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Cells, Solutions, and Characteristics of Living Things Quiz
Multiple Choice: Answer the following questions in the spaces provided on your bubble sheet.
1) The cell theory is one of the unifying themes of biology. Which of the following statements would be
part of the cell theory?
A) All life is made of cells.
D) Living things reproduce
B) Living things grow and develop
E) All of the above
C) Cells come from preexisting cells.
2) You are told that the cells on a microscope slide are plant or animal. You look at them through a
microscope and see cell walls and a membrane-bound nucleus. You conclude that the cells
A) are plant cells.
C) are animal cells.
B) could be either plant or animal.
D) none of these
3) All cells are the smallest units of living things and
A) are enclosed in a cell membrane.
D) have cytoplasm
B) need to make and/or eat food.
E) all of the choices are correct.
C) have DNA as the genetic material.
4) If I dump an egg into a hypertonic solution, what should I expect to have happen
A. It will shrink
B. It will swell
C. It will stay the same
D. It will dissolve
5) Which of the following is NOT a characteristic that all living things have in common?
a. cellular shape
b. using energy
c. response to stimulus
d. reproduction
6) A change in an organism’s surroundings that causes it to react is called
a. a response.
b. a stimulus.
c. energy.
d. development.
7) Homeostasis refers to an organism’s ability to maintain stable internal conditions. This is important
a. Some enzymes only work at certain temperatures
b. Different pH levels can cause chemical reactions to occur or stop occurring
c. Cells requiring a certain environment may not be able to function if they end up in hypertonic or
hypotonic solutions
d. All of the above are logical
8) Scientists hypothesize that the first life forms on Earth
a. were multicellular organisms.
c. were single-celled organisms
b. lived on land.
d. resembled today’s plants.
9) Why do scientists organize living things into groups?
a. so they can find them in the wild more easily
b. so they can make sense of the variety of rocks on Earth
c. so that the organisms are easier to study
d. so that they can name creatures after themselves
10) A plant grows toward the light. The plant’s action is an example of
a. reproduction.
b. a response.
c. a stimulus.
d. development.
11) Typical plant cells and animal cells have
C. Both RNA and DNA
D. Neither
12) When comparing plant and animal cells, only plant cells have:
A. Centrosomes
B. Lilia
C. Chloroplast
D. Cell membrane
13) Which of the following is accurate when it comes to systems?
A. In a closed system, nothing can come in but they can go out
B. In an open system, things can’t come in but they can go out to conserve energy
C. In a closed system, mass and energy remains constant
D. In an open system, things can come in but not out.
14) Why were the elodea, paramecium, and red blood cell chosen for this hypo, hyper, and isotonic lab?
A. They are very similar and show the same results over and over again
B. They are very different and show the same results over and over again
C. They are very similar and show very different results from each other
D. They are very different and show very different results from each other
15) Which of the following structures is the “powerhouse of the cell”
A. Vacuole B. Cytoplasm
C. Centrosome
D. Vesicle
16) What is the fluid portion of the cell?
A. Golgi Apparatus
B. Cytoplasm
C. Centrosome
E. Mitochondria
D. Vesicle
E. Peroxisomes
17) Vegetables are sprinkled with water at the market because
A. The water is hypertonic to the vegetable cells and helps add water to those cells
B. The water is hypotonic to the vegetable cells and helps add water to those cells
C. The water is isotonic to the vegetable cells and helps add water to those cells
D. Not enough info is given to answer this question
E. All of these are possible with normal plant cells
18) Roads are sometimes salted to melt ice. What does this salting do to the plants along roadsides & why
does this happen?
A. The salt water is hypertonic to the vegetable cells and helps add water to those cells
B. The salt water is hypotonic to the vegetable cells and helps add water to those cells
C. The salt water is isotonic to the vegetable cells and helps keep those cells the same
D. The salt water is hypertonic to the vegetable cells and helps remove water from those cells
E. The salt water is hypotonic to the vegetable cells and helps remove water from those cells
True or False: Bubble “A” for true or “B” for false in the spaces provided on your Apperson form.
19) Plant cells are more likely to contain lysosomes, although both animal cells and plant cells can contain
20) Hyper means “less than”.
21) Animal cells contain very large main vacuoles that are used for storage.
22) A unicellular organism is capable of all of the jobs necessary for life.
23) Animal cells are usually smaller than plant cells.
24) Sexual reproduction requires two parent cells, each with half of the DNA needed to make a “baby”.
25) In our worksheet, plant cells are shown as rectangles, and animal cells are a bit more oval, and those are
the shapes that those cells always have in nature.
26) Plant cells have chloroplasts that are used in photosynthesis.
27) Way back in the olden days, when Mr. C was in elementary school, we only had 2 kingdoms – plants
and animals.
28) Selectively permeable membranes are only permeable to certain molecules, which helps maintain a
stable internal environment in the cells.
Just for fun – do you know the levels of cellular organization? Try this question:
29) Insulin is a protein that is produced by certain pancreatic cells and secreted into the bloodstream. (This
is true.) The pancreas sits near the middle of your abdomen and is made of several different types of
cells. The pancreas is most likely an example of which of the following?
A) Cell
B) Organ
C) Tissue
D) Organ System
E) Organism