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Field Structures Explained
Field Structure Theory & Structural Skew Topology
Paper 9 - by Don Briddell - Paper accompanies PowerPoint title: FieldStructure Introduction- RISD
[email protected]
8002-A Dollyhyde Rd., Mount Airy, Maryland 21771 USA
This paper is done for the Rhode Island School’s third Design Science Symposium of Nov. 2011
had for its featured topic the tetrahedron, which is thought to be responsible for rigidity in
structure. This paper will demonstrates how Nature can make stable any form without relying
on the tetrahedron per say. The conclusion made by Field Structure Theory (FST) is that form,
all form, is a field phenomenon. Working at the human scale, structural designers rely on the
triangle and tetrahedron and its derivatives to provide rigidity to form. Field Structure Theory
explains that the tetrahedron is actually a field within a field and is structural by reason of the
field. The field aspect of the tetrahedron is fractally hidden in the boundaries of the tetrahedron
whereas in all other forms, the field is external to the nuclear form (the polyhedron). It is this
assumption that the tetrahedron is the bases of structure that has lead the engineer and
architect working at the human scale into relying on the tetrahedron to stabilize form and
remain obvious to the presence of the field dynamics. The importance of the Field to all
branches of physical science will be explored in this paper.
This Design Science symposium at the Rhode Island School of Design, Nov 10-12th, 2011) is
dedicated to the glories of the tetrahedron. We are here to honor the remarkable ability of
the tetrahedron to give “structure” to form.
2. This presentation is to explain why the tetrahedron possesses the ability to add rigidity to
form and discover that in Nature, structure is not limited to the tetrahedron.
3. We venerate the Tet (tetrahedron), because at the human mencro scale, the Tet and its
derivatives are the only rigid structures we seem to have at our disposal. Hopefully this
paper will change that understand by broadening the concept of structure to include all
4. Why is it that the structural engineers and designers can’t build rigidity into form
without employing the tetrahedron in some form or manner? Have we possibly missed
5. Yes, in view of the fact Nature seems quite capable of building with any form she chooses. It
seems we have been missing something.
6. While working on a general Theory of Form and Structure since 1965, the realization
became that Nature doesn’t build with form, but rather Nature builds with structural
7. Why don’t we build with fields? The simple answer is because we don’t see fields other
than seeing how fields affect matter. Our material based sensorium sees matter. We don’t
“see” fields directly, only indirectly through the ability of a field to transfer energy, such as
feeling sunshine on our skin. It is only when the electromagnetic field energy we call light
transfer energy sufficiently to cause the material skin to heat up are we aware of a field
(light being electrodynamic is a field).
8. We’ve failed to see that fields are responsible for all form, and because the triangle is
conveniently rigid, we assumed, it was just a peculiarity of the that form and its
convenience that made looking for what is behind structure unnecessary.
Field Structures Explained
Field Structure Theory & Structural Skew Topology
Paper 9 - by Don Briddell - Paper accompanies PowerPoint title: FieldStructure Introduction- RISD
[email protected]
8002-A Dollyhyde Rd., Mount Airy, Maryland 21771 USA
If the field provides energy and energy provides structure, then the dictionary meaning of
structure is wrong. [“Something composed of interrelated parts forming an organization,”
1972 Webster’s New World Dictionary]. This definition suggests that the parts form into an
organization and thereby produce structure.
10. Buckminster Fuller, a foremost thinker about the subject of structure in our time, has said
in his book Synergetics,
a. “Only triangles are structures.” (Page 44),
b. “Lacking triangulation, there is no structural integrity.” (Page 44),
c. “All structuring can be topologically identified in terms of tetrahedral.”
d. “By structure, we mean a self-stabilizing pattern. The triangle is the only selfstabilizing polygon.” (Page 319)
e. “The triangle is only self-stabilizing polygon.” (Page 319)
11. The bad news is that all these assertions are wrong. The good news is that a weak
structural paradigm has to fall so that a stronger one can emerge. Where as the old
paradigm seemed to work at the mencro scale, it did not work at the micro atomic or the
macro galactic scales. The new paradigm will have to work at all scales of form.
12. Presently, forms in themselves can be put together till doomsday and still no structure will
be achieved unless by accident or design, tetrahedrons were strategically inserted. The
parts (forms) do not create structure; something else does. That something else is a field.
13. Forms are the product of field(s). The question to ask is, “What is a field?”
14. Nature structures form with fields (fields of force).
15. A form isn’t inherently structural if there is no field at work.
16. The rope and knot analogy is useful to illustrate the relationship between a form and a field.
17. A knot can be tied on a piece of rope. The knot, however, is not permanent. If the knot is
untied, it disappears completely leaving only the rope. So the rope is casual (the field) and
the knot is causal (the form).
Fig. 1: Simple knot on a string.
18. There is the field (string) and the field object (knot).
19. The knot is nothing but string, and yet it can vanish while the string cannot vanish. This is
the way a structuralist will look at the relationship between mass and energy, between a
field object and the field.
20. Why area triangles/tetrahedrons and its derivatives structural, while all other
polygons/polyhedra unstructural in the sense of being unstable.
21. In Fig. 2, the triangle can’t collapse, while the square and all other polygon will collapse.
Field Structures Explained
Field Structure Theory & Structural Skew Topology
Paper 9 - by Don Briddell - Paper accompanies PowerPoint title: FieldStructure Introduction- RISD
[email protected]
8002-A Dollyhyde Rd., Mount Airy, Maryland 21771 USA
Fig. 2: Stick Studies
22. Each stick in Fig. 1 is hinge joined so it is free to rotate. The triangle’s sticks will not rotate
and the square’s sticks will.
