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Unit Plan: Grade 6 SKY SCIENCE
Bilyana Tokusheva
“Out of This World: What do we know about our solar system?”
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
Table of Contents
Advance Preparation
General Overview
PowerPoint attached
Introductory lesson and materials
Inquiry lesson and materials
Project lesson and materials
Technology Integration
Field Trip Plan
Integrated Subjects
Year Plan
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
Best Time to Teach Unit: There are different advantages of teaching this unit in every season. In the fall
and the spring the weather is milder therefore it is more comfortable for students to watch the sky. In
the winter months students can stargaze earlier in the day which may be more convenient for families.
Therefore, we feel that teaching this unit in early spring (March and April) is the most ideal time because
students are getting the best of all seasons. The sky becomes dark early enough for students to observe
the night sky at home.
Time Needed to Teach the Unit: 6 weeks (28 teaching days).
Outline of Lessons to be Taught:
Topic (Outcome)
Sky Science
Light emission,
reflection, and
Constellations and star
Objects moving in the
Sun safety
Plotting the
movement of the Sun
Day length and
seasonal changes
Students will go on a
simulated space exploration
and research facts about sky
Students will learn about
how light is reflected and
about how their shadow
changes at different times
throughout the day.
Students will view images on
a large screen of important
constellations and complete
a fill-in-the-blank sheet about
how the stars move and take
part in a star gazing activity.
Students will learn about
objects in the night sky and
track object movement in the
sky (ex. Space Station).
Students will research facts
about the sun and its dangers
to their eyes and then create
a sunscope.
Class #
Students will create a sun dial
to observe and plot the
movement of the sun
throughout the day.
Students will plot length of
day for a period of time and
draw inferences. They will
also track the seasons.
Computer, screen,
speakers, paper, pencils,
laptop computers.
Computer, screen ,
paper, pencils, chalk.
Computer, screen, paper,
pencils, telescopes.
Computers, screen,
paper, pencils.
Computer, screen, laptop
computers, paper,
pencils, reference books,
shoe box, tin foil, black
construction paper,
scissors, tape, white
paper, needles.
Computer, screen, paper,
pencils, stick, rocks,
Computer, screen, paper,
pencils, daily
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
Cycle of the moon’s
Students will learn about
each of the eight cycles of
the moon through inquiry
and discovery. They will view
simulations of the moon’s
Computer, screen, white
volleyball, flashlight,
paper, pencils.
Models of the moon’s
Computer, screen, poster
board, markers, CD
Our other planets
Cardstock, paper, pencils,
laptop computers,
markers, reference books
Many moons
Laptop computers,
paper, pencils.
Sky science
Laptop computers,
paper, pencils.
Our solar system
Computer, screen, paper,
Field trip
Appropriate clothing,
permission slips.
Students will construct
models of each moon phase
and portray these in a
creative manner.
Students will create planet
trading cards that highlight
important characteristics and
differences among the
Students will research about
each planet’s moons and
create a project depicting the
information they find.
Students will do a Cosmic
Quest to learn about
spacecrafts, astronauts,
telescopes, and space
Students will learn that our
solar system is only a tiny
part of the universe and
complete solar system
information sheet. They will
create a story based on what
else they think is ‘out there.’
Students will begin the pretrip KWL chart.
Students will go on a field trip
to the Telus World of Science
in Edmonton and take part in
IMAX space activities and
Students will review the unit
through the completion of a
review booklet and
educational videos and
through discussion of the
field trip. They will finish the
KWL chart.
Computer, screen, paper,
pencils, reference books.
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
Unit Test
Students will write the unit
exam comprised of many
types. After exam, students
will take part in a an
Outerspace Pizza Party and
watch the film Apollo 13.
Paper, pencils, Apollo 13.
Advance Preparation
In order to be ready to teach this unit, teachers must have an understanding of each outcome in the
Skills, Attitudes, and Understandings sections. Teachers will incorporate the Skills and Attitudes
Outcomes into the Understandings outcomes throughout each lecture, activity, project, and
performance in the overall unit. It is also imperative that teachers gather resources and materials and
know how to properly and effectively use each resource within the class. Teachers must create
assessment pieces for students that include both traditional and authentic testing. It is beneficial that
teachers have a succinct understanding of the learning styles of their students so that instruction can be
differentiated in order for every student to comprehend and retain information. A field trip is to be
incorporated into the unit, so teachers must prepare well in advance in order to obtain permission,
volunteers, and transportation. Teachers may also wish to decorate the classroom to match the unit, as
this will pique student interest upon entering the room and can provide instant resources for references
(i.e., posters on the wall, diagrams, models, etc.).
General Overview
Big Question: “Out of This World: What do we know about our solar system?”
*See PowerPoint
Focus: The focus of our unit is Science. There are elements of Technology and Society throughout the
unit; however most of the content, skills, and attitudes have a strong relation to scientific concepts in
space and the solar system.
Program of Studies:
Topic C: Sky Science
Students learn about objects in the day and night sky. Through direct observation and research,
students learn about the motions and characteristics of stars, moons and planets. Using simple
materials, such as balls and beads, students create models and diagrams which they use to explore the
relative position and motion of objects in space. As a result of these studies, students move from a
simple view of land and sky, to one that recognizes Earth as a sphere in motion within a larger universe.
With new understanding, students revisit the topics of seasonal cycles, phases of the Moon and the
apparent motion of stars.
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
General Learner Expectations
Students will:
6–7 Observe, describe and interpret the movement of objects in the sky; and identify pattern and
order in these movements.
Specific Learner Expectations
Students will:
1. Recognize that the Sun and stars emit the light by which they are seen and that most other bodies in
space, including Earth’s Moon, planets and their moons, comets, and asteroids, are seen by reflected
2. Describe the location and movement of individual stars and groups of stars (constellations) as they
move through the night sky.
3. Recognize that the apparent movement of objects in the night sky is regular and predictable, and
explain how this apparent movement is related to Earth’s rotation.
