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Section 2.3 Carbon Compounds
Organic Chemistry
• Organic Chemistry- Study of all compounds
that contain bonds between carbon atoms
I. Chemistry of Carbon
• Characteristics of Carbon:
1. Carbon atoms have 4 valence electrons
2. Each electron can join with an electron from
another atom to form a strong covalent bond
3. Carbon can bond with many elements such as
Characteristics of Carbon
4. Carbon atoms can bond to other carbon
atoms forming chains that are almost
unlimited in length (macromolecules)
5. Carbon-carbon bonds can be
• Single (C-C)
• Double (C=C)
• Triple (C C)
Characteristics of Carbon
Chains of carbon can even form rings
No other element has the versatility as
Macromolecules- large molecules made from
1000s or 100s of 1000s smaller molecules
• Made by a process of polymerization
• Made of smaller units called monomers joined
together to form polymers (the monomers can
be identical or different!)
Organic compounds or biomolecules
are classified into 4 groups:
1. Carbohydrates
2. Lipids
3. Nucleic Acids
4. Proteins
1. Carbohydrates
Living things use carbohydrates as their main
source of energy and structural purposes
The breakdown of sugars, such as glucose
(C6H12O6) supplies immediate energy for all
cell activity
1. Carbohydrates
Extra sugar is stored as complex carbohydrates
known as starches
a) Monosaccharide- single sugar molecules such as
glucose, galactose (milk), and fructose (fruits)
b) Disaccharide- two monosaccharides linked
a) Polysaccharide- many monosaccharides joined
Ex. Glycogen- animal starch released from your liver when
glucose in blood runs low
Cellulose- plant starch which is tough and flexible.
Major component of wood and paper
2. Lipids
Lipids- fats, oils, and waxes
Compounds made mostly from carbon and
NOT soluble in water!
Used to store energy
2. Lipids
Serves an important role in biological
membranes and waterproof coverings
Many lipids are formed when a glycerol
molecule combines with compounds called
fatty acids
2. Lipids
a) Saturated- carbon atom in a lipids fatty acid chain is
joined to another carbon atom by a single bond
(maximum number of hydrogens!)
b) Unsaturated- at least one carbon-carbon double
bond in a fatty acid (ex. Olive oil)
c) Polyunsaturated- fatty acids
contain more than one
double bond (ex. Cooking
oils such as corn, sesame,
canola and peanut oils)
3. Nucleic Acids
Nucleic Acids- Macromolecules that contain
hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon and
a) Nucleotide- individual monomer consisting of a
5-carbon sugar, a phosphate group, and a
nitrogenous base (A, T, C, or G)
3. Nucleic Acids
– Individual nucleotides can be joined by
covalent bonds to form a nucleic acid
– Nucleic acids store and transmit heredity or
genetic information
1. DNA- deoxyribonucleic acid (sugar=deoxyribose)
2. RNA- ribonucleic acid (sugar = ribose)
4. Proteins
Macromolecules that contain nitrogen,
carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
Monomers are called amino acids
Amino acids are compounds with an amino
group (-NH2) on one end and a carboxyl group
(-COOH) on the other end
4. Proteins
There are more than 20
different amino acids
found in nature
Amino acids are joined
by covalent bonds
The instructions for
arranging amino acids
into many different
proteins are stored in
4. Proteins
1. Proteins have a specific role
Control rate of reactions (enzymes)
Regulate cell processes (hormones)
Transport substances into or out of cells
Help fight disease (antibodies)
Form bones and muscles
4. Proteins
2. Proteins may have up
to 4 levels of
1st- sequence of amino
acids in a protein chain
2nd- amino acids can be
twisted or folded
3rd- chain is folded
* Van der Waal’s forces and
hydrogen bonds help maintain
the shape of the protein
III. Enzymes
Enzymes- biological catalysts that cells use to
speed up chemical reactions within a cell
Enzymes speed up reactions by lowering the
activation energy
Activation Energy- the amount of energy
needed to initiate a chemical reaction
Most enzymes work best at a certain pH and
certain temperatures
Enzymes play essential roles in
Regulating chemical pathways
Making materials that cells need
Releasing energy
Transferring information
Red = without enzyme
Green = with enzyme