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The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire
The Foundations of Rome
A. Main Idea
1. From a small town on the banks of an Italian river, Rome grew to
control the entire ____________________ region.
B. Roman Civilization Develops
1. ______________ logical place for emergence of mighty empire.
2. Lies almost halfway between __________________, western
boundaries of the _________ - protected by mountains, sea; rich
soil, mild climate.
3. Legend: ______________ and Remus; founded city 753 BC.
4. Indo-European tribe, __________, reached Italy 1000s BC; built
5. City prospered partly from location on Tiber River - valuable
________ routes, easy access to sea.
6. Rome first ruled by Latin Kings; came under ______________
rule, 600 BC.
7. Etruscans came from ________________ Italy - Etruscan culture
heavily influenced by ________.
8. Etruscans had great _________________ on Roman society.
C. Rome Becomes a Republic
1. In 509 BC, the ___________ revolted and threw out last of
Etruscan kings, setup new type of government - _____________
—elected officials governed state.
2. In early days, heads of a few aristocratic families, ___________,
elected officials - controlled all __________ —politics, religion,
economics, military - maintained power through _____________
3. From beginning, common people, ______________, challenged
patricians for power.
4. Invaders threatened 494 BC; plebeians refused to fight until
changes made – plebeian rights _____________: Plebian ______
and ________.
5. 450 BC, plebeians forced patricians to have all laws written
down – displayed in Roman _____________ - because laws were
posted, patrician judges could not make decisions based on own
opinions or secret laws.
D. Republican Government
1. Patricians, plebeians worked out practical ______________.
2. Government consisted of three parts -initially _______________
by patricians; all state offices later open to _________ patricians,
3. _____________: 300 members, advised elected officials,
controlled public finances, handled all foreign relations.
4. _____________ assemblies: in these all citizens voted on laws,
elected officials.
5. ___________________: governed in name of Senate and people,
put laws into practice, acted as priests.
E. Governing Details
1. __________________: (2 of them) elected for one year; chief
executives, army commanders.
2. __________________: next most important after consuls;
recorded wealth, residence of population; filled vacancies in
3. __________________: primarily judges, could act for consuls if
consuls away at war. After terms ended, given military
commands, appointed provisional governors.
4. __________________: government worked well because of
system of _____________, __________________.
F. Life in the Republic
1. During the days of the Roman Republic, ___________ was a
thriving and vibrant city. At its heart was the _______________,
the public square and site of the most important government
buildings and temples.
2. _______________ met in Forum - key public addresses made
there. Shopping and public celebrations.
3. Despite bustling nature of city, Romans prided themselves on
connection with __________ – Legend of Cincinnatus.
4. Farming, landownership the ________________ ways to make
5. __________________ forbidden to participate in any career that
did not involve land, could not engage in commerce.
The Republic Expands
A. The Republic Expands
1. As Rome’s _______________ changed population grew; surplus
population settled on land acquired by conquering neighbors.
2. Successful expansion due to powerful ________. All Roman
men between ages ______ and ______ with minimum amount of
_______________ required to serve in army during times of war.
3. Army organized into _____________ – comprised of _________
- noncommissioned officers who each commanded 100 men.
4. Army highly disciplined, well-trained, could fight in all types of
5. Rome in control of all of ________ by 265 BC.
6. Two strict conditions on subject people — provide ________ for
Roman army, abandon _____________ with foreign nations.
7. Now in control of Italy, turned to Sicily - _____________ Wars
raged for nearly 80 years (Carthage).
B. The Punic Wars
1. Violence between Rome and Carthage broke out in _______ BC.
Because the ___________ Punic War was fought mostly at sea,
Carthage’s powerful navy dominated the early fighting. Soon,
however, the Romans built a navy of their own and were able to
_____________ Carthage.
2. Violence soon broke out again - 218 BC, Carthaginian general
______________ led army across Pyrenees, Alps to invade Italy.
3. Hannibal ravaged Italy, ________________ every army he faced
- Romans needed new strategy.
4. Romans decided to take war to ____________ - General Publius
Cornelius _____________ sailed to Africa, besieged _________
- forced Hannibal to sail home.
5. Scipio _______________ Hannibal, took Carthage, won ______
Punic War.
6. The Romans had defeated Carthage, but it did not ____________
the city as many citizens had wanted.
C. Carthage Falls
1. Huge losses of ____________ Punic War remained in memories
of many Romans - 149 BC Rome decided to destroy old enemy
once and for all.
2. Declared war on Carthage for ______ time - after ____________
of ____________ years, Carthage fell.
3. Romans _____________ entire population, completely destroyed
city, and ____________ the earth, and they _____________ any
people from living there.
D. The Conquest of Greece
1. Punic Wars raged in western republic Rome became involved in
politics of eastern ________________________.
2. Romans and Greek allies fought, and defeated Macedonia, Persia
– both became Roman ______________.
3. Eventually Romans annexed ___________ as province; Romans
adopted many elements of Greek __________: art and ________.