4. Understand that the Sun should never be viewed directly, nor by use of simple telescopes or filters,
and that safe viewing requires appropriate methods and safety precautions.
5. Construct and use a device for plotting the apparent movement of the Sun over the course of a day;
e.g., construct and use a sundial or shadow stick.
6. Describe seasonal changes in the length of the day and night and in the angle of the Sun above the
7. Recognize that the Moon’s phases are regular and predictable, and describe the cycle of its phases.
8. Illustrate the phases of the Moon in drawings and by using improvised models. An improvised model
might involve such things as a table lamp and a sponge ball.
9. Recognize that the other eight known planets, which revolve around the Sun, have characteristics and
surface conditions that are different from Earth; and identify examples of those differences.
10. Recognize that not only Earth, but other planets, have moons; and identify examples of similarities
and differences in the characteristics of those moons.
11. Identify technologies and procedures by which knowledge, about planets and other objects in the
night sky, has been gathered.
12. Understand that Earth, the Sun and the Moon are part of a solar system that occupies only a tiny
part of the known universe
From Alberta Education. (1996). Science (Elementary).
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
First Lesson Plan of Unit
Sky Science Introduction
Megan Buckley, Jaleesa Hallgren, Danielle Krewda, Katie Murphy
Grade: 6
Program of Studies Outcomes:
Subject: Science
6–7 Observe, describe and interpret the
Unit: Sky Science
movement of objects in the sky; and
Date: March 2011
identify pattern and order in these
Materials Required:
-Computer (screen and speakers)
-Laptop computers
Anticipatory Set:
-Once students enter the room, let them know that all they need on their desks is a pencil. Have a
whole-class discussion and create a web on the Smart Board with student ideas and information
about what they already know about space and the sky.
-Then start the class by introducing that today the new unit, Sky Science, is starting. Have students
watch the YouTube video Space Shuttle Atlantis Launch. They have now begun their mission.
Modeling Instructions:
Give students a general overview of the topics (SLE 1-12) that they will be discovering throughout
the new unit. Let them know they will be researching and creating projects. Explain that this new
unit is a mission during which they will gain valuable information about far away places
completely different from our world.
Instructions/Guided Practice:
Students will be getting into six groups (with roughly five students per group). There will be
stations set up with clusters of desks and each cluster will have a laptop on it that is ready with a
different website (see below). The websites vary, from games to news articles to webquests about
sky science). Each student will receive a handout that has a section for each station where they
will write down the information they find on each website. Students are responsible for filling out
their own sheets, and each student should get a turn being the “computer leader” at each
separate station, they will be the ones doing the typing/clicking.
Students will get about five minutes at each station, so it is imperative that they are on task. There
will be a timer set for five minutes, and once this goes off they must move quickly in order to
survive on the mission. The teacher will circulate to ensure students are on task and that each
student gets a turn with a laptop.
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
Independent Practice:
No independent practice for this lesson, as students have not yet learned any concepts that
requires practice in order to retain the information.
Have a whole-group discussion about each station and ask students what they liked or disliked
about each one. Have students volunteer to share information they learned about sky science
during the class. Then have students fill out an exit card where they rate their experience on the
mission from 1-10, and write down a one thing they learned, one thing they found very interesting
or shocking, and one thing they would still like to know or to be further explained.
Assessment: As this is an introductory lesson to capture students’ attention on the unit topic, their
responses on the handouts will not be marked. However, the exit cards could be used as a checklist for
student input and participation during the activity (Evident vs. Non-Evident).
Contingency Plan: If students finish at each station before the allotted five minutes (unlikely), they are
to complete a cue card about what they learned today.
Note: *These cards will be used throughout the unit as early finishers
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
Solar System: What are two things you learned about the
solar system?
NASA Space Place: What is at the core of Uranus?
Kids Astronomy: What are the top three space events of the
Astro Adventure: What are four facts you learned during the
Wonderville: What is at the center of our solar system?
Space Sense: Write down five answers your group came up
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
Exit Card
1. What is one thing you learned today?
2. What is one thing you want to learn throughout the unit?
3. On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 being the highest) how would you rate your
first mission?
*I look forward to completing the rest on the mission with you! If you
have any questions of concerns please feel free to ask me!
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
Inquiry Lesson Plan
Sky Science Introduction
Megan Buckley, Jaleesa Hallgren, Danielle Krewda, Kathleen Murphy
Grade: 6
Program of Studies Outcomes:
Subject: Science
7. Recognize that the Moon’s phases are regular and
Unit: Sky Science
predictable, and describe the cycle of its phases.
Date: November 15, 2010
8. Illustrate the phases of the Moon in drawings and by
using improvised models. An improvised model might
involve such things as a table lamp and a sponge ball.
Inquiry Question: “How does the moon change over time?”
Materials Required:
-Dodge balls (10)
-Computer (screen and speakers)
-Flashlights (10)
-Poster board
-Moon phases information packages
Anticipatory Set: Teachers will introduce themselves and today’s topic of “phases of the
moon.” Students will watch the YouTube video “Phases of the Moon Rap.”
Modeling Instructions:
- Explain to students that there are eight phases of the moon, and today we are
going to be identifying them and learning about why it changes.
- Students will be grouped into groups of four or five. Each student will receive a
card as they enter the classroom with a phase of the moon on it that will be color
coded as well. Students will find their other group members.
- Each group will be given a flashlight and a ball and will be asked “how can you
demonstrate the different phases of the moon using these materials?” Students
will be given two minutes to experiment with the materials. Teacher will ask the
class if anyone has figured out how to represent the different phases of the moon.
If so, that group will show the class. If not, the teacher will ask the following
questions: “does it make a difference where you hold the flashlight?” “Does it
make a difference if you stand still or if you rotate?” Students will continue
experimenting for approximately two more minutes. Teacher will give a proper
demonstration of how to represent the different phases of the moon.
