Kepler`s Laws:
Distant Worlds - Alien Life?
Distant planet with iron raindrops found
Distances in Space
Dissertation in Astronomy submitted to the Combined
Discovery of Extrasolar Planets - WSU Astronomy.
Discovery of a probable 4 − 5 Jupiter
Direct Imaging of Radial Velocity Exoplanets
Direct detection of extrasolar planets through eclipse by their host star
Diapositive 1
Diapositiva 1
Devan Solar System
Determining the mass of an extrasolar planet
Determination of the Interior Structure of Transiting
detection of transits of extrasolar planets with GAIA
Detection of Planetary Transits with the James Webb
Detection of Extrasolar Giant Planets
Detecting Transits of Extra
Detecting planets via transits
Detecting individual argon atoms