23. Nature, meanwhile, is perfectly able to build rigidity into all polyhedra and is not restricted
to the tetrahedron. She does this by building a field object with a field of action.
24. Nature uses two ways of structuring a form with a field. Actually a both are the same
principal of rotation about an action center, but each are a fractal iteration in time
manifesting differently so they ostensibly seem distinct.
25. The two ways of structuring are (1) Looping, and (2) Repeating
26. Looping refers to a rotation about a nucleated center (Fig. 3)
27. Repeating amounts to a rotation about a loop, in other words, “twisting” of a loop of
action. (Fig. 4)
28. To achieve structure, Nature can EITHER complete a form by adding loops, which spreads
the action field over the entire form to allow the form to distribute its energy evenly so the
form acts as a single event with each element of the form energetically integrated into all
participating elements.
29. OR, a structure sufficiently energized can iterate the form fractally by repeating the form
thereby tetrahedralizing the form, which has the effect of making a wave on the line(s) of
30. A form that has all its parts interacting synergetically is called a “Quantum System”.
31. Fig. 3 below are examples of circuiting of form into a continuous action event by adding
loops, which inadvertently creates an field object at the field’s nucleated center.
Field Structures Explained
Field Structure Theory & Structural Skew Topology
Paper 9 - by Don Briddell - Paper accompanies PowerPoint title: FieldStructure Introduction- RISD
[email protected]
8002-A Dollyhyde Rd., Mount Airy, Maryland 21771 USA
Fig. 3: A field object is created by the field. Each example has a different frequency (number of
loops) and this determines the number of lines in the field object. For example (a.) has a field
object with 3 lines, example (b.) has 6 lines, (c.) had 9, and (d.) has 18 lines.
In the first example of Fig. 3, all the sticks are in the position they are in, a square, because the
loop ever seeks to distribute the forces in the structure so that they are as evenly distributed as
possible. Three loops make a triangle. Four loops make a square. Five loops make a pentagon,
etc. A square made out of a plastic drinking stray can be made by bending it in three places to
make four equal divisions of the straw. In this way, the straw square is one element, not a
collection of sticks as in example 1 of Figure 3. Both the straw square and the stick square are a
single loop, but the square made by bending a straw will be unstructural, while the circuited
square loop with sticks will be structural. That is because the forces of four loops always resolve
themselves into a square. The form in the circuited square can be distorted (within reason) and
yet it will reform as a square. The force that does this is called a field force. What determines the
polygon will be a square is that there are four loops in a field, not that there are four of sticks.
This is an important field concept to embrace. Four sticks attached to each other at the ends of
the sticks make one loop. Four sticks circuited together make four loops.
32. Fig. 4: Repeating a form doubles it and in so doing creates a rigid triangular truss.
This rigid form is made with
sticks hinged together and
forms a field capable of
balancing forces the same way
as can a looped field (Fig. 3).
33. Repeating as a way of creating structure is the twisting of the action loop about the axis of
ring, loop, while looping is the completion of a rotation about the loops nucleated center.
Field Structures Explained
Field Structure Theory & Structural Skew Topology
Paper 9 - by Don Briddell - Paper accompanies PowerPoint title: FieldStructure Introduction- RISD
[email protected]
8002-A Dollyhyde Rd., Mount Airy, Maryland 21771 USA
34. One-dimensional loop circuiting of form has been shown in Fig.3. What about the threedimensional circuiting of form?
35. All models of the atom that I have seen described by physics are one-dimensional
loop/rings for the electron(s) and a sphere (or sphere clusters) for the nuclei. Hence, since
these are considered separate entities, the strong nuclear force cannot be reconciled to the
electromagnetic forces of the electron field. Such models are wrong because they treat each
field object as being embedded in mutually exclusive fields when in fact all unified by one
grand field that has developed distinctions within it that account for the four known fields.
36. Stanley Wysocki, presently teaching form at Pratt Institute, and I discovered fieldstructures
as undergraduates in 1965 while working together on our thesis project. We were students
of Bill Katavolus, a professor in the Industrial Design department of Pratt. It was there
Stanley and I discovered the work of Buckminster Fuller and Kenneth Snelson. These were
structuralist working on the idea that fundamental research in form and structure
employing mencro-scale models could offer new and crucial insights to our understanding
of nature and physics. Physics for its part utterly rejected Fuller and Snelson as well as the
entire concept that anything useful could be learned from the structuralist. Nevertheless,
we structuralists persevered convinced we were on to something.
37. The situation was such that physics by the 1930’s had abandoned geometry and threedimensional modeling since embracing quantum mechanics, probabilities and the
uncertainty principle necessitated by the mathematics being used. Meanwhile, the solar
model of the atom, whereby a sun-like nucleus had planet-like electrons orbiting it
continued to be referenced although as Robert Feymann summed up in the 1960’s the
situation by stating frankly, nobody knew what electron, nucleons or atoms were really like.
38. It was the Uncertainty Principle along with other factors that made geometry at the
quantum level irrelevant, or so it was assumed. Einstein didn’t buy into to Uncertainty and
neither did Fuller, nor do I. Einstein was marginalized by the quantum mechanical people as
being “old school” for his insistence that probabilities was not the final answer. He, and
anyone structurally inclined, hung on to determinism in spite of the mainstream’s quantum
mechanical insistence that reality at the fundamental level appears to be a throw of the dice,
a game of chance, chaos out of which order emerged momentarily only to collapse back into
39. Structuralists, who are determinists, ascribe to the rules of logic, which says something
cannot come from nothing. The Big Bang, itself an outcome of General Relativity, for all its
glory, is a something coming from nothing assumption and quantum mechanics with its
Uncertainity Principle made physics indeterminate, or as they would say, probabilistic.