Instructions/Guided Practice:
- Now that students have physically represented the different phases of the moon,
they will use their newly gained knowledge as well as other resources to represent
their understanding in another way.
- Students will be able to choose one of the following ways to represent their
knowledge and understanding: create a: poster, song, rap, poem, or scripted skit.
- A slide will be shown that will indicate what each project must have (this will also
be the checklist that will be used to assess their project)
- The students who are red are the researchers, blue are the recorders, yellow are
the presenters, and green are the gophers who will motivate the group, keep them
on track, “go-for” materials, and help with every role. Students who are in groups
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
of five will have an additional cheerleader who will be an all around helper.
- The gophers will come gather materials from the front of the class that will be
displayed on the front table. Materials will include: phases of the moon
information, markers, paper and poster board (depending on what they choose)
- One student will be asked to explain what the students are supposed to do
- Desks will be in groups of four, so that there are eight desk clusters.
- There will have been an example shown through the anticipatory set (it would take
away from student originality to have too many examples).
- Teachers will circulate the classroom to ensure they understand what is to be
done, that each student is completing his or her specific role, and that the group is
on task. Each teacher will monitor two groups.
- Each group member will have a cleanup role. Red will bring back the resources
(handouts and books), Blue will clean up craft materials, Yellow will rearrange
desks and chairs (if necessary), and Green will clean up any scraps of paper.
Additional group members will help with overall cleanup. One or two groups can
Independent Practice: Students are to look at the moon at home and record what type of
moon it is and why it looks like that. They will share their findings in the next class.
Closure: Have students sit at their desks and have a whole-group discussion about the
activity. Ask students if this activity helped them to learn about the different phrases. Ask
students if they now know and understand the different phases of the moon. Who thinks
they could list and/or describe each phase of the moon right now? Did we answer our
inquiry question? Students will also fill out an exit card.
Assessment: Formative assessment will occur as an ongoing evaluation of student learning
throughout the unit. Teachers will be monitoring student work throughout the lesson in terms
of being on task. Students will also fill out an exit card that will explain the level that they felt
they contributed to their group. Summative assessment will occur as a checklist for each
student project based on whether they have each phase of the moon identified and explained.
Students will receive the checklist at the start of the group work so they know what they are
expected to have.
Contingency Plan: If groups are off task, teachers will be there to get them back on track and
offer ideas/explanations. If groups are done early, they may complete their cue cards for
studying purposes.
Note: As not all groups will be able to present in the thirty minutes allotted, explain to students
that the rest of the groups will have the chance to go next day.
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
Please color in the face that best represent how you worked in a group
Your group has created a
I contributed to the
group by providing
useful ideas and adding
to the discussion.
I provided the best
quality of work that I
was capable of.
I used my time
I was focused on the
I worked well with
Not Evident
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
poster, a song, a rap, a
poem, or a scripted skit.
All of the eight phases of
the moon are
There is an explanation
of how/why the moon
moves through the
different phases.
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
Project Lesson Plan with Rubric
Planet Trading Cards
Grade: 6
Program of Studies Outcomes:
Subject: Science
9. Recognize that the other eight known planets, which revolve around the
Unit: Sky Science
Sun, have characteristics and surface conditions that are different from
Date: March 2011
Earth; and identify examples of those differences.
Materials Required:
- Student Checklist
- Cardstock Blank Trading Card Templates (Final Copy) -Markers and Scissors
- Blank Fact and Source Worksheet (Rough Copy)
- Books about the solar system
- Student Exemplar
- Access to the internet
Anticipatory Set:
-Students will watch the YouTube video “Bill Nye the Science Guy on Outer space”.
-Teacher will inform students that our next topic is the properties of the known planets.
Modeling Instructions:
-Teacher will hand out and go over the assignment and the rubric.
-The teacher will show a student exemplar and explain what are the exemplars strengths and
Instructions/Guided Practice:
-Students will receive a rough draft worksheet.
-As a class (guided by teacher), students will review information from a resource book, select
the most important facts and use them to make a trading card for the sun (information side
Independent Practice:
-Using resource books, students will research and take notes on facts about the planets.
-They will then fill in their facts and sources on the worksheet.
-Once the teacher has verified that they have done an adequate job the student will receive
the cardstock template and may begin the final copy of their trading cards.
Teacher should allow students some time to show their work to their peers and compare
Assessment: See attached rubric.
Note: A possible variation to this activity would be allowing students to work in groups and assigning
one card/planet to each group member.
*Rubric on following page
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
Writing - Grammar There are no
mistakes on the
trading cards.
There are 1-3
mistakes on the
trading cards.
There are 4-6
mistakes on the
trading cards.
There are more
than six
mistakes on the
trading cards.
Content - Accuracy Every trading card
has at least five
accurate facts
about the planet.
Every trading card
but one or two
have at least five
accurate facts
about the planet.
Every trading card
has 3-4 accurate
facts about the
planet except one
or two cards.
There are less
than 3 facts on
most of the
trading card.
Attractiveness &
The trading cards
have exceptionally
formatting and
The trading cards
have attractive
formatting and
The trading cards
have wellorganized
The trading cards
organization of
material is
confusing to the
Careful and
accurate records
are kept to
document the
source of 95-100%
of the facts in the
trading cards.
Careful and
accurate records
are kept to
document the
source of 94-85%
of the facts in the
trading cards.
Careful and
accurate records
are kept to
document the
source of 84-75%
of the facts in the
trading cards.
Sources are not
accurately or are
not kept on many
facts in the trading
Knowledge Gained Student can
accurately answer
all questions
related to facts in
the trading cards.
Student can
accurately answer
most questions
related to facts in
the trading cards.
Student can
accurately answer
some questions
related to facts in
the trading cards.
Student can not
accurately answer
any questions
related to facts in
the trading cards.
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
Name: ______________
Step by Step Instructions for Trading Cards:
(Check these off as you go!)
