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The final “right”
Six “rights” of merchandising
Refers to the planning required to get
Right product
 To the right place
 At the right time
 In the right quantity
 At the right price
 With the right promotions
The element of the marketing mix
that involves communicating with our
 Retail promotion includes any
communication by a retailer that
informs, persuades, and/or reminds
the target market about any aspect of
the firm
Elements of the Retail
promotional Mix
 Public Relations and Publicity
 Personal Selling
 Sales Promotions
Visual merchandising
Paid, non-personal communication
transmitted through out-of-store mass
media by an identified sponsor
Differences between retailer and
manufacturing advertising strategies
Geographically concentrated target
 Less able to utilize national media
 Advertising stresses immediacy
 Advertising stresses prices
 Ads display many products
 Media rates tend to be lower for
Typical retail advertising
Boost short term sales
 Increase customer traffic
 Developing/ reinforcing a store image
 Informing customers about goods and
services or customer attributes
 Easing the job of sales personnel
 Develop demand for private brands
Retail advertising advantages
A large audience is attracted
A number of alternative media are available;
retailer can match a medium to the target market
Control over message content, graphics, timing,
and size, so a standardized message in a chosen
format can be delivered to the target audience.
In print media, a message can be studied and
restudied by the target market.
Editorial content often surrounds an ad, possibly
increasing its credibility or the probability it will be
Self-service or reduced-service operations are
Retailer advertising
Standardized messages= no flexibility
 Some media require large
 Media may reach large geographic
areas, leading to waste
 Long lead time of some media
 High throwaway rate of some media
 Brief/small commercials= little detail
What different mediums do retailers
use for advertising?
 Weekly
 Shopper papers
Telephone Directory
“The yellow pages”
 Suitable for all types of goods and
service-oriented retailers
Direct mail
Send ads to customers by mail or
private delivery firms
Suitable for reaching the market area
surrounding the retailer
 Suitable if market segments can be
Television advertising
Reach a definable market area
surrounding the station
 Retailers of goods and services with
wide appeal
The internet
Reaches a global audience
 Appropriate for all goods and services
Transit advertising
Used in areas with mass transit
 Used by retailers near transit routes,
especially those appealing to
Used by retailers with a national or
regional presence
 Exceptional for image advertising
Circulars and flyers
Distributed in parking lots or to
consumer homes
 Single neighborhood
 Restaurants, dry cleaners, service
Types of Advertising
Retailers can be classified by content
and payment method
Pioneer ads
 Competitive ads
 Reminder ads
 Institutional ads
Payment method
Pay own way
 Vertical cooperative advertising
 Horizontal cooperative advertising
Planning cooperative
advertising strategies
What ads qualify, in terms of
merchandise and special
 What percentage of advertising is
paid by each party
 When an ads be run? In what media?
 Are there special provisions regarding
message content?
 What documentation is required for
Public Relations
Any communication that fosters a
favorable image for the retailer
among its publics
 Publics include: consumers, investors,
government, channel members,
employees, and the general public
A specific type of public relations
 A non-personal form of public
relations whereby messages are
transmitted through mass media, the
time or space provided by the media
is not paid for, and there is no paid
Public relations objectives
Increase awareness of the retailer
and its strategy
 Maintain/improve cp