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Learning = 7-9 % of AP Exam
Rat Maze Activity
• Time yourself as you complete the maze
starting at the ear and ending at the tail
• you must work on your own to complete it
• receive a piece of candy when maze
completed if you beat your previous time
• Try again—you can complete as many mazes
as possible in the time allotted
A Demonstration in Instrumental Learning
and Operant Conditioning
• This is an example of
– trial and error learning
– instrumental learning/conditioning
• Thorndike = response to a stimulus is
strengthened when they are instrumental in
producing rewards
– operant conditioning
• B. F. Skinner = positive reinforcers strengthen a
response if experienced after the response
– Each time a completed maze was handed in,
candy was received as positive
Homework =
perform your own classical or operant
conditioning experiment or
• Turn it into a video project for extra
credit (see sample below)
What is Learning?
• Learning refers to the
• relatively permanent change
in subject’s behavior to a
given situation
• brought about by repeated
experience in that situation
 We learn by association
(Associative Learning)
 Our minds naturally connect events
that occur in sequence
 learning that two events occur
Classical Conditioning VS Operant
• Classical
• Neutral stimulus is
paired with a stimulus
that elicits response
• Eventually the neutral
stimulus causes the
• Pavlov (dog saliva)
• Watson (little Albert)
• Operant
• Process of learning
based on producing
positive consequences
and avoiding negative
• Measured by rate of
• Skinner (pigeons)
Lemonade Experiment in Classical
Classical (AKA Pavlovian) Conditioning
 We learn to associate two stimuli
Classical Conditioning Terms
 Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS)
 stimulus that unconditionally--automatically and naturally--triggers a
 Unconditioned Response (UCR)
 unlearned, naturally occurring response to the unconditioned stimulus
 Conditioned Stimulus (CS)
 originally irrelevant stimulus that, after association with an
unconditioned stimulus, triggers a conditioned response
 Conditioned Response (CR)
 learned response to a previously neutral conditioned stimulus
 Acquisition
 the phase associating a neutral stimulus with an unconditioned
stimulus so that the neutral stimulus (CS) comes to elicit a conditioned
Pavlov’s Classic
Before Conditioning
UCS (food
in mouth)
During Conditioning
After Conditioning
UCS (food
in mouth)
CR (salivation)
A Classic Study
• John B. Watson
• Conditioned “emotion”
• Fear response in
humans (1920)
• Little Albert
Crash Couse link:
UCS==== UCR
Repeated pairings. . .
CS (originally irrelevant!) === CR
SO. . . Who gives the shots? WHY?
• The gradual
weakening and
disappearance of the
• Involves repeatedly
presenting the CS
without pairing it with
the UCS (like if you
hear the name Pavlov
over the weekend)
Spontaneous Recovery
• Occurs when a previously extinguished CR
suddenly reappears after a period of no training
• Tendency to respond to
stimuli similar to the CS.
• Ex. A child who has been bit by
a dog may fear all dogs.
• After 9/11, people responded
anxiously to the sight or sound
of planes.
• Generalization can be
• toddlers are taught to fear
moving cars in the street and
would respond similarly to
trucks and motorcycles.
• Occurs when stimuli similar to the CS do NOT produce a
• The more similar the stimuli are to the CS, the greater the
difficulty of discrimination
• Being able to recognize these differences is adaptive.
• Ex. Confronted by a pit bull, your heart may race; confronted by a
golden retriever, it likely will not.
