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The Roman Empire
This Packet Belongs to ____________________________________
Is America An Empire?
Read the article and answer the following questions:
How does America dominate the world militarily,
economically, and culturally?
What examples of empires are discussed in the
What would be the positives to American imperialism?
What is America’s history of spreading democracy
around the world according to the article?
Explain the political cartoon on page 23.
What was President Bush’s opinion about America
being an empire?
What is your opinion? Is America an Empire? Should
we be an Empire? Explain your answer
Roman Expansion
Rome in 509 B.C.
Rome in 264 B.C.
Roman Expansion
146 B.C.
Roman Expansion
44 B.C.
Roman Expansion
117 A.D.
The Roman Empire
Augustus Caesar established the Roman
Empire by instituting
• Civil Service
• Rule by Law
• Common Coinage
• Secure travel and trade throughout the
The Pax Romana
• “Roman Peace”
• Lasted approx 200 years
• Expansion and solidification of the Roman
Empire particularly in the Near East
Economic Impact
• Established uniform system of
money which helped to expand
• Guaranteed safe travel and trade
on Roman Roads
• Promoted prosperity and stability
Social Impact
• Returned stability to social
• Increased emphasis on the
The Pax
Political Impact
• Created a civil service
• Developed a uniform rule of law
Review Questions
• How did Rome treat the people
that they conquered?
• What did they require of
conquered peoples?
• Can you think of any group that
would have objected to these
Rise of Christianity
Rome vs. Jews
Jewish religion did not
allow for honoring other
gods (10
Jews revolted against
the Romans
Romans viewed Jews
as rebels
Roman province of Judea
Rise of Christianity
II. Birth of Jesus
• Jesus born approx. 4
• Began to preach at age of
• Word spread that he
performed miracles of
• Romans regarded him as
a troublemaker and
executed him by
Rise of Christianity
III.Basic Beliefs/Traditions
• Rooted in Jewish faith
• Led by Jesus of Nazareth
• Jesus claimed that he was the son of God and
the messiah that Jewish prophets had predicted.
• Preached that those who believed his claim
would be granted salvation in the afterlife.
• Preached forgiveness.
• Belief that Jesus was the Son of God and the
incarnation of God
Rise of Christianity
Beliefs and Traditions Continued
• Monotheistic
• Life after death
• New Testament contains accounts of the
life and teachings of Jesus as well as
writings of early Christians
• Church doctrine was established by early
church councils.
Rise of Christianity
IV. Spread of Christianity:
• Followers start as small sect
calling themselves
• Carried by Apostles
including Paul
• Apostle Paul is most
responsible for the spread of
Christianity after death of
• Death of martyrs impresses
• Popularity of the message.
Very attractive to poor and
oppressed: Message of
Rise of Christianity
Acceptance in Rome
Empire tried to suppress
the spread of Christianity
Emperor Constantine
issued Edict of Milan:
Gave Romans religious
Emperor Theodosius:
made Christianity the
official religion of the
Roman Empire
Christians were forced to worship in
secret. This involved burying their
dead in underground catacombs
(seen above)
Impact of Christianity
• Emperor Constantine converted to
Christianity and made it legal
• Later became the official state religion
• The Church became the source of moral
• Loyalty to the Church became more
important than loyalty to the Emperor
• The Church became the unifying force of
Western Europe
Bell Activity 3/19
Today’s SOL: WHI.6
Learning Targets: At the
end of class you will be able
•List basic beliefs of
•Explain the spread of
•Compare Christianity with
1.) What was the Chinese belief in the
divine right to rule?
2.) What were the four river valley
3.) Who had Athens rebuilt after it’s
destruction in the Persian Wars?
4.) Which civilization developed
5.) Which civilization developed
cuneiform and the first wheeled
Review Questions 3/19
1.) Who was the founder of Christianity?
2.) Who is MOST responsible for the spread
of Christianity after the death of the
3.) Christians believe that Jesus is the ____
of God and the ______ of God.
4.) Name one shared belief of Christians
and Jews.
Bell Activity 10/15/2012
Today’s SOL: WHI.6
Today’s Learning Targets: At
the end of class, you will be able
-List basic beliefs of Christianity
-Compare Christianity with
-List accomplishments of the
1.) Who was the founder of
2.) Who spread Christianity
after the death of the
3.) Christianity began in
which province of the
Roman Empire?
4.) What was the 200 year
period of peace and
prosperity in Rome?
5.) Map Review!!!!
Bell Activity 3/21
Today’s SOL: WHI.6
Learning Targets:
At the end of class,
you will be able to-
accomplishments of
•List reasons for
Rome’s decline
1.) Which emperor issued the
Edict of Milan?
2.) Which emperor made
Christianity the official
religion of the Roman
3.) What issue was decided
at the Council of Nicea?
4.) In architecture, Romans
perfected the ___ and
5.) Map Review!!!!
Bell Activity 3/22/2012
1.) What language did the
Roman use?
2.) What allowed the
Romans to live away from
sources of water?
3.) What is the building to
the right called?
4.) What is considered
Rome’s most significant
Bell Activity 3/22/2012
Today’s SOL: WHI.6
Learning Targets: At the end of class, you will be able to•List accomplishments of the Romans
•List reasons for Rome’s Decline
Decline of the Roman Empire
• Geographic size-difficulty of defense and administration
• Economy-the cost of defense and devaluation of Roman
• Military-Army membership starting to include nonRomans, resulting in decline of discipline
• Moral Decay-People’s loss of faith in Rome and the
• Political Problems-Civil conflict and weak administration
• Invasion-Attacks on the borders
Decline of the Roman Empire
Division of Roman Empire
• Move of capital by Constantine from Rome
to Byzantium renaming it Constantinople
• Survival of Western Roman Empire until
476 A.D. (C.E.) when it ceased to have a
Roman Emperor
• Eastern Roman Empire lives on-called the
Byzantine Empire
The Long Decline…..
• Split the empire into 2
parts. Appointed coemperor
• Increased prestige of
the emperor
• Fixed prices to stop
The Long Decline….
• Moved the capital to
the Greek city of
Byzantium due to
Rome’s vulnerability
• Renamed the city
• Power of the Empire
moves to the East
The Long Decline….
Results: Attempts were enough to keep the empire
together for another hundred years or so but could not
stop the long term decline.
The “Fall of Rome:” Finally in 476 A.D. the city of
Rome was conquered by the Vandals under the
leadership of Odoacer. This is usually considered the
“Fall” of Rome.
Actually, only the western half “fell” in 476. The eastern
portion continues on known as the Byzantine Empire
Bell Activity 3/23
Today’s SOL: WHI.6
Learning Targets: At
the end of class you
will be able toList Roman
List reasons for
Rome’s decline
1.) Who theorized that the
Earth was the center of the
2.) In what city would I find
the Pantheon?
3.) What were the
underground burial areas
used by early Christians?
4.) Map Review