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Optical Implementations of QIP
Kevin Resch
IQC, Department of Physics
University of Waterloo
Quantum optics and Quantum Info. group
Optical Imaging
Tests of nonlocality
Goal of the talk
• To understand from basic principles how a
quantum information protocol works in
theory and in practice using optics
• I chose quantum teleportation where we
can understand the discrete (polarization)
and continuous variable versions of this
Quantum teleportation
• A process for transmitting quantum
information using a classical channel and
shared entanglement
Figure credit: Bouwmeester et al. Nature 390, 575 (1997).
• Introduction to quantum optics
– photons, encodings, entanglement
• QIP with polarization
– waveplates, CNOT, teleportation
• QIP with continuous variables
– Wigner function, measurements, teleportation
Field quantization
• A procedure for finding a quantum
description of light
• Starting point is Maxwell’s Equations in
• Introducing the potentials and gauge
Field quantization
• From these derive wave equation for the
vector potential
• Spatial mode expansion (exact form
depends on boundary conditions)
Plane wave solutions
Periodic BC, cubic volume
Field quantization
• Also from classical physics, the energy
stored in an EM field
• Energy for a single mode
• Rewriting complex A in terms of real quant
• Gets us onto familiar territory
(mass = 1)
Field quantization
Field quantization
• Promote the classical parameters to
• Which defines field operators
Field quantization
• And find the energy for each mode
• Which simplifies to
Field quantization
• Harmonic oscillator
“number” operator
The excitations of the EM modes are
“photons” – particles of light
Experimental evidence for photons
• Particles can only be detected in one
Ca Atomic Cascade
Grangier, Roger, Aspect Europhysics Lett 1, 173 (1986)
Properties of photons
• A single photon has just three properties:
– Colour/energy,
– Polarization,
– Direction/momentum,
• Its quantum state can be described as a
superposition of these properties
Single photon QI encodings
• Spatial modes
• Polarization
• Time-bin
• Freq. encoding
QIP with optics
• Pros:
– Low decoherence*
– High speed
– Flexible encodings
Ideal for quantum
• Cons:
– Negligible photon-photon interactions
– Loss
– Hard to keep in one place
– Some encodings unsuitable for some
situations, ex., polarization/modes in fibre
*can be susceptible to coupling internal DOF
But an optical mode is more complicated…
• Photons are bosons, so we can have
many per mode
• Important multi-photon states of a single
– Fock or number state
– Coherent state
– Squeezed state
– Thermal state
• (Things can get very complicated with a
large number of modes and all the DOF)
“Mode” observables: Quadratures
• We can write quadrature operators
analogous to x and p (but do not
correspond to pos/mom of the photon!)
• Since
, there must be an
uncertainty relation
Useful operator identities
• Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff lemma
• Glauber’s identity
valid when [A,[A,B]]= [A,[A,B]]=0.
Phase shift operators
• Phase shift operator (exp free-field)
• Using BCH
• Or
• Free-field evolution converts one
quadrature into the other in the form of a
• These observables correspond to
components of the electric field
• There is an uncertainty relation between
the E field ‘now’ and the E field a quarter
cycle ‘later’
Coherent states
• Defined as eigenstates of lowering
a is not Hermitian so α can be complex
• Uncertainties in mode variables:
• Min uncertainty, equal between q and p
Displacement operator
• Coherent states can be generated using
the displacement operator:
• This can be seen by rewriting the operator
using Glauber’s identity and comparing
Displacement operator
• Useful identities and properties:
Coherent states in quantum optics
• Coherent states play an important role as
a basis in quantum optics
• But coherent states with different
amplitudes are orthogonal
• And the basis is “overcomplete”
(projectors do not sum to identity)
The characteristic trait of QM
E. Schrödinger
Math. Proc. Camb. Philos. Soc. 31, 555 (1935).