1. You should have 1 fact sheet workbook (4 pages)
2. Write your name on all documents.
3. Research at least five facts for each planet and write them in the table
provided. Remember you do not have to do the planets in order.
4. Double check that you have at least five facts and you have written the
source for every fact.
5. Make sure you have no spelling errors and the grammar is correct. (You
may wish to peer-edit with a friend.)
6. Show your work to the teacher and collect the trading card templates.
7. Cut the trading cards out
8. Write your name on every card (small on the bottom).
9. Fill in facts on one side of card. Remember to keep it neat and easy to
10.Create graphic side to every card which should include a drawn picture
of the planet and the name of the planet.
11.Fill in the rubric yourself and give yourself a grade.
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
Sky Science Fact Sheet
Name: ____________________________________
The Sun
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
Name: ____________________________________
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
Name: ____________________________________
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
Name: ____________________________________
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
Traditional Assessment:
Directions: This is a test of what you have learned during the last six weeks of class. The results of this
test will be used to clarify any points of difficulty and thus help you complete the year successfully.
There are 15 multiple choice items, 8 matching, 8 fill in the blank, 8 true or false and 5 short answer
Since you will be marked based on the number of correct answers, answer every question to the best of
your ability.
Multiple Choice (15 marks)
For each item, select the answer that best completes the statement, or answers the question, and circle
the letter of that answer.
1. The source of light that makes it possible for astronomers to see Jupiter which using a telescope
A. The Sun
B. Flashlight
C. Earth
D. The moon
2. When you are star gazing at 8 P.M. and then again at 10 P.M. the starts appear to be in different
positions. This is due to
A. Earth revolving around the stars
B. Each rotating on its axis
C. Wind blowing the constellations
D. Earth revolving around the sun
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
Use the scenario in the box provided to answer the next 2 questions.
Susan was telling her parents about the moon that she saw that night. Since her
parents knew she was an expert at the moon’s phases they asked her what the
definition for the particular moon was. She informed them it was a waxing
3. In this situation waxing refers to
A. Not being able to see the moon
B. Seeing multiple moons
C. The visible surface of the moon increases
D. The visible surface of the moon decreasing
4. The next phase that Susan should expect to see is
A. Full Moon
B. Waxing Cresent
C. Waning Gibbous
D. First Quarter
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
Use the following information in the box below to answer the next 3 questions.
A teacher decided to teacher his/her students about the phases if the moon. They used a globe
to represent earth, a golf ball to represent the moon and a flashlight to represent the sun.
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
5. In model 1 the teacher positioned the golf ball to represent the moon in the
________________________ phase.
A. Full moon
B. New moon
C. Last quarter
D. First quarter
6. In model 2 the teacher positioned the golf ball to represent the moon in the ________ phase.
A. Waning gibbous
B. Waxing gibbous
C. Waning gibbous
D. New moon
7. In model 3 the teacher positioned the golf ball to represent the moon in the ________ phase.
A. New moon
B. Full moon
C. Last quarter
D. Waning gibbous
8. Which of the following planets have moon(s)?
A. Jupiter
B. Neptune
C. Earth
D. All of the above
9. Which of the following planets is the smallest?
A. Mercury
B. Saturn
C. Jupiter
D. Uranus
10. Which of the following planets is the largest?
A. Earth
B. Mars
C. Uranus
D. Venus
11. Would Sally living in South Africa be able to see the big dipper?
A. No, because South Africa has sunlight 24 hours a day
B. No, because South Africa is in the Southern hemisphere
C. Yes, because everyone on Earth can see the stars
D. Yes, because South Africa is in the Northern hemisphere
12. What season would be the best for star gazing?
A. Winter, because the nights are longer
B. Spring, because the nights are longer
C. Spring, because the days are longer
D. Winter, because the days are longer
13. Which of the following correctly lists the planets in order from closest to the farthest away
from the sun?
A. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
B. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto
C. Mercury, Earth, Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Uranus, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto
D. Venus, Mercury, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto
Numerical Response (2 Marks)
Use the following chart to answer the next two questions. When you have your answer write it in the
box that corresponds to the missing letter.
Time of Sunrise
Time of Sunset
7:30 A.M.
7:32 A.M.
7:34 A.M.
7:36 A.M.
X A.M.
7:40 A.M.
7:42 A.M.
7:14 P.M.
Y P.M.
7:18 P.M.
7:20 P.M.
7:22 P.M.
7:24 P.M.
7:25 P.M.
14. X=
____ :____
15. Y=
____: ____
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
Fill in the Blank (8 marks)
Provide is a sequence that represents the phases of the moon. Please label each phase with it’s proper
term in the box under each diagram. Use the word bank provided. Note: Each word will be used once.
First Quarter
Waning Crescent
Full Moon
Waning Gibbous
Last Quarter
Waxing Crescent
New Moon
Waxing Gibbous
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
True of False (7 marks)
Answer the next 7 questions by circling T if the statement if true or F if the statement is false.
1. The moons phases are predictable
2. Planets, comets, and their asteroids are seen by reflected light
3. Earth is a large part of the known universe
4. Earth is the only planet that has its own moon
5. The movement of the objects in the night sky are related to the Earth’s rotation.
6. It is safe to view the sun directly with a telescope
7. The light the sun emits can only be been on Earth
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
Matching (8 marks)
Match the planet to the description that best fit its properties. Indicate your answer by writing the
planet next to the description.
E___1. This small grey dwarf planet is the furthest away from the sun.
A___2. This planet is the only planet that we know is inhabited.
C___3. This “red” planet has two moons and is known for being the
hottest planet.
B___4. This planet is fourth from the sun. It is also the biggest planet.
H___5. This planet is second from the sun and is eighty percent of its
surface is covered by volcanic plains.
D.___6. This planet has the third largest mass in our solar system. It is
the seventh planet from the sun.
G___7. This planet has many moons and many rings around it. It is the
seventh planet from the sun.
