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Astronomy Unit Test Review Sheet
1. Describe how each of the following scientists contributed to Astronomy:
a. Galileo
b. Kepler
c. Newton
d. Hubble
e. Copernicus
f. Ptolemy
2. What is the difference between a reflecting and a refracting telescope? What other types of telescopes
do scientists use to gather information?
3. What is a light year? Explain how it is used by scientists.
4. Diagram the electromagnetic spectrum, include all forms of radiation. Which are most dangerous to
5. List the colors of stars in order from lowest temperature to highest temperature.
6. What is another name for Polaris? Why was Polaris a useful navigation tool?
7. Why do stars appear to be moving in a circle around Polaris?
8. Why do we experience different seasons at some parts of the Earth?
9. Diagram Earth as it revolves around the sun and label the seasons.
10. When does, the Northern Hemisphere receive the most direct rays from the sun?
11. What causes the phases of the moon?
12. How long does it take for the moon to revolve around the Earth and repeat the same phase?
13. Diagram and name the 8 phases of the moon, starting with a New Moon.
14. Explain why the oceans experience high and low tides on Earth. How many tides will an area on Earth
experience each day?
15. What are Spring Tides and Neap Tides? When do they occur? Include a diagram.
16. What is a lunar eclipse? What is a solar eclipse?
17. How does the sun generate energy? Explain this process.
18. What determines the lifecycle of a star? Explain why this is.
19. List the following types of stars from oldest to youngest: giant, supergiant, white dwarf, main sequence.
20. Draw an HR diagram with the x and y axis labeled and where the types of stars will be (main sequence,
red giant, white dwarf, etc.)
21. Name and describe the 3 different types of galaxies?
22. What type of galaxy is the Milky Way galaxy?
23. What is the Big Bang Theory?
24. What evidence can be used to support the Big Bang theory? Who is credited for this law?
25. Explain how the solar system formed. Be detailed.
26. What are the 4 main criteria used to identify a planet
***Circle the part of #26 that is not true for dwarf planets
27. Explain the following in terms of what it causes on the planet
What does it
Length on
Length on
Earth (hrs or
on the planet
Length on Jupiter
28. Describe how the planets formed and include why the inner planets are so different in structure than the
outer planets.
29. Define the following space objects:
a. Asteroid
b. Meteoroid
c. Meteor
d. Meteorite
e. Comet
30. Describe the following regions of space:
a. Asteroid Belt
b. Kuiper Belt