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Lesson 1 review
The Chaldeans ruled after the Assyrians. They were Cyrus
followed by the Persians. The first Persian king was Darius
.He was known for his tolerance. He let people keep their
customs. Another King, Marathon , divided the Persian
Empire into provinces. He put nobles in charge of the
provinces. The Persians built roads to improve travel.
Introduced the Persians to new religious ideas. The Persians
tried to defeat the Greek in 490 B.C. and 480 B.C., but they
failed. The Persian Empire lost power over the next century
and lost control of its vast lands.
Lesson 2 review
Peloponnesian Culture
The Minoans and the Philosophy
were early Greek
civilizations. Later, Athens and Sparta were two powerful
city-states. The Athenians had a direct Mycenaean’s. The
had much more freedom than the Spartans had.
After fighting the Persians, Athens and Sparta fought each
other in the Peloponnesian War. Sparta WON and ruled
Greece. Later, Alexander the Great conquered and ruled a
huge empire. Greek
Spread and remained strong for
300 years
Chapter 7
1.-Cyrus practiced tolerance. He let conquered people a
a. - keep their customs
b. Play sports
c.-pay taxes
d. vote for their leaders
2. Tribute is a kind of__d__
a. Body of water
c. status
b. running
d. tax
3. The Persians __d___ was based on the daric.
a. number system
c. land system
b. Writing system
d. money system
4. An epic is a ___d
a. trade route
c. big open area
b. long story poem
d. method to clear lands
5. In a democracy, _a____ rule themselves
a. the people
c. pharahohs
b. warriors
d. shamans
The Etruscans conquered the Latins and controlled Rome for
about 100 years. In 509 B.C. the Romans set up a _ Republic
___ Two ____ Consuls __ ruled the new government. They
were advised by a group of 300 men called the senate. The
new form of government was a representative government.
_____ were not a part of government in the beginning. In
time they gained more rights. The Romans took control of
the Italian Peninsula.
They then went to war three times with the city of __
Carthage ___ . Rome won all three of the Punic Wars.
LESSON 2 Review
In 44 B:C: the Romans senate named __ Julius Caesar __ a
dictator for life. He made some good changes and had plans
to do more. But on March 15, he was killed. After a while,
two men took control of the Roman Empire. __ Octavian __
ruled Roman lands in the East.
Mark Antony fell in love with Cleopatra, the queen of Egypt.
This led to a war between Octavian and Antony. Octavian
won a battle off the coast of __ Egypt __, The Roman
senate made Octavian an emperor. After that, he became
knows as Augustus ____. Under his long rule, Romans had
honest leaders and better schools.