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Organic Compounds
Substances which contain Carbon. All living things contain
Carbon, it is known as the backbone of life.
21 Amino Acids
Amino Acids
• Alpha C
• H atom
• Amino group
• Carboxyl
• R side chain
21 aa found in proteins
8 are essential, we can’t make them
Form peptide bonds to make proteins
Some are hydrophilic, hydrophobic and electrically charged
The R group determines the 3 dimensional shape of protein
Protein formation
• Primary structure - the linear sequence of amino acids
• Secondary structure
• alpha-helix - (called alpha b/c 1st to be discovered)
• a- keratins are hard
• nails, hooves, and horns
• soft=hair, wool (the difference is the amount
of cystine)
• b-pleated sheet - cross-linked by H
• b-keratins are silk, spider webs, feathers, scales,
claws, beaks of reptiles and birds
• collagen - most abundant protein in body; found in
bones, tendons, ligaments, and cartilage; boiled for
• Tertiary structure - most functional proteins
• Secondary structure + random coiled subunits + S-S
• Caused by interactions of R groups
• Globular or cigar shaped
• Quaternary structure
• Tertiary + tertiary + tertiary, etc.
• Hemoglobin = 4 tertiaries
Nucleic Acids
ATP + H2O  ADP + Pi + free energy