F___8. This planet is the second biggest in our solar system and is best
known for its rings.
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
Short Answer (10 marks, 2 marks per question. Part marks will be where necessary.)
Answer each question below with full sentences.
1. List and describe two sky science technologies.
2. What are the disadvantages of looking directly at the sun? What is an appropriate safety
method for viewing the sun?
3. Which objects in the sky emit their own light? Which objects are seen by reflected light?
4. Choose a planet and describe that planet’s moon(s).
5. Describe why the day is longer during the summer.
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
Assessment (ANSWER KEY)
Traditional Assessment:
Directions: This is a test of what you have learned during the last six weeks of class. The results of this
test will be used to clarify any points of difficulty and thus help you complete the year successfully.
There are 15 multiple choice items, 8 matching, 8 fill in the blank, 8 true or false and 5 short answer
Since you will be marked based on the number of correct answers, answer every question to the best of
your ability.
Multiple Choice (15 marks)
For each item, select the answer that best completes the statement, or answers the question, and circle
the letter of that answer.
14. The source of light that makes it possible for astronomers to see Jupiter which using a telescope
E. The Sun
F. Flashlight
G. Earth
H. The moon
15. When you are star gazing at 8 P.M. and then again at 10 P.M. the starts appear to be in different
positions. This is due to
E. Earth revolving around the stars
F. Each rotating on its axis
G. Wind blowing the constellations
H. Earth revolving around the sun
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
Use the scenario in the box provided to answer the next 2 questions.
Susan was telling her parents about the moon that she saw that night. Since her
parents knew she was an expert at the moon’s phases they asked her what the
definition for the particular moon was. She informed them it was a waxing
16. In this situation waxing refers to
A. Not being able to see the moon
B. Seeing multiple moons
C. The visible surface of the moon increases
D. The visible surface of the moon decreasing
17. The next phase that Susan should expect to see is
E. Full Moon
F. Waxing Cresent
G. Waning Gibbous
H. First Quarter
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
Use the following information in the box below to answer the next 3 questions.
A teacher decided to teacher his/her students about the phases if the moon. They used a globe
to represent earth, a golf ball to represent the moon and a flashlight to represent the sun.
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
18. In model 1 the teacher positioned the golf ball to represent the moon in the
________________________ phase.
E. Full moon
F. New moon
G. Last quarter
H. First quarter
19. In model 2 the teacher positioned the golf ball to represent the moon in the ________ phase.
E. Waning gibbous
F. Waxing gibbous
G. Waning gibbous
H. New moon
20. In model 3 the teacher positioned the golf ball to represent the moon in the ________ phase.
E. New moon
F. Full moon
G. Last quarter
H. Waning gibbous
21. Which of the following planets have moon(s)?
E. Jupiter
F. Neptune
G. Earth
H. All of the above
22. Which of the following planets is the smallest?
E. Mercury
F. Saturn
G. Jupiter
H. Uranus
23. Which of the following planets is the largest?
E. Earth
F. Mars
G. Uranus
H. Venus
24. Would Sally living in South Africa be able to see the big dipper?
E. No, because South Africa has sunlight 24 hours a day
F. No, because South Africa is in the Southern hemisphere
G. Yes, because everyone on Earth can see the stars
H. Yes, because South Africa is in the Northern hemisphere
25. What season would be the best for star gazing?
E. Winter, because the nights are longer
F. Spring, because the nights are longer
G. Spring, because the days are longer
H. Winter, because the days are longer
26. Which of the following correctly lists the planets in order from closest to the farthest away
from the sun?
E. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto
F. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto
G. Mercury, Earth, Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Uranus, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
H. Venus, Mercury, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto
Numerical Response (2 Marks)
Use the following chart to answer the next two questions. When you have your answer write it in the
box that corresponds to the missing letter.
Time of Sunrise
Time of Sunset
7:30 A.M.
7:32 A.M.
7:34 A.M.
7:36 A.M.
X A.M.
7:40 A.M.
7:42 A.M.
7:14 P.M.
Y P.M.
7:18 P.M.
7:20 P.M.
7:22 P.M.
7:24 P.M.
7:25 P.M.
16. X=
7____ :38____
17. Y=
7____: 16____
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
Fill in the Blank (8 marks)
Provide is a sequence that represents the phases of the moon. Please label each phase with it’s proper
term in the box under each diagram. Use the word bank provided. Note: Each word will be used once.
First Quarter
Waning Crescent
Full Moon
Waning Gibbous
Last Quarter
Waxing Crescent
New Moon
Waxing Gibbous
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
True of False (7 marks)
Answer the next 7 questions by circling T if the statement if true or F if the statement is false.
1. The moons phases are predictable
2. Planets, comets, and their asteroids are seen by reflected light
3. Earth is a large part of the known universe
4. Earth is the only planet that has its own moon
5. The movement of the objects in the night sky are related to the Earth’s rotation.
6. It is safe to view the sun directly with a telescope
7. The light the sun emits can only be been on Earth
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
Matching (8 marks)
Match the planet to the description that best fit its properties. Indicate your answer by writing the
planet next to the description.
E___1. This small grey dwarf planet is the furthest away from the sun.
A___2. This planet is the only planet that we know is inhabited.
C___3. This “red” planet has two moons and is known for being the
hottest planet.
B___4. This planet is fourth from the sun. It is also the biggest planet.
H___5. This planet is second from the sun and is eighty percent of its
surface is covered by volcanic plains.
D.___6. This planet has the third largest mass in our solar system. It is
the seventh planet from the sun.
G___7. This planet has many moons and many rings around it. It is the
seventh planet from the sun.
F___8. This planet is the second biggest in our solar system and is best
known for its rings.
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
Short Answer (10 marks, 2 marks per question. Part marks will be where necessary.)
Answer each question below with full sentences.
6. List and describe two sky science technologies.
Answers may vary.