From Republic to Empire
A. Main Idea
1. Governmental and __________ problems led to the end of the
Roman Republic and the creation of a new form of government.
B. Problems in the Late Republic
1. By the mid-_______ BC, Rome had no rival anywhere in the
Mediterranean world. However, the responsibilities of running
their vast holdings stretched the Roman ____________ system to
its limits.
2. Revolution began in political, ______________ institutions tensions grew between _____________ of Roman society – issue
of soldier-farmers and land – __________ fear of reduced power.
3. 107 BC, social unrest reached new level - General Gaius Marius
elected consul: eliminated _____________ restrictions; accepted
anyone who wanted to join __________.
4. Armies, private forces devoted to ______________ - poor hoped
to share plunder at end of war; ruthless generals realized loyalty
of troops could be used as ________________ tool.
Social and Civil Wars
1. The Social _________: Rome’s Italian allies had been trying to
obtain Roman _________________ - Senate wanted to maintain
_______________ on power, refused.
2. 90 BC, Social War broke out- rebels were _________________,
but granted citizenship.
3. Social War revealed talent of General Lucius Cornelius _______
- became consul, 88 BC; after consulship ended - he marched on
Rome, won civil war, became ______________. He carried out
program of reforms to protect power of ______________.
Rome Becomes an Empire
1. Sulla paved the way for major changes in Rome’s government.
The ________ of the ____________ resulted from the ambitions
of a few individuals.
2. ________________________, Gnaeus Pompey, Licinius Crassus
helped bring end to Republic.
3. Caesar, Pompey successful ___________ commanders - Crassus
one of wealthiest people in Rome.
4. 60 BC, the three took over Roman state, ruled as First ________.
5. Crassus died; Pompey, Caesar fought civil war - Caesar defeated
Pompey, took full control of Rome, became ______________ for
life, 44 BC.
6. Caesar made popular reforms, but __________ feared he would
destroy Roman Republic - __________________ him on the Ides
of March.
7. Caesar’s murder did ______ save the Republic – ________ War.
The Second Triumvirate
1. 43 BC, Second Triumvirate took power—Caesar’s adopted son,
________________; loyal officer ________________________;
high priest Lepidus.
2. Lepidus pushed aside; Antony, Octavian agreed to govern _____
the empire each, Octavian in west, Antony in East.
3. __________ war between Octavian, Antony broke out - Octavian
defeated Antony and his ally, Egypt’s Queen ________________
at the Battle of Actium in 31 BC.
4. Cleopatra, Antony committed ______________; Octavian alone
controlled Rome - Republic effectively __________.
From Octavian to Augustus
1. Octavian faced task of restoring order in empire - had no
intention of establishing _______________ when he took power.
2. Created new political order, known today as the _____________.
2. Octavian careful to avoid title of king or emperor - princeps,
“first ____________”; government called ________________.
3. 27 BC, Senate gave Octavian title ______________, “the revered
one.” Title a _______________ honor - able to wear laurel and
oak leaf crown.
The Augustan Age
1. Augustus head of state more than ____ years, made smooth
transition to new imperial government with power ___________
between him and __________
2. Most financial, administrative matters under __________ control
3. Started program to bring __________ to west, particularly to
Gaul, Spain
4. Began series of conquests that pushed border eastward to ______
5. Also took special care of ________ itself
6. Created police force, fire brigades; stockpiled food, water
7. Began __________ program; presided over moral, religious
8. Great period of __________ creativity; great writers like Horace,
Ovid, Virgil.
Julio-Claudians and Flavians
1. Augustus died AD ____, empire ruled by __________ relatives
for ____ years
2. Julio-Claudian Emperors’ abilities varied widely
3. __________ a good soldier, competent administrator
4. __________, brutal, mentally unstable; appointed favorite horse
as consul
5. AD 68, last of Julio-Claudians, __________ committed suicide
6. Following Nero’s death, ________ wars raged in Rome
7. _______ military leaders claimed throne in turn
8. Last, __________ reestablished order, as did reigns of two sons
9. Stability returned under __________
10. AD ____, new line of emperors established—_______ Emperors
11. _______ rulers governed Rome for almost a century
12. From provinces different than Rome, continued _________
Roman imperial society.
The Good Emperors
1. Empire _______ tremendously under Good Emperors
2. Reached limits of expansion under Trajan - added what are now
Romania, Armenia, Mesopotamia, and the Sinai Peninsula
3. Successor __________ thought empire too large - __________
from almost all eastern additions; built defensive fortifications to
guard against invasions - wall 73 miles long in northern _______
The Pax Romana
1. The period from the beginning of August’s reign in 27 BC until
the death of the last of the _______ Emperors in AD 180 is often
called the Pax Romana—the _____________________. This era
was characterized by __________ government, a strong legal
system, widespread trade, and peace.
2. __________________ strongest unifying force in empire maintained order, enforced laws, defended frontiers. Aristocracy
participated, but ______________ made all important decisions.