Definition of entanglement
• Any state that can be written,
is said to be separable, otherwise it is
• Pure states:
Ã(x 1 ; x 2 )
Ã(x 1 )Ã(x 2 )
are separable, otherwise entangled
Superposition and entanglement
The characteristic trait of QM
Quantum Computing
Enhanced Sensors
Phase transitions
Quantum Communication
Quantum relativistic
Foundations of QM
Figure credit: Rupert Ursin
Jennewein et al. PRL 84, 4729 (2000)
S. Hawking Illustrated Brief History of Time
Nonlinear optics
• Direct photon-photon interactions too
• Instead atoms can mediate interactions
between photons – Nonlinear Optics
• Ex. Second-order nonlinearity
Nonlinear coefficient
Creates pairs of
Destroys pairs of
Nonlinear optics
• Instead of oscillating only at the frequency
of the driving field, the charge can oscillate
at new frequencies
Example: Second
Harmonic Generation
Χ(2) material
(such as BBO or KTP)
Second-harmonic generation
Entangled photons
• Reverse of SHG
Parametric Down-conversion
“blue” photon
two “red”
wpump = ws + wi
Phase matching:
kpump = ks + ki
‘Conservation laws’ constrain the pair without
constraining the individual  entanglement
Also: QD, at. casc
Down-conversion movie
KTP – nonlinear crystal
PPKTP source
PPKTP source
Multiphoton sources: Pulsed SPDC
• Down-conversion can sometimes emit two pairs.
• If a short pulse is used for an entangled photon source,
the pair are properly described by a 4-photon state
H = gay ay + gay ay
H1 V2
H 2 j0i
V1 H2
+ h:c:
(ay ay + ay ay ) 2 j0i
j2H 1 ; 2V2 i + jH 1 ; V1 ; H 2 ; V2 i + j2V1 ; 2H 2 i
H1 V2
V1 H2
GHZ Correlations
• Measured 4-photon coincidences to post-select GHZ
j2H 1 ; 2V2 i + jH 1 ; V1 ; H 2 ; V2 i + j2V1 ; 2H 2 i
• Needs at least 1H and 1V
in mode 1
Bouwmeester PRL 82, 1345 (1999)
Lavoie NJP 11, 073501 (2009)
H a H bVc
Va VbH c
Three-photon GHZ states
• ~4 four-fold coincidence counts per minute (3fold coincidence + trigger)
• Fidelity with target GHZ 84% from tomography
2nd method: Cascaded down-conversion
~1 in a billion years
~1 per day
~1 in a hundred
thousand years
~3 per hour
~2 per month
~1 per second
Bulk crystal (BBO)
*assuming 106 s-1 primary photons,
no loss, perfect detectors
Experimental cascaded down-conversion
See also Shalm Nature Physics 9, 19 (2013);
Hamel arxiv: 1404.7131
4.7 ± 0.6 counts/hr
Two-mode squeezed vacuum
• Two mode squeezing operator
• Creates or destroys photons in pairs
• Properties
• Warning: can’t use Glauber’s theorem
Two-mode squeezed vacuum
• The interesting properties show up in the
correlations between quadrature obs.
Two-mode squeezed vacuum
• The commutator,
• And so we have the same uncertainty
relation between these joint observables
as the quadratures themselves:
Two-mode squeezed vacuum
• We can calculate the uncertainty in these
observables for the TMSV
• Recall
• To calculate this requires several
applications of the squeeze operator
identities, ex.,
Two-mode squeezed vacuum
• After some algebra
• Choosing
• We can “squeeze” the uncertainty in one
observable at the expense of the other
Einstein Podolsky Rosen correlations
• If we consider a different pair of joint
quadrature observables, ex.
• These operators commute (thus the
uncertainty relation is trivial) and for the
Einstein Podolsky Rosen Correlations
• For infinite squeezing, the state is an
eigenstate of both
• Highly entangled state central to:
Two-mode squeezed vacuum
• This state is the most entangled state for a
given amount of energy (its subsystems
are thermal states, which have the highest
entropy for a fixed energy)
• As such it plays the role of the Bell states
in CV protocols