7. What are the disadvantages of looking directly at the sun? What is an appropriate safety
method for viewing the sun?
It is always dangerous to look at the sun for long periods because it can damage the eye and
cause retinal scaring and eye cancer. It is necessary to wear sunglasses when outdoors and a
sunscope when wanting to analyze the sun.
8. Which objects in the sky emit their own light? Which objects are seen by reflected light?
The sun and other stars emit their own light and the moon and planets are seen by reflected
light. Students may also include asteroids and comets.
9. Choose a planet and describe that planet’s moon(s).
Answers may vary.
10. Describe why the day is longer during the summer.
Because the tilt of the Earth puts us faces the sun during summer, thus giving us more light.
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
Authentic/ Alternative/Performance Assessment:
Form of Assessment: Trading Card Project
Tool of assessment: Rubric
Benefits of the assessment: Rubrics are beneficial to students because it lets them know what the
project expectations are and what criteria will be assessed. Students can use the rubrics to do a selfassessment before handing in their project. Because rubrics are a standardized form of assessment they
leave no room for biases. They are a great tool for teachers because it allows teachers to see where the
students are struggling or excelling. Alternative assessment is a great way to have students demonstrate
their learning, especially for students who do not have strong test-taking skills.
Time frame required to perform assessment: It will take the students two class periods (50 minutes
each) to create the trading cards.
Specific criteria for assessments: For the trading card assignment students will be assessed on the
accuracy of their content (25%), the knowledge they gained (25%), the organization and attractiveness
of the project (25%) and their sourcing (25%). For more information on the criteria please see attached
Describe how you will administer the assessment: Students will receive the rubric at the same time as
they receive the project so they will know exactly what the teacher is looking for. The students will also
receive a checklist that they can use to ensure they have done everything required for the project.
Teachers will use the rubric to give students a grade.
The instructions you will provide to students: Students will see a student exemplar. They will make
one trading card as a class before creating their own. They will receive the handout, checklist and rubric
(see lesson plan for these tools). The teacher will verify that they are on the right track before giving the
student the playing card cardstock. The set-up of the instructions ensures student success.
Explanation of how the assessment tool will help students demonstrate their knowledge of the
science objective: The curriculum objective is for students to be able to “recognize that the other eight
known planets, which revolve around the Sun, have characteristics and surface conditions that are
different from Earth; and identify examples of those differences”. For the trading card project, students
must list at least five accurate facts for every planet. This ensures the outcome is being met.
How you will assess the student’s learning: Students will receive a rubric. The rubric will have four
main criterions. Each of the criterions will have four descriptions and a number of points for each
description (1-4). The teacher can select the description that best matches the quality of students work.
The teacher will add the number of points and that will be the student’s grade (out of 16).
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
Form of assessment: Poster/ Song/ Rap/ Poem/ Scripted Skit Presentation
Tool of assessment: Checklist
Benefits of the assessment: This is a great project because students are able to select how they will
present their knowledge. It is fun and engaging. It is a great study tool for students.
Benefits of the assessment tool: Checklists are a great tool for teachers because they are not time
consuming to construct or use. They are easy to understand when written in student friendly language.
Time frame required to perform assessment: It will take the students one class period (50 minutes
each) to create their poster/ song/rap/poem/ scripted skit.
Specific criteria for assessments: For the phases of the moon project students will be assessed on the
completion of their project (evident/not evident), whether all the phases of the moon were identified
(evident, not evident) and whether students have identified why the moon moves through different
phases (evident/not evident).
Describe how you will administer the assessment: Students will receive the checklist at the same time
as they receive the project so they will know exactly what the teacher is looking for. At the end of the
lesson students will present their project. While the students are presenting, teachers can use the
checklist to assess them. This will allow teachers to give students instant feedback.
The instructions you will provide to students: Students will receive instruction on how to complete the
project orally. They will already know the phases of the moon and will be using the assessment as a way
to demonstrate their knowledge.
Explanation of how the assessment tool will help students demonstrate their knowledge of the
science objective: The curriculum objective is for students to be able to “recognize that the Moon’s
phases are regular and predictable, and describe the cycle of its phases”. In their poster/
song/rap/poem/ scripted skit students must have all phases of the moon and a description of each
phase. They must also describe why they are predictable. This ensures the outcome is met.
How you will assess the student’s learning: Students will receive a checklist. For the phases of the
moon project students will be assessed on the completion of their project (evident/not evident),
whether all the phases of the moon were identified (evident, not evident) and whether students have
identified why the moon moves through different phases (evident/not evident).
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
Clarke, A. C., & Maule, D. (2001). 2001: A space odyssey. Toronto, Ontario: Pearson
Rabe, T. (2009). There's no place like space. New York, NY: Random House Children's
Rau, D. M. (2005). Our solar system: Constellation. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Compass
Point Books.
Rau, D. M. (2005). Our solar system: Earth. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Compass
Point Books.
Rau, D. M. (2005). Our solar system: Jupiter. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Compass
Point Books.
Rau, D. M. (2005). Our solar system: Mars. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Compass
Point Books.
Rau, D. M. (2005). Our solar system: Mercury. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Compass
Point Books.
Rau, D. M. (2005). Our solar system: Neptune. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Compass
Point Books.
Rau, D. M. (2005). Our solar system: Pluto. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Compass
Point Books.
Rau, D. M. (2005). Our solar system: Saturn. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Compass
Point Books.
Rau, D. M. (2005). Our solar system: The milky way. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Compass
Point Books.
Rau, D. M. (2005). Our solar system: Uranus. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Compass
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
Point Books.
Rau, D. M. (2005). Our solar system: Venus. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Compass
Point Books.
Shatner, W., Reeves-Stevens, J., & Reeves-Stevens, G. (1996). Star trek: The return.
Round the World in 84 Days by Gerald P. Carr
Smith, A. G. (2010). The Illustrated Guide to the Solar System. Southwater.
Moore, P. (2007). Philip's altas of the universe (Illustrated ed.). Philip's.