40. Structuralists, who are determinist and have a different conceptual outcome from that of
Uncertainty probability physics, do not agree that the quantum mechanical interpretation of
1920 is the last word in physics. Quantum mechanics is the end point of a series of
assumptions forced on science by the mathematics being used.
41. What physicists have overlooked is that the mathematics they are using cannot
discriminate between real and unreal. Its glory is that it can define anything. Its liability is
that Nature is not anything, anytime, anywhere. Nature is highly selective. What is needed is
geometry or more precisely a topology that makes unsupportable any form that cannot be
Field Structures Explained
Field Structure Theory & Structural Skew Topology
Paper 9 - by Don Briddell - Paper accompanies PowerPoint title: FieldStructure Introduction- RISD
[email protected]
8002-A Dollyhyde Rd., Mount Airy, Maryland 21771 USA
sustained in time. Electron and protons last forever if not forcibly altered. Neutrons also, as
long as they stay in the nucleus, last forever. Outside the nucleus neutrons become unstable
and self-destruct. The particles and atoms they make up are nature’s perpetual motion
machines. For instance, in the laboratory exotic particles such as kaon, mesons, pions, etc.,
having a life of a few millionths or billionth of a second are not sustainable in time. Nature
will dispose of them as fast as they are created. Calling them particles is a stretch. Another
term sometimes used is to call them resonances.
42. Meanwhile, string theorists accepting fundamental matter is not point-like are looking for a
particular vibration of a string that will account for the three stable particles with which
Nature builds the universe. The problem is that that there are an estimate 10500 possible
ways to vibrate a string. That is more atoms than there are in the visible universe.
43. What the string theorists have failed to realize is that the handful of particles with which
nature builds the universe are determined not by how strings vibrate, but rather in how
they interact and that determines how they vibrate.
44. Field Structure Theory shows that the frequency of the vibration is determined by the
geometry of how loops of action interact. That is a major discovery FST has made. It
explains, in the first place, why there is vibration, and secondly how the mechanism of
vibration arises.
45. Field Structure Theory shows that when strings interact three-dimensionally the necessary
constraints exhibited by matter inherently arise. Strings don’t intersect; they interact!
This is an important difference. Physics has been using and modeling Nature as the results
of intersection. By interacting instead of intersecting, when strings interact, the 10500
possible forms disappear leaving only a tidy handful of vibratory states out of which the
electron, proton and neutron are the only stable forms. It only takes three loops, three
rotating clockwise and three rotating counter-clockwise to make a 3-D spatial event having
a specific vibratory frequency. It is in this way energy develops mass.
46. Fieldstructures following different constructs do not have to settle for arbitrary
probabilistic descriptions of fundamental reality. Structuralists begin with simple causal
structural assumptions (loops forming fields) and then go on to build complexity with
47. Historically, this view of things began in 1965 when in working on my thesis project at Pratt
Institute, I began to realize that only “fields” could unity form and structure. For me as a
structuralist, to study form, i.e., polygons and polyhedra) without considering the field, was
as frustrating as it has been for the physicists to understand the structure of a particle
without considering the field associated with that particle.
48. The problem has been no one knew what a field actually looked like in nature. Physics in
time provided descriptive interpretations but nothing in the way of an explanation. There
is a difference between a description and an explanation. Since all that anybody could “see”
was form, which are objects embedded in a field (field objects), fields themselves remained
a mystery.
49. Mathematical fields of various kinds had been devised such as scalar and vector fields, but
these were essentially gradient maps devised to track particle’s movement, a diagrammatic
Field Structures Explained
Field Structure Theory & Structural Skew Topology
Paper 9 - by Don Briddell - Paper accompanies PowerPoint title: FieldStructure Introduction- RISD
[email protected]
8002-A Dollyhyde Rd., Mount Airy, Maryland 21771 USA
mathematical creation that no one believed actually looked like a field. It was the desire to
describe a field structurally that seized my imagination and became my life’s work in Form
and Structure Theory.
Since the discovery by Michael Faraday of force fields in 1831, science has in time realized
that all matter lives in fields of force. These fields cannot be removed from matter. They are
intrinsic. An electron lives in a magnetic field. A proton lives in the strong nuclear force
field; a planet lives in a gravity field, a galaxy in a plasma field.
Why don’t we humans have the use of force fields other than the triangle/tetrahedron
to build with?
We do! We are energy fields deployed internally and externally. In Vedic Indian science the
field in which all other fields are derivatives is called the “Akashic field” and the force is
called “prana”. The Chinese call field force “Chi”, Kirlian photography has filmed evidence of
this field. There are gifted people who see these subtle aura fields although as yet
unrecognized as legitimate by mainstream science. Even capacitive touch- screen
technology as used in electrical devises, depend on the human’s electrical field to operate.
But these primal fields are, as yet, not useful in our engineering/architectural/design
professions. The origin of the charge associated with them has not been identified by
science and will remain unseen as long as the concept of the aether, or more precisely, the
plenum, is not recognized. For that reason, primal fields are deemed (and demeaned) as
This Akashic field has been called the Plenum field by those in western science that are
beginning to take notice the reasonableness of there being such a field. Championing this
concept is the philosopher, scientist, author, and artist, Ervin Laszlo.
Modern science is still at a point in time where mentioning publically there may be a field
associated with a human being, a mencro scale field, is to risk one’s credibility as a scientist.
