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Name: ____________________________________ Date: _______________________ Core: _________
Microbes and Diseases Unit Test
Test A
Multiple Choice: Read the question carefully and choose the best answer.
_____ 1.
Which animal is a common vector?
A) Ant
C) Snail
B) Mosquito
D) Termite
_____ 2.
Which statement about viruses is
A) Viruses do not have genetic material
B) Viruses need a host cell to multiply
C) Viruses are larger than bacterial cells
D) Viruses have a cell wall and cytoplasm
_____ 7.
Which statement best explains
why viruses are considered parasites?
A) They are unable to be destroyed by
B) They are specific and can only infect
one type of cell
C) They are nonliving and microscopic
D) They harm the cells they enter
_____ 3.
Which disease could best be
treated with antibiotics?
A) Common Cold
B) Flu
D) Strep Throat
_____ 8.
Which statement is true about the
Influenza Virus?
A) Antibiotics can cure Influenza
B) Influenza can be caused by a mutagen
C) Influenza can be very contagious
D) Vaccines cannot prevent Influenza
_____ 4.
Which substance is beneficial to
(good for) humans?
A) Antibiotic
C) Mutagen
B) Carcinogen
D) Toxin
_____ 9.
What vector is most likely to carry
the Malaria parasite?
A) Mosquito
C) Soil
B) Mouse
D) Flea
_____ 5.
Which scenario represents the role
of a vector in the transmission (spread) of a
A) A mother passes a mutated gene to her
B) A person handles contaminated tissues
and later gets a cold
C) A healthy mother passes protective
antibodies to her unborn child
D) An infected raccoon bites an uninfected
dog who contracts (gets) Rabies
_____ 10. What relationship exists between a
virus and a cell?
A) A cell needs a virus to obtain energy
B) A cell cannot exist without a virus
C) A virus is bigger than a cell
D) A virus needs a host cell to reproduce
_____ 6.
A scientist discovers a microbe
with genetic material and proteins, but no
nucleus or cell structures. What is the best
conclusion about the microbe?
A) It is a bacterium
C) It is a protist
B) It is a cell
D) It is a virus
_____ 12. Ben became sick with the
symptoms of a runny nose, sore throat, and
fever. His doctor prescribed antibiotics to
help him recover. What most likely caused
Ben’s illness?
A) Bacteria
C) A virus
B) Fungi
D) A parasite
_____ 11. Which disease is caused by a
A) Asthma
C) Diabetes
B) Cancer
D) Influenza
_____ 13. Which action would prevent
catching an infectious disease?
A) Avoiding antibiotics
B) Prescribing antibiotics
C) Getting vaccinated
D) Wearing sunscreen
_____ 14. Which statement about viruses is
A) A virus is a prokaryotic microbe
B) A virus requires a host cell to reproduce
C) A virus is a eukaryotic microbe
D) A virus moves by cilia or flagella
_____ 15. If a person is suffering from a
severe infection caused by bacteria, which
solution might a doctor propose?
A) Antibiotics
C) Surgery
B) Exercise
D) Vaccination
_____ 16. The disease Strep Throat is caused
by a bacterial infection. The infected
person carries the germs in the mouth and
nasal fluid. Symptoms can include a high
fever, a sore throat, and a skin rash. Which
action could spread the disease?
A) Washing hands properly with soap
B) Using tissue for coughing and sneezing
C) Allowing an infected person to attend
D) Keeping separate utensils for the
infected person
_____ 17.
How is the Rabies virus
transmitted (spread) from one organism to
A) Exposure to the saliva of an infected
organism, usually through a bite
B) The virus is airborne and can be inhaled
from a cough or sneeze from an
infected organism
C) Consumption of undercooked meat
D) The virus is genetically linked and is
passed from mother to child
Vocabulary: Carefully read each definition and match it to the correct word.
_____ 18. The study of organisms that are too small to see without a microscope
A) Chemistry B) Bacillus
C) Microbiology D) Pandemic
_____ 19. An epidemic that spreads across a large area, like a continent
A) Coccus
B) Epidemic
C) Carrier
D) Pandemic
_____ 20. An organism composed (made up) of only one cell
A) Spirochete B) Microbiology C) Spirillum
D) Unicellular
_____ 21. A bacterial shape meaning “spherical”
A) Bacillus
B) Spirillum
C) Coccus
D) Spirochete
_____ 22. Occurs when the incidence rate of a disease is higher than expected in a certain area
A) Epidemic
B) Antimicrobial C) Treatment
D) Pandemic
_____ 23. A bacterial shape meaning “rod-like”
A) Bacillus
B) Spirillum
C) Coccus
D) Spirochete
Identification: For questions 24- 31 use the following choices to identify which type of microbe causes the given diseases.
A) Bacteria
_____ 24.
_____ 25.
_____ 26.
_____ 27.
Athlete’s Foot
B) Virus
C) Fungi
_____ 28.
_____ 29.
_____ 30.
_____ 31.
D) Parasite
Strep Throat
Food Poisoning
Interpreting Visuals: Use the visual aids to answer the following questions.
The diagram below shows the process of a cell becoming
infected by a pathogen. Use this diagram for questions
_____ 35. The diagram shows the results of an
experiment where four different solutions were
tested on the growth of bacteria.
Which solution(s) can be described as having antimicrobial effects on the bacteria used in the experiment?
_____ 32.
What type of pathogen is shown?
A) Bacteria
C) Protist
B) Mutagen
D) Virus
_____ 33. What will happen after step 5 in the
A) The new viruses will not survive because they
are not inside a cell
B) The new viruses will attack other cells and
continue to reproduce
C) The viruses will be destroyed by natural
antibiotics in the body
D) The new viruses will be weaker than the original
virus and will not harm the body
_____ 34.
What happens to the cell as a result of the
virus replicating inside?
A) It multiplies and divides
B) It is unaffected by the virus
C) It copies its DNA and organelles
D) It is destroyed by the virus
A) Alcohol and bleach
B) Ammonia and saltwater
C) Alcohol only
D) Bleach only
_____ 36. Malaria is spread to humans when a
mosquito transmits the Plasmodium parasite into
the bloodstream through insect bites.
Which term best describes the mosquito in this
A) Disease
B) Pathogen
C) Vector
D) Virus
_____ 37.
Students conducted a survey to study methods
of disease prevention for colds. Their results are shown in
the graph.
What conclusion does the data support?
People who avoided touching their faces were the
least likely to become ill
Hand washing is an effective way to prevent the
spread of disease
Wearing gloves provides the same protection as hand
D) Using alcohol-based hand sanitizer does not prevent
the spread of disease
_____ 38.
A group of friends attended a festival where
food was served. After the event, several individuals
developed the same symptoms: nausea, vomiting, and
stomach cramps. The table shows the foods eaten and the
people who became sick.
Which explanation most likely describes how the people
became sick?
Tom contracted a virus and spread it to the other
individuals who also became sick
The barbeque sandwiches were improperly cooked
and caused food poisoning
The salad was contaminated with the Salmonella
The sick individuals were exposed to a fast-acting
_____ 39.
Use the diagram to answer the question
The previously uninfected human becomes infected
with Malaria. Which term best describes the
A) Antimicrobial
B) Mutagen
C) Parasite
D) Vector
_____ 40. Thomas is suffering from a case of Athlete’s
Foot. Which treatment would best provide relief for
his illness?