3. Empire divided into _________________ ruled by governors
appointed from Rome. Any ________________ could appeal
unfair treatment directly to emperor
4. Empire brought _________________ to the cities of the
Mediterranean world, which were governed in imitation of
K. Legal System, Trade, and Transportation
1. Roman __________ unified the empire - same laws applied to
everyone in empire, wherever they lived.
2. ___________________ remained primary occupation throughout
Pax Romana -tenant farmers began to replace _____________ on
large farms.
3. Manufacturing __________________ throughout empire.
4. Italy imported grain, meat, raw materials from provinces; silks,
linens, glassware, jewelry, furniture from Asia - _____________,
____________________ became commercial centers.
5. Commercial activity possible because of empire’s ____________
around Mediterranean and extensive __________ network.
Ultimately about ___________ miles of roads bound empire
6. Most roads built, maintained for _______________ purposes most goods went by sea.
Roman Society and Culture
A. Life in Imperial Rome
1. Wealthy men spent much time in ____________; public officials
not paid; only wealthy could afford to hold office; alliances.
2. Nearly ___ million Romans lived in crowded three- or four-story
apartment buildings; to keep poor from ______________: _____
food and public entertainment offered.
3. Two things interested public— _________, __________ (Circus
_____________, bloody spectacles, and the _______________).
B. Family, Education, and Religion
1. Head of family - oldest living ________; Virtues of simplicity,
religious devotion, obedience emphasized. Adoption important
in Roman society – pass on __________ name. Women could
do little without intervention of _______ guardian, more freedom
in lower classes.
2. Upper class Romans placed great value on _____________.
3. Romans adopted much from Greek, Egyptian, and others
__________________; many worshipped ______________.
4. Romans believed gods sent ___________, warnings - came in
form of natural _________________.
5. Paid respect to ____________ - priests who specialized in
interpreting signs - nothing important undertaken without first
consulting augurs.
C. Rome’s Cultural Legacy
1. Although the Western Roman Empire fell in ________, much of
Roman culture ______________ to influence life for centuries.
2. Romans practical, tried to apply knowledge gained from ______
to planning cities, building water, sewage systems, improving
3. Roman engineers constructed roads, bridges, amphitheaters,
public buildings, ________________ to bring water to cities;
invented ______________.
4. __________: Physician, AD 100s - greatest authority in _______
for centuries.
D. Architecture and Language
1. Dominant advances—round _______ and the ________: allowed
Romans to construct larger ____________ than earlier societies.
2. ______________ languages developed from Latin: Spanish,
French, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian; ____________ owes
much vocabulary to Latin.
3. Literature: ________; Law: ______ law (based on written code).
The Fall of Rome
A. Main Idea
1. Events and conditions inside as well as outside the Roman
Empire weakened it and led to its ______________ in the _____
in the 400s.
B. The Empire Weakens
1. The Roman army’s inability to stop the ____________ was one
symptom of the weakness that befell the empire after the end of
the ________________________.
2. After ______, empire confronted by challenges from outside,
growing problems within.
3. When last of _______ Emperors died, Rome had no strong leader
- _______ wars broke out.
4. Rome under increasing threat of ________________ on eastern,
western frontiers.
5. Military Dictatorship: emperors increased size of Rome’s army
caused _________________ crisis - Empire: ________________
6. Legions deposed emperors, elevated own leaders to throne - 20
emperors in ______ years.
7. Insecurity of civil wars, invasions affected Roman life: economic
troubles – trade down, __________ up, and _______________.
C. Attempts at Reform
1. The crises of the _______ shattered the Roman world. Drastic
_____________ had to be made if the empire were to survive.
2. _____________________: took power, 284, changed empire into
_______________ monarchy - placed self __________ subjects,
ruled with no accountability to anyone
3. Imperial economy came under ___________ direction, geared
toward needs of imperial defense – saved empire from immediate
economic ______________.
4. Divided empire in _______ to improve efficiency, forced
_________ into rigid order – harsh laws (secret police), and
increased ________.
3. Diocletian’s initiatives worked well while he remained emperor
– retired in 305 – Civil War.
4. 312, order restored when ______________________ declared
emperor by his troops; put end to fighting.
5. Constantine continued ________ control over society - made two
profound decisions to affect direction of future empire: converted
to _______________; built new capital—Constantinople, “city
of Constantine”—on site of village of _______________.
D. Invasion and Fall
1. Unfortunately, the reforms of Diocletian and Constantine did not
solve the overwhelming problems of the empire.
2. During the 300s and 400s, tribes from the empire’s frontier
began to invade: Huns (Attila); _____________ tribes: _______:
captured and sacked Rome in 410; and _____________: attacked
Rome in 450s.
3. Huns leave, ______________ tribes in control of ____________
provinces; Ostrogoths overthrew last _______________ - end of
the Western Roman Empire. Despite western collapse, _______
Empire endured for several centuries - ____________________