Variations on a Theme
• Living organisms are distinguished by their ability to
reproduce their own kind:
GENES are hereditary (inherited) units made up of DNA
that code for a particular trait/ characteristic.
HEREDITY is the transmission of traits from one
generation to the next.
VARIATION is demonstrated by the differences in
appearance that offspring show from parents and
• Genetics is the scientific study of heredity
and variation.
Copyright © 2008 Pearson Education Inc., publishing as Pearson Benjamin Cummings
Acquiring Genes from Parents
• In a literal sense, children do not inherit particular
physical traits from their parents…it is genes that
are actually inherited.
Genes are the units of heredity, and are made up of segments of
Genes are passed to the next generation through reproductive
cells called gametes (sperm and eggs).
Each gene has a specific location called a locus on a certain
• Most DNA is packaged into chromosomes.
• One set of chromosomes is inherited from each
Copyright © 2008 Pearson Education Inc., publishing as Pearson Benjamin Cummings
Fig. 14-4
Comparison of Asexual and Sexual Reproduction
• In asexual reproduction, one parent produces
genetically identical offspring by mitosis.
• A clone is a group of genetically identical
individuals from the same parent.
• In sexual reproduction, two parents give rise
to offspring that have unique combinations of
genes inherited from the two parents.
• Advantages  greater genetic variation!
Copyright © 2008 Pearson Education Inc., publishing as Pearson Benjamin Cummings
Sexual Life Cycles
• Fertilization and
meiosis alternate in
sexual life cycles
• A life cycle is the
sequence of stages
in the reproductive
history of an
Copyright © 2008 Pearson Education Inc., publishing as Pearson Benjamin Cummings
Sets of Chromosomes in Human Cells
• Human somatic cells (body cells/ any cell other
than a gamete) have 23 pairs of chromosomes.
• A karyotype is an ordered display of the pairs of
chromosomes from a cell .
• The two chromosomes in each pair are called
homologous chromosomes, or homologs.
Chromosomes in a homologous pair are the same length and
carry genes controlling the same inherited characters. One is
inherited from the mother, and the other from the father.
Copyright © 2008 Pearson Education Inc., publishing as Pearson Benjamin Cummings
5 µm
Pair of homologous
replicated chromosomes
Homologous Chromosomes
chromosome pairs of the same length,
centromere position, staining pattern,
and gene possession for the same
One homologous chromosome is
inherited from the organism’s father and
the other from the mother.
• DIPLOID – means “two sets”
This represents the cells in which the
chromosomes are paired up and have
a partner in size and shape.
A cell containing TWO sets of
chromosomes (2n), one set inherited from
each parent is referred to as a DIPLOID
Copyright © 2008 Pearson Education Inc., publishing as Pearson Benjamin Cummings
Human female chromosomes shown by bright field G-banding
Where are the
Homologous Chromosomes in Human Female
Review: DIPLOID Cells
• Each pair of homologous chromosomes
includes one chromosome from each parent
• The 46 chromosomes in a human somatic cell
are two sets of 23: one from the mother and
one from the father
• A diploid cell (2n) has two sets of
• For humans, the diploid number is 46 (2n = 46)
Copyright © 2008 Pearson Education Inc., publishing as Pearson Benjamin Cummings
2n = 6
Maternal set of
chromosomes (n = 3)
Paternal set of
chromosomes (n = 3)
Two sister chromatids
of one replicated
Two nonsister
chromatids in
a homologous pair
Pair of homologous
(one from each set)
Sex Chromosomes v. Autosomes
• The sex chromosomes are called X and Y
• Human females have a homologous pair of
X chromosomes (XX)
• Human males have one X and one Y
chromosome (XY)
• The 22 pairs of chromosomes that do not
determine sex are called autosomes or
autosomal chromosomes
Copyright © 2008 Pearson Education Inc., publishing as Pearson Benjamin Cummings
• A gamete (sperm or egg) contains a single set of
chromosomes, and is haploid (n)
For humans, the haploid number is 23 (n = 23)
Each set of 23 consists of 22 autosomes and a single
sex chromosome
In an unfertilized egg (ovum), the sex chromosome
is X
In a sperm cell, the sex chromosome may be either X
or Y
Copyright © 2008 Pearson Education Inc., publishing as Pearson Benjamin Cummings
Review: HAPLOID Cells
• HAPLOID – means “one set”;
this describes the sex cells or
gametes (EGG AND SPERM)
– these contain only a
SINGLE set of chromosomes.
So, for a human, somatic
cells are diploid and have a
chromosome number of 46 (23
But, sex cells are haploid,
and have a chromosome
number of JUST 23.
Copyright © 2008 Pearson Education Inc., publishing as Pearson Benjamin Cummings
So how do we transmit all of this information to
our offspring? A process called…
• Meiosis is the process by which the number
of chromosomes per sex cell is cut in half
through the separation of homologous
chromosomes in a diploid cell
– in other words, meiosis is the division of
chromosomes into gametes  eggs (in
females) and sperm (in males)
Haploid gametes (n = 23)
Haploid (n)
Egg (n)
Diploid (2n)
Sperm (n)
(2n = 46)
Mitosis and
Multicellular diploid
adults (2n = 46)