Field Trips:
TELUS World of Science
This link will direct you to their information on a specific exhibit gallery that directly relates to sky
science called Space Place in the TransCanada PipeLines Gallery. This section explains exactly how it ties
into the unit, gives you information on the program that they offer for field trips as well as another link
to a teacher guide and sample activity sheets.
Bay, M. (Director). (1998). Armageddon [Motion picture]. United States: Touchstone Pictures.
Bluth, D., Goldman, G., & Vitello, A. (Directors). (2000). Titan A.E. [Motion picture]. United States: Fox
Animation Studios.
Filoni, D. (Director). (2008). Star Wars: The Clone Wars [Motion picture]. United States: Warner Bros.
Grazer, B. (Producer), & Howard, R. (Director). (1995). Apollo 13 [Motion picture]. United States:
Universal Pictures.
Kubrick, S. (Director). (2001). A Space Odyssey [Motion picture]. United States: Warner Bros.
Leder, M. (Director). (1998). Deep Impact [Motion picture]. United States: Paramount Pictures.
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
Spielberg, S. (Director). (1982). ET The Extra Terrestrial. [Motion picture]. United States: Universal
Guest Speaker:
RDC Astronomy Professor Dr. Bob Gosselin
Magazine Article:
Mershon, D. H. (1998, November/December). Star trek on the brain: Alien minds, human minds.
American Scientist, 86(6), 585.
Online Magazines:
At this website you can find information about Air and Space magazine as well as learn how to subscribe
to it. This website has so much new, exciting information that relates to sky science that is well worth
looking into in order to make your sky science unit relevant, current and engaging.
This website is an online version of Astronomy; the world’s best selling astronomy magazine. This
website gives you information on how to subscribe to the magazine, as well as lots of information
included in the magazine. It also gives you links to the magazine’s blog as well as information on what
tonight’s sky will look like. The “tonight’s sky” section alone would be very useful to use during the unit
in order to make the learning relevant and current to the students’ lives.
This website is an online version of Odyssey magazine. The website has lots of great information for not
only kids but also teachers. There are also lots of links that will give you access to other great online
This website is an online version of the Sky and Telescope magazine; the essential magazine of
astronomy. This website has ample information about astronomy that directly relates to the sky science
unit and has so many interesting articles that you could incorporate into your classroom. In terms of
teaching to STS, this would be a great resource to incorporate the society aspect, which is harder to do
in the sky science unit.
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
Online Resources:
National Earth Science Teachers Association. (2000). Lunar Lollipops [Data file]. Retrieved from
National Earth Science Teachers Association. (2000). Modeling Phases of the Moon [Data file]. (n.d.).
Retrieved from
Alberta Education. (1996). Science (Elementary). Retrieved from
Online Video Clips:
Longish. (2006, October 1). Animaniacs Yakko’s Universe Song [Video file]. Retrieved from
Songsofhigherlrng. (2008, January 8). Phases of the Moon [Video file]. Retrieved from
Uprightkanga. (2008, March 22). Space Shuttle Atlantis Launch [Video file]. Retrieved from
Wealthvibesdotcom. (2008, July 16). Cosmic Space Music [Video file]. Retrieved from
This is an interactive website that “takes you” on an astro-adventure to outer space. During the journey,
the adventure gives you tidbits of information about sky science and has quick, fun little activities that
requires you to answer questions based on the knowledge you receive.
This is an interactive website that has lots of information related to the sky science unit. Not only is
there fun facts that are concise and easy to understand, there is also games and activities that students
could play in order to learn about sky science.
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
This website is from the NASA kids club. This link takes you to a fun, interactive game that tests your
knowledge about space.
This website is from the NASA website and has been designed just for kids. With just the click of the
button you can learn about all sorts of things in space as well as play fun, interactive games that solidify
the learning.
This website was created by the National Earth Science Teachers Association. It gives lots of interesting
information about space as well as fun, interactive games that the students would really enjoy accessing
while they learn!
These two links to the same website would be absolutely phenomenal to use in the sky science unit. The
first link has a video that gives a variety of examples of careers in space exploration. This video would be
great to use at the start of the unit in order to get students engaged about sky science. The second link
has a video that describes the phases of the moon in an engaging, easy to understand way. It would be
excellent to use when teaching the phases of the moon to the students.
Technology Integration
Lab activities
Star Gazing:
If a class star gazing activity is planned, it could be as part of a whole school event. If it’s a class
event, parent volunteers could be recruited to help.
 A local astronomy club or organizations in the city could be invited to bring a variety of
telescopes and binoculars on tripods.
 Students would have to get parent permission to come to the school after hours.
 Best to do this at the start of March when the nights are warmer and it is dark out at a
reasonable time.
 Before you go out student should have a basic understanding of the constellations.
o Students would go on kids astronomy and play the game constellation hunt to gain a
general knowledge of the constellations.
 Outcome met:
o Recognize that the Sun and stars emit the light by which they are seen and that most
other bodies in space, including Earth’s Moon, planets and their moons, comets, and
asteroids, are seen by reflected light.
Constellation hunt. (2010). Astronomy for kids. Retrieved November 3, 2010, from
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
Kidsastronomy website:
Star Tracking:
For one week students could track the movement of the big dipper
They will track where they find the big dipper in relation to the night before
Students will then create a star map on for one week
indicate if the stars look like what the map indicates.
 Outcomes met:
o Describe the location and movement of individual stars and groups of stars
(constellations) as they move through the night sky.
o Recognize that the apparent movement of objects in the night sky is regular and
predictable, and explain how this apparent movement is related to the Earth’s rotation.