This will change once fieldstructure is understood conceptually and especially once we start
applying this understanding to human scale structuring processes.
We are just at the dawning of an age where fields are being considered operating at all
scales of reality. I predict this will be the century when fields will be understood as basic
and casual to all form at all scales. Furthermore, we will end this century realizing that
fields are forms of consciousness. We as consciousness beings, when we operate from
higher platforms of consciousness, will come to see the causal principle behind creation is
consciousness. But first we have to establish the field as a solid (excuse the rigidity of that
term) reality.
We are not there yet. To get there we have to understand what a field is and the place to
begin building our understanding of the field is with the humble tetrahedron.
57. As previously mentioned, to building with mencro scale materials, up to this point in
history, has forced the designer, engineer and architect to rely on the tetrahedron for
rigidity. Why do we seem to live in the dead zone of field force half way between the
fields associated with atom and the gravity at the small end of structure and plasma
fields of astrophysics at the large end structure? We have particles and atoms exhibiting
strong electrodynamic field forces, strong nuclear force on the small end of the structural
continuum and at the other end of the structural scale, we have gravity and plasma fields
Field Structures Explained
Field Structure Theory & Structural Skew Topology
Paper 9 - by Don Briddell - Paper accompanies PowerPoint title: FieldStructure Introduction- RISD
[email protected]
8002-A Dollyhyde Rd., Mount Airy, Maryland 21771 USA
dominating, but no apparent field forces operating at our human mencro scale of structure
and form. (Note: 99% of the matter of the universe is in the form of plasma.)
Why is that?
After graduation from College, I continued working on the idea that fields could be defined,
delineated and modeled at the human scale even though I understood physics was telling
the world that the Uncertainty Principle, which says you can’t model fields, forbade such
model making.
Originally Stanley Wysocki, my thesis partner at Pratt Institute, and I called fieldstructures
“torsion structures” for that is what they are. Torsion is an effect induced by a field. Now
these structures are referred to as fieldstructures.
Admittedly, I did not begin this research by setting out to build a model of a field. The
realization that this was field building came later. Rather, Stanley and I while messing
around with traditions solid geometries, inadvertently discovered that if the vertices that
defined 3-D form were not terminal points of intersection, but rather places of interaction,
it allowed force (the lines) to continue, make a loop and in the process wire the form into a
continuous web of action. This lead to a new world of skew geometry. That was what had
been missing all along, in my view, with Fuller’s work. The concept of interaction replacing
the concept of intersection. Intersection allow for other lines of force to influence form
without creating discontinuities.
In Fig. 5a, three looplines interact without destroying each other and in so doing produce a
continuous self-sustaining, stand-alone, energy balanced form whereby the action is
stabilized three-dimensionally without need of fasteners. This is the only family of form and
structure that can make this claim.
63. Fig. 5: FieldStructures (FS)> family name ….. Structor > family name
Fig.5a: Tetrahedron
Fig. 5b: Octahedron FS
Fig. 5c: Cube FS
64. Lines of force in fieldstructures can participate to produce structure without being
65. By interacting the lines of force, each loops survives the interaction by adjusting to the
presence of other loops. In this way energy becomes balanced and stabilized.
Philosophically, the positive operating principle is adapt, adjust, and accommodate as
opposed to the negative alternative, divide, conquer and terminate.
66. The lines of force are actually loops of action. All polyhedra, all 3-D form, could be built from
lines of action by bending them into loops, connecting the vertices properly and in so doing
Field Structures Explained
Field Structure Theory & Structural Skew Topology
Paper 9 - by Don Briddell - Paper accompanies PowerPoint title: FieldStructure Introduction- RISD
[email protected]
8002-A Dollyhyde Rd., Mount Airy, Maryland 21771 USA
weaving them together to form a new family of form, the three-dimensional knot.
FieldStructures are three-dimensional knots.
67. There is a thing in science called Ockham’s razor. Google it! Loops producing fields, which
in turn produce three-dimensional form, achieves the ideal of Ockham’s razor.
68. Developing form with loops is a geometry I call, Structural Skew topology (SST). This
topology applied to physical reality is called, Field Structure Theory.
69. To explore how this works, let’s begin by looking at energy. All forms of energy are
ultimately attributable to electromagnetic energy (EM) such as radio waves, light, heat,
radiation as well as mechanical forces. Gravity, while thought to be related to EM energy,
has not been reconciled to the other energy fields.
70. The fact is that all matter can be reduced to radiant EM energy. Gravity disappears when
matter decays into EM energy. Gravity, like matter, is not a casual end-state. Only EM energy
is irreducible. You can get rid of matter and gravity, but you can’t get ride of EM energy.
That would mean gravity is associated with the knot (an object having gravity) and not with
the string (see Fig. 1 on page 1).
71. Laboratory physics has shown that EM energy can be condensed to form particles and
conversely, all particles can be converted into radiant EM energy.
72. EM energy is a chiral rotating wave with one side of the wave rotating clockwise lefthanded called the electron wave, and the other side rotating counter-clockwise righthandedly called the positron wave. This is KTS (known to science). When chiral EM waves
condense to form a particle, the left-handed clockwise side condenses to form an electron
and the right-handed counter-clockwise wave condenses to form a positron. In this way,
energy becomes mass and an anti-mass respectively.
73. Like speeding rifle-bullets, high-energy electrons can spin about the direction of their
motion. Electrons spinning clockwise are said by convention to be left-handed.
74. Fig. 6: An EM wave has both right and left handed wave motion and because both rotations
are a part of the wave set, a EM wave is not effected by a magnetic field.
