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Name: __________________________________
Chapter 4 Regular Biology
Cell Energy-Photosynthesis-Cellular Respiration
1. Cells use energy to do work:
A. Such as __________________
-cells can swim (flagellum)
-cells can change their shape
-cells crawl over one another & reach new positions in the embryo
B. ___________________
- most are manufactured by a series of enzyme-catalyzed chemical reactions
2. All cells use chemical energy carried by __________-adenosine triphosphate
3. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is a molecule that transfer energy from the breakdown of
_______________ to cell processes
4. ATP carries chemical energy that cells can use for functions like
5. The energy carried by ATP is released when a phosphate group is removed:
6. ATP has 3 phosphate groups – but the bond holding the 3rd group of phosphates is
7. The removal of the 3rd energy group involves a reaction that ________________energy
8. When the phosphate is removed, energy is released and ATP becomes _________
9. ADP – Adenosine Diphosphate – is a lower energy molecule that can be converted into ATP by
__________ a Phosphate group.
10. If another phosphate is added to ADP  it becomes ATP again and is high energy
The energy that comes from breaking down food is used to convert _________________
These reactions become a cycle: Draw that cycle here:
11. All cells need energy, ATP carries _______________
12. The breakdown of the simple sugar GLUCOSE yields about _________molecules of ATP
13. The amount of ATP depends on the type of molecule broken down
1. Simple Sugar: Glucose: produces _______molecules. Do not provide the LARGEST amounts of
2. Fat: Triglycerides: produces about _____molecules-80%. When broken down they yield the
most ATP
3. Protein produces _____molecules: same as carbohydrates :(not used for energy) instead
amino acids that can be used to make ATP are used to build more proteins
14. ___________________ is the process that some organisms use chemical energy to make energy
storing carbon based molecules. These organisms live in places that never get sunlight. Give an
Chemo means: ____________________
Synthesis means: ___________________
15. ___________: is the loss of electrons
16. ___________: is the gain of electrons
17. C6H12O6 + 6O2  6CO2 + 6 H20: label the oxidation-label the reduction
18. The coenzyme carries the e- to another enzyme that is catalyzing a different reaction
_________________ shuttle energy from one place to another
19. Is Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide : ___________
When NAD+ gains a H+ atom from the active site, it becomes _____________
___________  ______________
it has been reduced
20. Other Coenzymes:
______________a coenzyme that functions in the redox reaction of photosynthesis. It is
reduced to ____________
21. FAD+ 
22. Organisms that use energy from sunlight are called _________________ or
___________________. make their own source of chemical energy from the sun
23. Animals and other organisms that must get energy from food instead of directly from sunlight or
inorganic substances are called _______________________ or _______________________.
24. Most autotrophs use the process of __________________ to convert light energy from the sun
into chemical energy in the form of organic compounds through a series of reactions known as
biochemical pathways
25. The equation for Photosynthesis: __________________________________________________
26. The Photosynthesis begins with the absorption of light in ______________ organelles found in
the cells of plants, some bacteria, and algae. This organelle is where photosynthesis takes place
in plants
27. Most of the chloroplast in _____________ are specialized for photosynthesis
28. Label the parts of the Chloroplast
29. Two main parts of the chloroplast needed for photosynthesis
30. _________________ is a molecule in chloroplast that absorbs some energy in visible light. In
plants, chlorophyll is found in organelles called ______________________.
31. Two types of chlorophyll
32. Together, Chlorophyll a & Chlorophyll b absorb mostly ______________ wavelengths of visible
light. Neither absorb much green light – green color of plants comes from the ____________of
lights’ green wavelengths by chlorophyll . Carotenoids: rich colors such as _______________,
_____________, and ________________
33. Photosynthesis is divided into two stages:
1. ________________________ light energy is converted to chemical energy, which is
temporarily stored in ATP and the energy carrier molecule NADPH.
2. ___________________________ organic compounds are formed using CO2 and the chemical
energy stored in ATP and NADPH.
34. The light-dependent reactions include groups of molecules called _____________
35. Light dependent reaction takes place in the ________________, and water and sunlight are
needed, chlorophyll absorbs energy, energy is transferred along thylakoid membrane then to
light-independent reactions, and ________________ is released
36. As sunlight strikes the chlorophyll molecules in a photosystem of the thylakoid membrane, the
energy in the light is transferred to electrons.