Walker, J. (2003, April 18). Your sky. Retrieved from
Creating a Sundial:
Students will create their very own sundials
o Find a sunny spot in the lawn or even on a sidewalk.
o Put the stick in the ground. If it is a sidewalk, put the stick in the play dough and use
that to hold the stick upright on cement.
o Throughout the day, place a rock, or mark with chalk for each hour indicating where the
shadow falls at that time. Depending on your time, you may have to place rocks over a
couple of days before your sundial is complete.
o Now the sundial is ready to use. When you want to tell the time, just look for the
 Outcome met:
o Construct and use a device for plotting the apparent movement of the Sun over the
course of a day; e.g. construct and use a sundial or shadow stick.
Sundial. (2008). Science kids at home. Retrieved November 7, 2010, from
Season Tracker:
Throughout the whole school year students once a month will indicate what time the sun rose
and set. Students can refer to National Research Council Canada website if they need assistance.
Outcome met:
o Describe seasonal changes in the length of the day and night and the angle of the Sun
above the horizon.
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
National research council Canada [Sunrise/sunset calculator]. (2010, August 31).
Retrieved November 3, 2010, from
Internet use by students:
Mission: Science
This website has information about science in general and lots on space.
I would use this website for the Sky Sky Safari activity. Students can pick the telescope they want
to use and the month they are to view. It then shows them what the stars will look like. It also
gives the names of what you are seeing if there is something that looks particularity interesting
to the students.
 Outcomes met:
o Describe the location and movement of individual stars and groups of stars
(constellations) as they move through the night sky.
o Recognize that the apparent movement of objects in the night sky is regular and
predictable, and explain how this apparent movement is related to Earth’ rotation.
Games & activities. (n.d.). Mission: Science. Retrieved November 2, 2010, from
Love 2 Learn
This website allows you to click on the unit you are teaching in science and gives you interactive
games for the students to play.
 For the sky science unit there is 36 interactive games to play.
 Some of them fit in with the curriculum. I would suggest going though all of them before letting
students go on the website.
 Earth in space game outcome:
o Recognize that the other eight known planets, which revolve around the Sun, have
characteristics and surface conditions that are different from Earth; and identify
 Phases of the moon game outcome:
o Recognize that the Moon’ s phases are regular and predictable, and describe the cycle of
its phases.
 Earth and beyond game (Length of a day) outcome:
o Describe seasonal changes in the length of the day and night and in the angle of the Sun
above the horizon
Science : gr. 6 online interactives. (2010). Kids love 2 learn. Retrieved November 4,
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
2010, from Education Society website:
Space Place:
This websites gives interactive games and activities for multiple science units.
The Solar System Explorer game lets students go through all the plants and play games on each
 I think theses fun games will help students remember the properties of each planet.
 Outcomes met:
o Recognize that the other eight known planets, which revolve around the Sun, have
characteristics and surface conditions that are different from Earth; and identify
examples of those differences.
o Recognize that not only Earth, but other planets, have moons; and identify examples of
similarities and differences in the characteristics of those moons.
The space place. (2010, September 2). Retrieved November 4, 2010, from
Cosmic Quest:
In this website students can click on multiple simulations and activities.
The first activity students will pretend they are astronauts and they have to go through a variety
of questions. The goal of the game is to build and maintain a space station that would be
suitable to live and work in. Students need to remember that they are in outer space.
 There are also sections where students can click on different planets and information about the
planets: mass diameter and temperature and fun facts are given.
 There is also a place where students can learn about astronomers from ancient times to today.
 The last thing students can go is to click through the different spacecrafts that are all around our
solar system.
 Although this activity doesn’t hit a direct outcome it would be a great early finisher to get
students excited about the unit they are learning.
Cosmic quest. (2010). Retrieved from Children's Museum website:
Grade 6 Sky Science Unit Plan
Integrated Subjects
Grade Level: Grade 6 Sky Science
Integrated Subjects: We will be integrating this science objective with English Language Arts and Art
Curriculum Objectives:
Science: 6-7- 9. Recognize that the other eight known planets, which revolve around the Sun, have
characteristics and surface conditions that are different from Earth; and identify examples of those
Language Arts: 1.2 Clarify and Extend- Combine Ideas: Use talk, notes, personal writing and
representing, together with texts and the ideas of others, to clarify and shape understanding.
Art: Component 3- C- Artworks contain symbolic representations of a subject or theme
Rationale: These subjects and curriculum objectives were chosen because they allow for student
creativity. Students will be able to take a concept they learn in science and apply it to another project.
This specific outcome ensures that students have knowledge about each planet and can apply this
knowledge in creative ways.
Integration Activities:
LA: Divide students into eight groups and assign each group a planet. Using the tune of a popular song,
nursery rhyme, or rap, each group will use the information they researched about their planet to replace
the original lyrics. This will be graded using a checklist to ensure that students have included the
characteristics and surface conditions of their planet. Students may also find additional information
about their planet that they may include in their presentation. The purpose of this activity is for students
to use each song as a study tool.
Art: Divide students into their LA activity groups (there should be eight). Each group will sign up for a
planet and research its physical characteristics (different from the one they made the song for). They
will then create a three dimensional model (to scale) of their planet using the characteristics and
conditions they previously researched. Each group’s model will be assembled to create a large mobile
for the entire classroom.
Time in Unit: These two integration activities will be at the end of the unit, and both will be culminating
activities. This way, students will have learned the information about each planet and will have the
opportunity to extend their knowledge in both auditory and visual representations. These activities will
aid in students’ retention of the content matter for the unit test and provincial achievement test.
Student Benefits: There are many benefits to integration. Learning is enhanced because students are
taking the knowledge they learn in Science and are applying it to different subject areas, thus increasing
comprehension, understanding, and application. Another benefit to this is that integration reaches the
many learning styles and multiple intelligences. Through making a song or rap in Language Arts, students
who are auditory and musical learners benefit. Through the creation of a mobile, tactile, visual/spatial,
and kinaesthetic learners’ needs are met. Choosing meaningful connections amongst subject areas helps
students build on their prior knowledge and experiences and connects learning to the real world. Both
of the above activities would engage students and result in long-term enduring understandings.