Fig. 6: Why loops wave
75. Particles that have a charge are affected by a magnetic field. They develop handedness. A
particle with a negative charge rotates clockwise in a magnetic field. Positive particles rotate
Field Structures Explained
Field Structure Theory & Structural Skew Topology
Paper 9 - by Don Briddell - Paper accompanies PowerPoint title: FieldStructure Introduction- RISD
[email protected]
8002-A Dollyhyde Rd., Mount Airy, Maryland 21771 USA
counter-clockwise. Particles with a charge are waves that have the opposite chiral side of it
wave condensed leaving the deployed particle without its counterpart and thus it develops
charge attraction in that it wants its counterpart rotation back.
Since the rotation of matter and energy is fundamental, following is a list of particle and their
a. Electrons rotate clockwise.
b. Positrons rotate counter-clockwise.
c. Protons rotate counter-clockwise.
d. Anti-protons rotate clockwise.
e. Neutrons rotate both clockwise and counter-clockwise with the clockwise rotation
outside and the counter-clockwise rotation inside.
f. Anti-neutrons rotate counter-clockwise and clockwise with the counter-clockwise
rotation outside and the clockwise rotation inside.
75. Another fundamental attribute of matter is that it is a condensed EM wave while energy is a
deployed EM wave.
76. A condensed EM wave, where the right and left-handed waves have both condensed is a
77. The fieldstructure that shows why in an atom, 99.96% of the energy of an atom is in the
right-handed wave that forms the proton and only .04% of the energy remains in a
deployed field having left-handed wave rotation forming the electron. Together, when both
condense (a process termed “wave collapse” by physics) the neutron is formed. The
neutron by itself, outside a nucleus, deploys into a proton, the left-handed side of the EM
wave, an electron, the right-handed side of the EM wave, and energy in the form of a speed
of light particle called the anti-neutrino, which itself is a nucleated wave of light.
78. All this is to suggest that energy in the form of interacting EM waves are what the universe
uses to construct energy and matter through interacting loops forming fields, forming
particles, forming atoms, forming molecules, etc. up the chain of complexity with human
beings being an outcome.
79. Structural Skew Topology (SST) previously mentioned provides the model for how EM
waves condense and deploy to produce particles.
80. Fig. 7a., 7b: Two loops woven together are an EM wave model
Field Structures Explained
Field Structure Theory & Structural Skew Topology
Paper 9 - by Don Briddell - Paper accompanies PowerPoint title: FieldStructure Introduction- RISD
[email protected]
8002-A Dollyhyde Rd., Mount Airy, Maryland 21771 USA
Fig. 8: A EM wave set of right and left handed loops showing how one loop can condense
carrying with it all the energy and leaving the other deployed with only a nominal one quantum
of energy, i.e., one loop.
Field Structures Explained
Field Structure Theory & Structural Skew Topology
Paper 9 - by Don Briddell - Paper accompanies PowerPoint title: FieldStructure Introduction- RISD
[email protected]
8002-A Dollyhyde Rd., Mount Airy, Maryland 21771 USA
Fig. 9: two loops with the clockwise wave condensed and counter-clockwise wave deployed.
81. All nodes showing frequency in a double loop condense to one of the two loops while the
other loop remains deployed with only one twist, one quantum of energy.
This is how the electron is structurally related to the proton.
82. But a single EM wave cannot account for mass. It takes three or more such waves to
interact, but before showing that it has to be explained why that is.
83. SST (Structural Skew Topology) has only one form. From this from, all form can be built in
any dimension. I hope that is as shocking a statement as it was for me.
84. When we look around and see endless differentiation of form, how could one form be
responsible for everything?
85. The primal casual form is the loop. This paper will sketch out how this loop can be so
versatile with the aid of field structure mechanics. The loop is to be understood as loops of
action. The physics of FST (Field Structure Theory) the mechanics of loop interaction
delineate structure and structure delineates form. Forms having structure stabilize and
endure in time. Fieldstructures account for this stability.
86. SST begins with a loop, actually an infinite matrix of entangled loops called the
“PLENUM” (a term coined be Ervin Laszlo, a Hungarian natural philosopher who taught in
America and who now lives in Italy) that replaces the concept of aether (ether). Aether is
background independent while the plenum is background dependent, the correct view
insisted upon by FST.
87. A background dependant theory is one that says the stuff of the universe, the plenum,
cannot be separated from mass and energy the way an wave on the ocean can be separated
from water. A background independent conception of mass and energy considers mass and
energy to be separate from the medium the way a whale is separate from the sea.
88. FieldStructures are background dependent.
Field Structures Explained
Field Structure Theory & Structural Skew Topology
Paper 9 - by Don Briddell - Paper accompanies PowerPoint title: FieldStructure Introduction- RISD
[email protected]
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89. The plenum matrix is an entanglement of loops. At the small scale the loops are of a known
size, 10-45cm (Planck’s length). At the large scale the loop (or loops?) is probably larger than
the visible universe, the exact size as yet is undetermined.
90. When these loops interact, energy forms and when energy interacts mass forms.
91. Energy is a wave that arises when plenum interacts with itself and produces a field.
92. Fig. 10: Why waves wave.
Loop (a) loops counter-clockwise. Loop (b)
loops clockwise. Being of the same size the
only way they can cohabitate is to share a
common axis, which forces the loops to
braid around each other. The common axis
is a circular line on the surface where the
two waves touch. The line is a perfect circle
and traces a helix on the surfaces of each
93. In Nature, these loops are speed of light electromagnetic waves. It would be better to
consider an EM wave as an instantaneous event. Something going at the speed of light (SPL)
does not experience time and space, as does things that are not SPL phenomenon. Things
going at the speed of light do not experience time. It is only when time interacts with itself
that time appears as units of an instant.