A song on classical conditioning for your
Quick review of the differences between
Classical and Operant Conditioning:
Operant Conditioning
Classical Conditioning
• UCS + UCR + CS + CR
• Voluntary (nonreflexive),
• Acquisition
• Extinction
• Spontaneous Recovery
• Biological Predisposition
• Pavlov
• Watson
goal seeking
Association of response
with consequence
Responding decreases
especially when consistent
reinforcement stops
Instinctive drift = Best
learned behaviors are
similar to natural behaviors
Operant Conditioning
 We learn to associate a
response and its consequence
 Type of learning in which
behavior is strengthened if
followed by reinforcement or
diminished if followed by
 Law of Effect
 Thorndike’s principle that behaviors
followed by favorable
consequences become more likely,
and behaviors followed by
unfavorable consequences
become less likely
Operant Conditioning
 Shaping
 operant conditioning procedure in which
reinforcers guide behavior toward
desired goal
 Reinforcer (shaper)
 any event that strengthens the behavior
it follows
 Punishment (shaper)
 Event that decreases the behavior it
Principles of Reinforcement
 Primary Reinforcer
 innately reinforcing
 i.e., satisfies a
biological need (food
for hunger)
 Conditioned
 stimulus that gains its
reinforcing power
through its
association with
primary reinforcer
OC Reinforcement:
OC Punishment
Schedules of Reinforcement
 Continuous Reinforcement
 reinforcing the desired response each time it occurs (not practical)
 4 Partial (Intermitent) Reinforcement Schedules
 reinforcing a response only part of the time
 results in slower acquisition
 greater resistance to extinction
(based on # of responses)
(time between response)
Fixed-Ratio – reinforces
behaviors after set # of responses
(getting paid for every 5th shirt
that is produced)
Fixed-Interval – reinforces first
response after a fixed time
(cookies, mail(snail))
Variable-Ratio – reinforces after
an unpredictable # of responses
(gambling and fishing)
Variable-Interval – reinforces first
response after a variable time (email)
Schedules of Reinforcement
 1= Fixed Ratio (FR)
 reinforces a response only after a
specified number of responses
 faster you respond the more rewards
you get
 EX: Buy 10 coffees, get one free
 2 = Variable Ratio (VR)
 reinforces a response after an
unpredictable number of responses
 EX: winning at poker, playing a slot
Schedules of Reinforcement
 3 = Fixed Interval (FI)
 reinforces a response only after a
specified time has elapsed
 response occurs more frequently
as the anticipated time for reward
draws near
 EX: Allowance every Friday if your
chores are completed
 4 = Variable Interval (VI)
 reinforces a response at
unpredictable time intervals
 produces slow steady responses
 EX: Receiving & Checking email
Which reinforcement schedule is most
• Research has shown that both of the
RATIO schedules produce very high rates
of responding (typically higher than interval
• Fixed-interval schedules characteristically
from a drop in the rate of responding
immediately after each reinforcement.
Schedules of Reinforcement
• Comic Strips Activity
Group Activity: Apply the concepts of operant
conditioning to the following scenario:
• Operant Conditioning Scenario:
• Imagine you are the parent of a child between the ages of 3-12 years old. Think of a
behavior you might want to change. Describe how you would use operant
conditioning to “guide” your child’s behavior in a positive (i.e., socially acceptable)
Age of child:
Describe the behavior you want to shape:
In order to increase the preferred behavior, what will your
• POSITIVE reinforcement plan be?
• NEGATIVE reinforcement plan be?
In order to decrease the undesired behavior, what will your
• POSITIVE punishment plan be?
• NEGATIVE punishment plan be?
• Which of the 4 schedules of reinforcement would you use and WHY would that be the
most effective?
A Review of Operant Conditioning: The
Gothowitz Deviation
Learning: Biological & Cognitive
Biological Influence on Learning
• Can limit conditioning
• Can speed up conditioning
Morning sickness during pregnancy +
Cabo Beach Grill = ????
Taste Aversions: Why?
John Garcia’s Research (1950s)
• irradiating rats to see its effect on their
• rats didn't want to eat the things they'd been
fed shortly before being irradiated
• theorized that this was because they were
getting nauseous from the radiation
• radiated rats were conditioned to link the taste
of sweetened water with nausea and avoided
it after only ONE trial
• When there is a natural aversive (bad!) stimulus,
conditioning is immediate!
• Evolutionary advantage: prevents us from eating something
twice that might be toxic.
Keller and Marian Breland
• trained raccoons to put coins in a piggy bank
• rewarded with food for successful deposits
• worked with single coins, but when the
researchers gave a raccoon more than one
coin, the raccoon would sit and rub the coins
together instead
• by associating the coins with food, the
raccoons' natural instinct to 'wash' food by
rubbing it together was activated
• Significance = Classical
conditioning can be inhibited by
a natural biological response
Summary: Role of Biology in Learning
• Learning is adaptive = increases
ability to survive
• Biological influence can increase
or limit conditioning
• Animals can be trained as long as it
doesn't override their instinctive
• Once we've developed distaste for
something we associate with getting
sick, it's hard to get over it.
Cognitive Learning
• Emphasizes the role of
mental processes such
as rule formation and
strategies for goal
• There are several
examples of cognitive
Insight Learning
• Insight = acute observation
and deduction
Insight Learning as
described by Wolfgang
Kohler is a sudden
awareness of the solution
to a problem
Kohler studied chimps
Sultan the Chimp
Latent Learning
• As described by E. C. Tolman, is
learning in the absence of
apparent reward
• Not demonstrated at the time the
learning takes place
Observational Learning
• Albert Bandura described this as
learning by watching another
individual and modeling the
learned task
• Potential to be positive or negative
Learned Helplessness
• Martin Seligman
• a decrease in responding that occurs
after exposure to uncontrollable
aversive events
• A tendency to give up