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Chapter 17
How does evolution function in genetic terms?
 Natural selection does not act on genes but on the
whole organism
 Population = group of individuals of that same
species that mate and produce offspring
 Share a gene pool (all the genes in a population)
Genes and Variation
 Genotype and Phenotype –
 Through the use of the gene pool, we can evaluate
the allele frequency, or how often a certain trait
 Genetic evolution involves a change in the allele
frequency of a population
 Single trait genes (one gene controls)
 Polygenic trait (more than one gene controls) lead to
changes in
Sources of Genetic Variation
 Three sources:
2. Genetic Recombination - when does this occur?
3. Gene Transfer – bacteria
The number of phenotypes depends on how
many genes control a trait.
 Single gene traits – trait only controlled by one gene
 lead to changes in phenotype frequencies
 Polygenic Traits – trait controlled more than one
Lead to change in fitness and result in three types of changes
Natural selection on polygenic traits
 Stabilizing selection: favors the intermediate
 Directional selection: favors one of the extremes
 Disruptive selection: favors individuals at both
extremes, does not favor the intermediate
Genetic Drift and Gene Flow
 Genetic drift: change in the
gene pool of a population due to
chance, 2 causes
Bottleneck effect: where a
natural disaster drastically
reduces population size
Founder effect: small colony
on a new island
 Gene flow: a population loses
or gains alleles when fertile
individuals move out of into a
100 greatest discoveries
Evolution vs Equilibrium
 Genetic
equilibrium: no
evolution means
allele frequencies
stay the
 Helps to predict
frequencies of future
alleles or to see if
evolution is
Hardy-Weinberg Principle
 States that allele frequencies should remain
constant unless one or more factors cause those
frequencies to change
 Factors:
1. Nonrandom mating (sexual selection =
individuals select mates based on traits) *Video
2. Small population (genetic drift will occur easily)
3. Immigration or Emigration (if individuals leave,
frequencies change!)
4. Mutations (can introduce new alleles)
5. Natural Selection (different fitness levels)
 Makes predictions like punnett squares…but for
populations not individuals
 Formula used instead of punnett square
Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
 p = dominant allele
 q = recessive allele
p2 = frequency of AA
2pq = frequency of Aa
q2 = frequency of aa
Tay Sachs is a rare genetic disorder that is
recessive and makes up about 4 percent of
the humans population. What would be
the genotype frequency in percentages?
 Blue eyes in humans is due to a recessive allele,
which makes up about 28 % of the population. What
would be the percentages of the homozygous
dominant, heterozygous, and homozygous recessive
conditions of the allele?
 In the human population a recessive genetic disorder
called Down’s Syndrome is seen about 0.6 % of the
time. What would be the allele frequencies for this
disorder in percentages?
What is a species?
Species = A population or group of populations
who can interbreed and produce fertile offspring
Ex: similarity between two species of songbirds
Speciation – the forming of a new species
Reproductive Isolation
 If group members stop interbreeding, reproductive
isolation has occurred = can no longer interbreed
 Three types..
Geographic isolation– different habit, sometimes separated
by mountains or flooded area
Behavioral isolation – differences in courtship
Temporal isolation – differences in mating seasons
Molecular Evolution
 A molecular clock uses mutation rates in DNA to
estimate the time that two species have been
evolving together.
 Figure 17-18
 How do we know species C is more closely related to
species B than to species A?
 Studies relationship of evolution and embryological
 Small changes in Hox gene can produce large
changes in adult animals