94. An EM wave is the product of two or more plenum loops trying to occupy the same
space. It is KTS (known to science) that all EM waves have a clockwise and counterclockwise rotation. All forms of EM waves are paired in this manner. When matter
decays, right and left handed EM waves are simultaneously created.
95. EM energy can be radiant, as in the case of boson energy, or confined as in the case of
fermion energy. Boson energy is speed of light radiant energy. Boson “particles” are waves
that have interacted with a fermion causing the fermion to react as if it has been “hit” by a
particle, when in fact it has entangled a wave.
96. Fermions are particles in the true sense. They are confined and non-radiant boson energy
having locality, mass and a rest state. Both bosons waves and fermion particles are loops.
The difference is that fermions are three-dimensional condensed waves and bosons are
three-dimensional deployed waves. While this conception is new to science (NTS), it can be
97. A loop is one unit of energy. The action needed to form a loop requires 360 degrees of
rotation. A complete rotation of action is thus one quantum of energy. Every rotation the
loop makes adds a quantum of energy rather that rotation is a loop or a twist of the loop.
Figure 11 shows how a loop makes multiple rotations.
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98. Fig. 11: multiple looping, a. = 3 loop rotations, b. = 6 rotations of two loops, c. = 3 rotations
of 3 loops, d. = 18 rotations using 6 loops
99. A simple loop has no frequency and one unit of energy.
100. In physics there are two energy equations. One for wave energy and another for mass
energy. The equation for wave energy is E = fh where f is the frequency of the wave, the
number of time it pulses and h is Planck’s constant.
101. What does Planck’s constant (h) mean?
Guy Murchie has described Planck’s constant as:
“…the constant relation between frequency and the minimum of energy.” Page 401 “The Music of the
Spheres”. © 1961 Houghton Mifflin Co.
“…. (h) is the very smallest physical quantity known, namely, one quantum. One quantum of
what? Not of energy (since it is a relation between energy and frequency) but of action.
Physicists use the term action for energy (in ergs) x time (in seconds) in measuring simple
oscillation, or for momentum x distance in most other uses.” Page 242, “The Music of the Spheres”.
© 1961 Houghton Mifflin Co.
“Furthermore, h is a very versatile relation, and multiplied by frequency (usually designated v)
in the form hv, (or fh) it stands for a quantum of energy – the smallest possible mote of the
basic stuff all matter is presumably made of. In other words, hv may be the unsplittable
ultimate of the material universe – a kind of abstract primeval atom of energy that
embodies, much more truly than our now-familiar chemical atom of energy that embodies,
the “part” that is “part-less” dreamed of by Leucippos and Democritos while strolling the
provocative strands of Greece. “ Page 402 “The Music of the Spheres”, © 1961 Houghton Mifflin Co.
102. In terms of FST, each node of a loop is a unit of quantum unit of energy. Planck’s Constant
says action over a distance is a constant relationship. All energy is definable by the number
of nodes in a wave (frequency) that can occur in a unit of distance. This number is fixed.
103. So what is energy?
104. Planck’s Constant essentially established a fixed relationship between space (size of the
loop) and time (frequency of the loop). It says space and time have a fixed relationship and
energy is the relationship between space and time.
105. When you boiling it down to its essence, FST sees energy as the topological
geometry of waves synergetically acting together as allowed by the constraints of
space and time.
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106. In other words, space and time is the effect of the interaction of mass and energy.
107. The first platform of energy is electromagnetic (EM) waves, which can be deployed or
condensed in form.
108. Fig. 12a. and 12b. shows that a single wave is actually the interaction of a loop of action
with itself.
Single deployed loop
Single condensed loop
109. In Fig. 13a. and 13b., shows what happens when two loop waves are braided together.
For that matter any number of loops braided together such as three loops in Fig. 13c.
Fig. 13a: two loops deployed
“Wave structure”
Fig13b: two loops condensed
Fig.13c: three loops,
“Particle structure”
two waves condensed
111. Fig. 13 shows that by condensing a wave, the energy, and the twists in the ropes transfer
to one of the two loops and condenses to form a locality of energy at a higher frequency
than the EM wave had when both waves were deployed. If that energy could be
permanently confined to that confined state, it would have locality and could be considered
a particle.
112. But as yet in Fig.13b there is nothing to prevent the wave from redeploying over the
remaining deployed wave and resuming its wave configuration.
113. If matter is a locality of energy and that energy is a condensed wave, by what
mechanism is the condensed wave prevented from deploying?
114. Nature creates a three-dimensional wave, a particle, by interacting three onedimensional EM waves to create a three-dimensional standing wave that is knotted and
Field Structures Explained
Field Structure Theory & Structural Skew Topology
Paper 9 - by Don Briddell - Paper accompanies PowerPoint title: FieldStructure Introduction- RISD
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made to reside in a locality of limited size. Note there is no Higgs particle needed to turn
energy into mass unless you are saying the wave that condenses is a particle.
115. In calling a wave a particle, as is done when science refers to a photon, is to misrepresent
obscure what is happening structural. A wave is not a particle when it is in its radiant
deployed form. It behaves as a particle only when it condenses with other similar waves
and forms a three-dimensional entity, a fieldstructure called the Structor.
116. A wave collapses when it encounters and entangles with a fermion particle.
117. What is needed is for three EM loop-waves to interact properly three-dimensionally.
118. The condensed side of an EM wave forms a particle such as a photon, electron, neutron
and proton.
