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Science grade 4
1. The steps of water of water cycle are -------------,---------------,and-----------2. -------------------is a mixture of gases
3. ------------------is when water goes up as water vapor from the oceans
4. ---------------is when water vapor changes into tiny drops of water forming clouds
5. --------------------is when water arrives the earth surface and falls from the sky.
6. --------------------is when water collects and move down the side of the mountain.
7. --------------------is when water collects under ground in aquifer.
8. ------------------is the condition of atmosphere.
9. The atmosphere is ----------------km thick.
10. ----------------------is the amount of water vapor in the air.
11. ---------------------- is the weight of air.
12. Factors affecting air pressure are---------------,---------------------,-----------------------13. -----------------------is moving air.
14. Wind travelling from north pole to tropical area (equator) or wind travelling
from south pole to equator are examples of --------------------wind
15. Winds happen because of difference in--------------------------16. Sea breeze and land breeze are examples of --------------------wind
17. -------------------are clouds that cover the sky and cause rain
18. ------------------are puffy white clouds that signal sunny and hot weather
19. -------------------are wispy made of streaks that signal cool and nice weather
20. -----------is a form of precipitation that forms in thunderstorm, made of ice layers.
21. -----------is a form of precipitation in which water vapor changes directly into ice.
22. ---------------------is a group of stars that makes a picture or a shape in the sky.
23. ---------------------is the path an object takes around another bigger object.
24. ------------------is when earth turns around its axis and it happens once every------25. --------------------- of earth causes day and night
26. ----------------is when earth turns around the sun and it happens once every-------27. There are two reasons why there are seasons which are-------------- ,--------------28. The part tilted of the earth toward the sun is ----------29. The part tilted of the earth away from the sun is -------------30. The moon takes --------------------to orbit the Earth
31. The moon is bright because it -------------------sunlight
32. Full moon is when -------------is between the sun and ------------------33. New moon is when -------------is between the sun and ------------------34. Phases of the moon are -----------------,--------------------,------------and ----------------35. The -----------------is made of the sun and all the bodies that revolve around it.
36. A ----------------------trails a bright stream behind it (has a tail) in the space.
37. Inner planets are -----------------,---------------,--------------------- and has ---------solid
38. Outer planets are----------------,---------------,--------------and has---------solid core
39. Outer planets and inner planets have-----------------40. ---------------- is the red planet
41. -------------------is the smallest planets
42. ---------------------is the hottest planet
43. ---------------------is the biggest planet
44. ---------------------has thousands of rings
45. -------------------is tilted on its side.
46. ------------------is the only planet that has life on it
Give Reason to the following
1. There is a succession of day and night
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2. There are different seasons
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3. There are different phases of the moon
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4. There is wind
----------------------------------------------------------Write under each picture the suitable term
Classic barometer- anemometer- hail - crescent - solar system - thermometer - constellation