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Course Essential Standard Objective Essential Questions 8721 Principles of Business and Finance 3.00 Unit A Principles of Business Understand the role of marketing in business. 3.01 Understand principles of marketing. How are the functions of marketing classified? How does marketing research impact the creation and improvement of goods/products and services? How is the selling price of goods/products and services determined? How are the channels of distribution classified? How are the types of promotion classified? Jot down what you think marketing is. Do Focus on Real Life on page 236. Contemplate the following questions: 1. Will someone share how he/she became aware of a product/service purchased recently? 2. How has advertising changed over the years? 3. How important is it for businesses to adjust their advertising methods in order to reach perspective consumers? As I lecture, fill in your graphic organizers and add notes as we complete slides 1-6. Working with your classmates TO THE RIGHT OF YOU…complete the Who’s Marketing in Your Town activity. Moving along, read Focus on Real Life on page 243. Contemplate the following questions: 1. Will someone describe a situation of how he/she made a good purchase decision? 2. How did the business help with that decision? 3. Will someone describe a situation of how he/she made a bad purchase decision? 4. How could a business have made this decision better? TOD – Answer the first EQ. I. The marketing process includes a variety of activities that are organized into functions. The classification of marketing functions are: A. Marketing-information management B. Product/service management C. Pricing D. Place (Distribution) E. Selling F. Financing G. Promotion II. Businesses use marketing research to obtain information about experiences of customers and characteristics of goods/products or services in order to create or improve them. Characteristics of goods/products and services Similar Goods/Products Services Different Goods/Products Services Tangible Intangible Non-perishable Perishable Separable Inseparable 2. Include a mix of the marketing elements: Easier to market More difficult to market product, price, promotion, and place More control over Less control over quality 1. Meet the needs or satisfaction of a target market (distribution) quality III. The value and price of products and services are influenced by price factors and components. The components of a price are the: Selling price=product costs + operating expenses + profit. IV. The Channel of distribution is imperative to ensuring goods/products and services reach intended final consumers. The two types of channel of distribution are: A. Direct B. Indirect V. Promotion is a means to inform, persuade, or remind customers about goods/ products and services. The two main types of promotion are: A. Personalized B. Mass Name ____________________ Class __________ Date __________ Functions of Marketing Organizer – 3/23/15 Directions: Provide a response for the listed items. What happens during the marketing process? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Functions of Marketing Describe Marketing Information Systems Product/Service Management Pricing Place (Distribution) Selling Financing Promotion Example Name ____________________ Class __________ Date __________ Marketing in Your Town Activity – COLLABORATE WITH THE PERSON TO YOUR RIGHT. 3/23/15 Directions: Identify businesses that perform marketing functions in your community, on television, and social media. You may use business: representatives or directory, the Yellow Pages, the Internet, print material, product containers, etc. Marketing function: ______________________________________________________ Name of business: ______________________________________________________ Resource: _____________________________________________________________ Brief description of business services: _______________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Marketing function: ______________________________________________________ Name of business: ______________________________________________________ Resource: _____________________________________________________________ Brief description of business services: _______________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Marketing function: ______________________________________________________ Name of business: ______________________________________________________ Resource: _____________________________________________________________ Brief description of business services: _______________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Marketing function: ______________________________________________________ Name of business: ______________________________________________________ Resource: _____________________________________________________________ Brief description of business services: _______________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Marketing function: ______________________________________________________ Name of business: ______________________________________________________ Resource: _____________________________________________________________ Brief description of business services: _______________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 8721 Principles of Business and Finance Summer 2010, Version 2 Page 4