119. The deployed side of an EM waves forms an action field such as the electron field that
surrounds the condensed wave in the nucleus. This deployed field is where the electron
orbits. It is modeled in a FieldStructure as that portion of the wave that is outside the
nucleus as in Fig.14a and 14b.
Fig. 14a: Black tubes are the action
field while the white sticks delineate
the energy field in the
(nucleus) portion of the wave.
Fig. 14b: light sphere is the action field where the
electron is found in the atom. The dark sphere is the
energy field nucleus of an atom.
What happens mechanically when a wave collapses?
Fig. 15: Right (blue) and left-handed (white) loops braided together
121. In Fig. 16, a one side of the wave, we’ll arbitrally choose the blue side; will be made to
collapse (condense).
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Fig. 16
Fig. 16: Shows that to condense a wave on a loop would seem to require that the wave be cut or
that both waves have to collapse. To condense one wave without condensing the other
wave requires the condensing wave to be cut. Nature does not allow a wave to be cut,
Fig. 17
Fig. 17: Shows the correct way used by Nature to collapse one side of a wave pair without
cutting (violating) it. This allows all the energy to collect together in close proximity
resulting in an increase frequency (as a measure of nodes per distance), even thought the
number of nodes on the wave did not change.
Fig. 18a: Two loops deployed (f26)
Fig. 18b: Two loops condensed (f16)
Note: Excuse the fact the two illustrations have different frequencies; only the principle of
deployment and condensation are being illustrated. When a loop-wave condenses from
Field Structures Explained
Field Structure Theory & Structural Skew Topology
Paper 9 - by Don Briddell - Paper accompanies PowerPoint title: FieldStructure Introduction- RISD
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interacting with other loop-waves, the condensation is towards the center (Fig 17.) and not
towards one end of the loop (Fig. 16).
122. Now we have to model how loops waves with energy can interact to produce mass.
123. This is a crucial question. It is asking how can a loop develop energy, useful force,
and then how can that energy be confined to a locality in order to produce an energetic
event that will endure in time and thus fulfill that requirement of mass?
124. To be a consistent, logical, and above all structural, forms must arise from the interaction
of loops and nothing else besides a loop. There are no separate particles acting like glue
(gluons or W and Z particles) to hold clumps of energy (mass) together. Similarly, the
mencroscale FieldStructure models shown in Fig. , do not need pins, ties, stables, bolts, glue
or fasteners of any kind to maintain the structural relationships of the loops, i.e., endure in
time, nor do natural atoms need separate particles to tie a mass to a locality.
125. Furthermore, the looping principle has to work at Planck’s scale 10-35cm all the way up
to the size of the universe 10+25m (and counting). What is even worse is it has to be done so
we don’t see especially at our scale of form and structure, the looping at all, otherwise
science would have discovered the profundity of the loop long ago.
126. By the way, we don’t see the looping at small scales because it is happening too fast in a
space too small, and at the large galactic scales because it is happening too slow and in a
space too large. At the human scale the small loop motions are sufficiently small to be
unobservable and cosmic motions too large to be noticeable.
127. What we do notice is that at our scale, form is seemingly inexhaustible, while at smaller
and larger scales the forms seem to be highly restricted; a handful of particle species and a
handful of galaxy types.
128. This paper is demonstrating how energy is localized using SST geometry and then
showing how physics can confirm for the first time that the geometry generates the known
values of mass and energy.
129. Because the values of mass and energy use a measuring system that is arbitrary (pounds,
feet, meters, seconds, etc.), not generated from first principles, it is going to be laborious for
anyone schooled in the arbitrary measuring system of science to understand how FST
obtains mass and energy values. It seems to be too simple. This is because FST uses first
130. The basic concepts include the idea that mass is a function of looping and energy is
a function of twisting.
131. For instance, the mass/energy of a particle is well established, but the form physics
assumes mass to have is conjecture, obviously flawed and recognized as undefined.
132. FST is attempting to give the mass/energy values known to science a coherent structural
basis in first principles.
133. For those familiar with Buckminster Fuller’s work, he constantly railed against the term
“square” because he correctly found squaring is tetrahedronally based and not cube based
as the term ‘squared’ would seem to indicate. Needless to say, the old school term remains
unaffected by Fuller’s attempts to correct an entrenched accident of history.
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Field Structure Theory & Structural Skew Topology
Paper 9 - by Don Briddell - Paper accompanies PowerPoint title: FieldStructure Introduction- RISD
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134. It has been shown that it is the energy condensation of electromagnetic waves, which are
themselves the product of interacting plenum loops that are responsible for the appearance
of mass.
135. This is accomplished through the formation of 3-D knots of loops producing
136. When three or more loops interact one side of the chiral loops EM wave condenses into
the nuclear domain of the form, the nucleus polyhedron of the particle or atom.
137. Structurally what the FS (FieldStructure) is doing is confining the centrifugal force of
radiant wave expansion by checking its expansion with a compressive centripetal force.
Conversely, the compressive centripetal force is checked by the expansive centrifugal force.
The two forces become balanced and the form endures in time as stable.
138. Physics indentifies centrifugal force as a similar charge force repulsion and centripetal
force as dissimilar charge attraction force.
139. Drawing energy together requires a series of transformations, all of which stabilize and
preserves the space/time geometry of the resultant form keeping the universe at all times
consistent and syncopated.
140. If it didn’t, all things would go their separate ways and chaos would prevail.
141. When three or more wave interact, one side of the wave will condense to form the
nucleus of the event while the other side stays deployed.
