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Science 5/6
Sky Science Review
Name: _____________
Below are a few sample questions from the unit that will help you review and remember the material
we discussed in class for the unit exam. Take the time to try to answer these questions yourself before
you use your notes or other sources to find the answers.
Before beginning your review, how do you feel about this units “I Can” statements?
I can recognize that the Sun and stars emit the light by which they are seen and that
most other bodies in space are seen by reflected light.
I can describe the location and movement of i stars as they move through the night sky.
I can recognize that the movement of objects in the night sky is regular and predictable.
I can understand that the Sun should never be viewed directly.
I can construct and use a device for plotting the apparent movement of the Sun over.
I can describe seasonal changes in the length of the day and night and in the angle of the
Sun above the horizon.
I can recognize that the Moon’s phases are regular and predictable, and describe the
cycle of its phases.
I can illustrate the phases of the Moon in drawings and in other ways.
I can recognize that the other seven known planets, which revolve around the Sun, have
characteristics and surface conditions that are different from Earth.
I can recognize that not only Earth, but other planets, have moons; and identify
examples of similarities and differences in the characteristics of those moons.
I can identify technologies and procedures by which knowledge, about planets and other
objects in the night sky, has been gathered.
I can understand that Earth, the Sun and the Moon are part of a solar system that
occupies only a tiny part of the known universe.
Sun, Stars, and Light
What are two things that the sun gives off? __________________________________________
What is a solar eclipse? ___________________________________________________________
What are constellations? _________________________________________________________
Name one constellation: _________________________________________________________
At night the object most visible in the sky is: __________________________________________
Do stars twinkle? __________ Then why does it look like they do?
Do the stars move? ___________ Then why does it look like they do?
One star that is especially important is: ______________________________________________
1. What planet do you live on? ___________________________________________________________
2. What planet is closest to the sun? ______________________________________________________
3. Which planets are the outer planets? ___________________________________________________
4. What is one interesting fact about any planet in the solar system?
5. Match each of the planets with the description that best fits. Put the letters beside the right planet.
a) cold, small, rocky, used to be a planet.
_____ Saturn
b) Polar ice caps, red planet, largest canyon.
_____ Uranus
c) Because it has no atmosphere, it is bombarded by
meteors and comets.
_____ Venus
d) Spectacular ring system.
_____ Mercury
e) gas giant with raging storms.
_____ Pluto
f) dense atmosphere of carbon dioxide and very little surface activity.
_____ Mars
g) has a twin that is almost the same in appearance and composition.
_____ Jupiter
Our Moon
1. Is the moon light emitting? __________________Why can we see it?
2. What is a lunar eclipse? How does it occur?______________________________________________
3. Shade or drawn in the phase of the moon we would see according to the picture;
Space – and our Planet
1. What is the tilt of the earth’s axis (in degrees)? ________________________________________
2. What is the name of the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere? _______________
3. During which season do the sun’s rays hit the earth at the most direct angle? _________________
4. In the space below, draw a diagram to show how the earth is titled during the month of December
(make sure to mark the sun, the tilt of the earth, and the N and S poles)
5. Fill in the blanks on the following pyramid and draw a picture of what the object is in the pyramid
This is not all of what we did. You should read all your notes.
Review your quizzes, read your class handout booklet, and
practice tests online.