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Ancient Rome
Early Western Civilization
Chapter Three
Etruscan Civilization
The Etruscans
The Etruscans were a group of people who
were from northern Italy.
 Italy had been ruled by 7 kings and it is
thought that the last 3 were Etruscans.
 The Etruscans greatly influenced the city of
Rome. They built temples, shops, roads,
and homes and influenced other aspects of
Roman culture as well.
Etruscan Tomb Painting
The Apian Way
The Founding of Rome
The city of Rome was founded by twin
brothers Romulus and Remus in 753 B.C.E.
 According to legend they were from a
wealthy family and were abandoned by
their uncle.
 A She-wolf took them in and raised them.
 Romulus killed his brother Remus and took
control as leader of Rome.
The She-Wolf
Ancient Rome
Social and Political Order
Claimed to be the
descendents of the
original senators
appointed by the Kings
Aristocratic Governing
Only they could be
Consuls, other Magistrates
and Senators
Social and Political Order
large landowners
less wealthy
Artisans, Merchants
and small farmers
Social and Political Order
Although both groups were Roman citizens,
their rights were different.
 Both Patricians and Plebians could vote.
 Both had the right to make legal contracts,
and marry, but intermarriage between the
classes was not allowed.
 Patricians were the only ones allowed to
hold office.
Social and Political Order
In the later years of the Republic the
Plebians became more powerful.
 They created a new assembly (Council of
Plebs) in 471. New leaders called Tribunes
protected the Plebians. A new law allowed
 In 278 B.C.E. the Council received the right
to pass laws for all Romans.
City of Rome During the
Republic Period
The Roman Conquest of Italy
In 509 the last Etruscan monarch was
overthrown as ruler of Rome and a
Republican system of government was
The Punic Wars
Punic is the Latin word for Phoencian. The
Phoencians controlled Carthage in earlier
 The Romans sent an army to Sicily in order
to intervene in a local dispute. The
Carthaginians considered this an invasion of
their territory.
The Punic Wars
241 Carthage gave up all rights to Sicily due to
Roman dominance in naval strength.
Hanibal (a Carthaginian) began the second Punic
War when he retaliated against Roman attempts to
get Spain to invade Carthage.
Hanibal led an army of 30,000- 40,000 men, 6,000
horses and elephants across the Alps and defeated
the Romans.
The Punic Wars
The Carthaginians, under Hannibal were not
successful in maintaining control over Roman
Rome invade Carthage and beat Hannibal and his
men. A peace treaty was signed in 201 B.C.E.
Carthage lost Spain.
50 years later Rome went to war again and this
time Rome destroyed the Carthage in 146 B.C.E.
and claimed it as a Roman province called Africa.
Roman Conquests in the
Creation of the
Roman Confederation
338 B.C.E.
The First Punic War
264- 241 B.C.E.
The Second Punic War
218- 201 B.C.E.
The Third Punic War
149- 146 B.C.E.
Macedonia becomes
a Roman Province
148 B.C.E.
From Republic to Empire
Tiberius Gracchus represented interests of
Rome’s lower class. He served as Tribune.
 He wanted to limit the amount of land
controlled by the Patricians.
 He was assassinated in 132 B.C.E.
 His brother Gaius Gracchus continued his
brother’s reforms.
Gaius Marius
General in the Roman army. He was
prominent in the late 2nd century B.C.E.
Civil War breaks out in Rome and Marius
seizes Rome in 87 B.C.E. He recruited a
private army to support him from landless
After Marius dies in 87 B.C.E., Sulla seized
control of Rome. He institutes a reign of
terror that lasts about five years.
 Julius Caesar, Marius’ nephew, came to
power and instituted liberal policies and
social reform.
Julius Caesar Conquers Gaul
Roman Fort
Roman Britain
City of Bath- England
Roman North Africa- Lepcis
Hadrian’s Wall
Roman Empire 117 A.D.
Octavian a.k.a. Augustus Caesar
Octavian became the
first Roman Emperor
in 27 B.C.E.
The Senate gave him
the title of Augustus
which meant revered
Julius Caesar
In 47 B.C.E. he seized power in Rome and was
made dictator. A short time later, in 44 B.C.E. he
was given the title dictator for life.
He made land reforms and gave land to the poor.
He increased the Senate to 900 members and then
packed it with supporters of his reforms.
Julius Caesar
He gave people in the provinces who had
helped him, the status of Roman citizen.
He began a number of public works
projects and military campaigns in the east.
He was assassinated by a group of senators
in 44 B.C.E.
Augustus (31 B.C.E.-14 C.E.)
He created a standing army of 150,000 men split
into legions of around 5,000 men each.
Only Roman citizens could be legionaries.
Subject peoples in the provinces and else where
could serve under the legionaries.
Augustus also created the Praetorian guard
which were his own personal guards. They
numbered about 9,000 men.
The Pax Romana
This is a period of peace and prosperity which
begins with Augustus and continues for 200 years.
Augustus begins the Julio-Claudian line which
ends with Nero.
After Nero there is a civil war and Vespasian
becomes emperor.
Family Life in the Roman
The family included all household members
who lived together.
 Father of the family ruled the household
 Women had considerable power in their
own families and many ran businesses and
managed estates.
 Ancestor worship was extremely important
to the family.
Roman Family Life
Urban Life- Insula (everyday
Slaves made up 1/3 of the Roman
 Working conditions for slaves in the cities
were somewhat better.
 Laborers would often be chained together
while working in the fields.
 Spartacus’ uprising in 73 B.C.E. was the
largest slave revolt, but not the only one.
The Colosseum
Temple of Jupiter (Lebanon)
Pompeii Ruins
Villa of the Mysteries- Pompeii
Etruscan town that
was conquered by
At the time of its
destruction it had a
population of 20,000
A favorite resort of
wealthy Romans and
Bath House
Basillica of Maxentius
The Pantheon 128 A.D.
Commissioned by
Emperor Hadrin
Started in 118 A.D.
It is a clock of sorts. It
tells the time by rays
of light hitting the
sculptures inside.
What is the story of how Rome started?
Describe the political and social order in
early ancient Rome.
What happened in the Punic Wars?
Why was Julius Caesar so important?
Describe Roman Family Life.