These highly energized, or excited, electrons are passed from chlorophyll to an
____________________________a series of proteins embedded in the thylakoid membrane.
At each step along the transport chain, the electrons lose energy.
37. _________________ captures and transfers energy,
chlorophyll absorbs energy from sunlight
energized electrons enter electron transport chain
water molecules are split
oxygen is released as waste
hydrogen ions are transported across thylakoid membrane
38. _________________ captures energy and produces energy-carrying molecules
chlorophyll absorbs energy from sunlight
energized electrons are used to make NADPH
NADPH is transferred to light-independent reactions
39. Electrons from photosystem II replace electrons that leave photosystem I. Replacement
electrons for photosystem II are provided by the ___________________________.
40. ____________________produced when water molecules are split diffuses out of the
chloroplast and then leaves the plant
41. An important part of the light reactions is the _____________________
During chemiosmosis, the movement of protons through ATP synthase into the stroma releases
energy, which is used to produce ATP.
42. Light independent reaction takes place in _________________, it needs _____________ from
atmosphere, and uses energy to build a sugar in a cycle of chemical reactions
43. The ATP and NADPH produced in the light reactions drive the second stage of photosynthesis,
the ______________________
44. In the Calvin cycle, CO2 is incorporated into organic compounds, a process called
45. Most of the three-carbon sugars called: ___________ generated in the Calvin cycle are
converted to a five-carbon sugar called ____________ to keep the Calvin cycle operating.
But some of the three-carbon sugars leave the Calvin cycle and are used to make organic
compounds, in which energy is stored for later use.
46. Three turns of the Calvin cycle use ___________ molecules of ATP & _________ molecules of
47. The oxygen (O2) and some of the organic compounds produced by photosynthesis are used by
cells in _______________________
48. Cellular respiration is ________________________. It take place in mitochondria.
49. There are 3 stages to Cellular Respiration:
50. The first stage, glycolysis, is ______________no oxygen is required.
51. The last two stages are ________________ and require oxygen to be complete
52. The equation for cellular respiration is:
GLYCOLYSIS: How it works!
53. ____________________ is a series of chemical reactions in the cytoplasm of a cell that break
down glucose, a six-carbon compound, into two molecules of pyruvic acid, a three-carbon
54. Glycolysis takes place 1st.
anaerobic process (does not require oxygen)
takes place in ____________
55. The products of glycolysis enter cellular respiration when oxygen is available.
_______ ATP molecules are used to split glucose (used)
_______ ATP molecules are produced
_______ molecules of NADH produced
_______molecules of pyruvate produced
56. Before citric acid cycle and electron transport chain can begin, pyruvic acid undergoes a series of
reactions in which it gives off a molecule of CO2 and combines with a molecule called
The citric acid cycle, also called the ________________, is a series of chemical reactions similar
to the Calvin cycle in that the molecule used in the first reaction is also one of the end products.
______________ is broken down before the Krebs cycle. CO2 is released, NADH is produced,
coenzyme a bonds to two molecules
For every turn of the cycle, _______ molecule of ATP and _______ molecules of carbon dioxide
are produced
The Kreb cycle transports electrons to the _____________________
Kreb Cycle takes place in the __________________ and breaks down three-carbon
molecules from glycolysis
Kreb Cycle produces energy making molecules: _________ and _________ are made
intermediate molecule with CoA enters Krebs cycle; citric acid (six-carbon molecule) is formed
citric acid is broken down, carbon dioxide is released, and NADH is made, five-carbon molecule
is broken down, carbon dioxide is released, NADH and ATP are made, four-carbon molecule is
The Kreb Cycle takes place in the _______________
64. The Electron Transport Chain (ETC) and takes place in the ____________________
65. In the electron transport chain, the carrier molecules NADH and FADH2 gives up electrons that
pass through a series of reactions. Oxygen is the final electron acceptor.
66. For every NADH released – _______ ATP
67. For every FADH2 released – ________ATP
68. The breakdown of one glucose molecule produces up to _______________________
69. _____________ is an anerobic process that allows glycolysis to continue
70. ______________ fermentation occurs in muscle cells
71. ______________________, is used by yeast cells and some bacteria to produce CO2 and ethyl