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- Carbon is a common non-metal, tetravalent element, which also has
many allotropic forms. Its chemical symbol is C (lat. carbonium) and
its atomic number is 6.
- Carbon is an essential element for living creatures, without it life
would not be as we know it.
- Carbonic fuel is economically an important use of carbon, especially
fossil fuels, such as the use of coal, crude oil and natural gas in
energy production. Likewise refining raw materials to produce
synthetic materials such as plastics.
Esityksen nimi / Tekijä
Carbon cycle
The carbon cycle is a biochemical cycle and means carbon’s
circulation through the atmosphere, water systems and ground.
Plants and animals are also involved in the carbon cycle.
Carbon is present in everything where there is life and organic
compounds. The carbon cycle is an essential natural cycle for
life. Carbon atoms have a chemically interesting ability to bind to
each other to form long chains and links (Catenation), and they
can, in the largest different forms of chains, also combine to
other elements to form almost 10 million known compounds.
Read more:
Esityksen nimi / Tekijä
Carbon and oxygen cycle
• Preserving the balance of air
- The more carbon dioxide there is, the quicker plants assimilate to it.
Thus the balance of carbon dioxide is preserved.
• Carbon storage
- The carbon in water becomes a part of animal shells and skeletons
as carbon dioxide salts => limestone
- A part of carbon is in the course of time removed from the living
natural cycle in peat, sea-bed sediment, coal and oil. The fossils
contained in them remain a part of the circulation for a long time.
Esityksen nimi / Tekijä
Plants assimilate = photosynthesis
Carbon = C
Carbon dioxide = CO2
Oxygen= O2
Water = H2O
Light energy
Esityksen nimi / Tekijä
Photosynthesis =
carbon dioxide into oxygen
Photosynthesis needs:
carbon dioxide & water
Solar light
Photosynthesis creates:
sugar & oxygen
6 CO2 + 6 H2O + solar energy --> C6H12O6 + 6 O2
- Without plants there would not be any oxygen in the atmosphere!
- Plants produce the energy they require (sugar) by photosynthesis.
- In photosynthesis plants take carbon dioxide from the air and their
roots take water from the ground and with the help of sun light produce
sugar. At the same time they release oxygen.
Cellular respiration
- oxygen to carbon dioxide
- Cellular respiration is a cellular metabolic reaction of aerobic
(=requiring oxygen) life, through which cells release the energy
within nutrients for their use.
- Cellular respiration is a gas conversion occurring in cells, where
oxygen moves into the cells and carbon dioxide moves out. The
oxygen being burnt inside the cells combines with sugar molecules
to produce carbon dioxide and water. At the same time energy is
released which cells need in order to function.
C6H12O6 + 6 O2 --> 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + energy
Esityksen nimi / Tekijä
Increase in carbon dioxide emissions
changes the environment
The climate of the earth is constantly changing. However, recently the climate has changed
quicker than in over 10,000 years. The planet’s average temperature has risen, with the
increase of greenhouse gasses held to be reason. Greenhouse gasses allow the sun’s rays to
pass through, but do not allow all the globe’s heat radiation to pass out. The phenomenon can
be compared to how glass acts in a greenhouse.
This phenomenon is responsible for the global average temperature being +15°C, without this
phenomenon the global average temperature would be -18°C. Thus this atmospheric
greenhouse phenomenon is a prerequisite for existing life. Problems arise when humanity’s
actions result in the strengthening of the green house effect which leads to changes in the
make up of the atmosphere.
People’s actions can influence climate change in many ways. The amount of greenhouse gases
can increase by using fossil fuels for example. Man can also reduce the amount of carbon
binding plants. In the last decades the effect of man on the atmosphere has probably lead to
significant climate change. Probably the changes influence the life of normal people and the
nature on the planet.
The most significant greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is created every time
something is burnt. For example, fossil fuels used in power stations create carbon dioxide
emissions. Transport is also a significant cause of carbon dioxide emissions.
Esityksen nimi / Tekijä
The impact of humanity
- The majority of humanity’s carbon dioxide production comes from
the use of fossil fuels (i.e. crude oil, coal and natural gas). Fossil
fuels are a non-renewable natural resource.
- A second source of emissions is the destruction of tropical
rainforests and other changes in land use.
- Between 2000-2005 carbon dioxide emissions resulting from the
burning of fossil fuels accounted for 7.2 gigatons (7,200,000,000
tons) in the form of carbon each year. Emissions from clearing forests
are not as well known. It is estimated to have released 0.5-2.7
gigatons of carbon annually.
Esityksen nimi / Tekijä
The greenhouse effect and climate change
Carbon dioxide and the greenhouse effect:
English version source: / Producers: Pacific Institute
for Climate Solutions (PICS) and the Finnish Meteorological Institute
The impact of humanity:
English version source : / Producers: Pacific Institute
for Climate Solutions (PICS) and the Finnish Meteorological Institute
How can you affect the greenhouse gas effect and reduce your
carbon footprint?:
English version source : PICS
Esityksen nimi / Tekijä
Research results
According to a recent joint research by the University of Helsinki, the
Natural Resources Institute Finland and the Finnish Meteorological
Institute, forests can be cut at more or less the same amount as they
grow before extra harvesting has a climate warming impact.
Less fossil energy is used in the production of wooden products than
in plastic products for example. If this replacement effect is not taken
into consideration, extra harvesting would make the climate warmer.
According to the research deciduous and mixed forests are best at
cooling the climate. Spruce forests bind more carbon dioxide during
the cycle.
(Source: Ilkka newspaper, 28.5.2015)
Esityksen nimi / Tekijä
Research results
According to a recent study by the London School of Economics, China’s
intense actions to reduce carbon dioxide emissions increase the possibility that
the planet’s atmosphere will not be more that 2° C warmer than pre-industrial
levels. The U.N. regards the 2° C increase level in climate temperature as the
limit before climate change has critical consequences.
China’s coal consumption already decreased last year and the same
development has continued in the first quarter of this year. China’s CO2
emissions are calculated to reach their peak in 2025 at 12.5-14 billion tons, after
which consumption will start to decline.
In 2013 China’s O2 emissions was approximately 10.3 billion tons, which is
double the amount of the U.S.A. China is the world’s leading source of
emissions, with the U.S.A. second.
Currently China is the largest global investor in wind and solar power. One
aspect behind this change is the major air pollution problems in China’s big
(Source: Ilkka newspaper, 9.6.2015)
Esityksen nimi / Tekijä