142. Fig. 19 shows what the chiral waves of a three-wave intersection.
Fig. 19
144. Fig. 19: Three wavesets interact, each with on side of the wave collapsed into the
nucleus. Three loops with one handedness of the chiral wave condensed into the
polyhedronal nucleus taking with it all the energy of the three loops save for a single loop
having only one unit of energy, its inherent simple loop.
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Paper 9 - by Don Briddell - Paper accompanies PowerPoint title: FieldStructure Introduction- RISD
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Fig. 20: Detail of Fig. 19 showing what one waveset looks like.
146. Particles and atoms both deposit 99.96% of their energy into the polyhedronal nucleus
of the form. The difference between the particle and atom is that the atom is an energy field
inside an energy field, whereas a particle is an energy field inside an action field.
147. The name of the particle’s structure in SST is a “Structor”. (Fig. 19)
148. The name of the atom’s structure in SST is a “SuperStructor”. (Fig. 21)
Fig. 21: An atom (simple hydrogen), which is an energy field (red tetrahedron) inside an
energy field (blue tetrahedron).
150. Fig. 21: This form is called a SuperStructor – a polyhedron inside a polyhedron, the
structure of atoms.
151. The SuperStructor like the Structor both have the same number of loops (three), but in
the SuperStructor the loops define two tetrahedrons one inside the other. The inner
tetrahedron forms the nucleus and that is where 99.96% of the energy of the atom will be,
i.e., in the nucleus as modeled Fig. 14, page 20.
152. Note: Looking between the two forms and crossing your eyes, allow your mind time to
two images to merge so that the form you will see in the middle develops into a true three
dimensions image.
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Fig. 22: All tube tet-Structors for stereo viewing. CAD image courtesy of Joseph D Clinton.
153. Atoms are Structors inside Structors, the way a nucleus is inside an
electromagnetic field that carries an electron(s).
154. The important difference between how Nature builds with fields and how geometry has
been conceptualizing Nature’s geometry is that Nature does not build by clumping particles
together like stacking cannon balls, but rather amalgamates waves of energy into new
standing wave patterns organized by the polyhedron nuclear form it creates which is based
on the number of loops in the form.
155. When Nature puts together three loops, the three loops interlock in such a way as create
a single energetic event. In that way the energy can be distributed evenly over the form and
achieve stability. It does not put the loops like rigid balls are clumped together. One can
simply ask what would keep the three balls together, as if there were some sort of cosmic
156. In truth, contemporary physics does prognosticate a glue particle called a gluon. There is
no gluon. Particles stay together because they are able to condense energy and store it in a
stable, condensed form.
157. The only concept that makes any sense is that Nature entwines the loops so that while
retaining their individuality they synergetically act as a single whole.
158. The atom is not a collection of proton spheres somehow glued together. Such ideas have
no bases in structure. The loops that form the nucleons have to be integrated topologically
to function as a whole.
Fig. 23a: 12 oranges. Does a
nucleus with 12 protons
(magnesium)look like this?
Fig. 23b: 6 loops. Does this not look
more reasonable as an atomic model
Field Structures Explained
Field Structure Theory & Structural Skew Topology
Paper 9 - by Don Briddell - Paper accompanies PowerPoint title: FieldStructure Introduction- RISD
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159. The oranges hold together because of gravity. At the scale of particles the force of gravity
is 10-45 weaker than the electromagnetic force. Gravity is not what structures the atom.
160. Electromagnetic force is the deployed field that accounts for the electron field
surrounding a mass while the strong and weak field forces are the condensed side of the EM
wave responsible for particles and atoms.
161. The hierarchy of atoms in the periodic table of the elements has this following
FieldStructure attributes.
The atom is made of chiral electromagnetic loops that form both the single
polyhedral nuclear forms as well as the atomic electron cloud that surrounds the
nucleus, as modeled by the Super-Structor (Fig. 21, page 20).
The nucleus is not a collection of close-packed spheres, one sphere for each proton
and neutron.
3. The nucleus is an integrated topological polyhedral knot of condensed
electromagnetic loop/waves. The job it of the nuclear polyhedron is to tell the loop
how to move and preserve the motions of the EM waves so the form can sustain itself
in time and space.
The proton nucleon is a condensed left-handed EM wave.
The electron is a deployed right-handed wave. When both the right and left hand
sides of the EM wave condense a neutron is formed.
A FieldStructure that demonstrates the neutron will have the same chiral waves as
the proton, but the electron side of the wave, the right-hand side, condensed and
wrapped around the condensed right-handed EM wave, the proton.
A neutron is a condensed electron and positron wave, while the proton is a
condensed positron with a deployed electron.
The reason the proton has all the energy is that when the positron side of the EM
wave condensed, it took with it all the energy, but for one unit which remained as the
electron, to form the proton.
When the neutron forms it only has three electrons, its three loops, to contribute to
the mass of the proton turning it into a neutron. Because the condensing electron has
the opposite handedness of the proton, the form is electrically neutral.
To summarize in outline form, the following has been shown:
1. Why is the tetrahedron structural? It is a field within a field.
2. What is a field? Fields are explained as to how they structure form.
3. Form is not the same thing as structure. There can be forms that are not
4. Nature has two ways of structuring form. Circuiting (looping) the form or
repeating (doubling) the form.
5. Field Structures are Nature geometry way of making a universe energetic and
massive using simplicity (a loop) to produce complexity (fieldstructures).
6. Loops of action interact to produce fields of force?
Field Structures Explained
Field Structure Theory & Structural Skew Topology
Paper 9 - by Don Briddell - Paper accompanies PowerPoint title: FieldStructure Introduction- RISD
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7. FieldStructures are three-dimensional interacting loops producing spacedefining (polyhedra) forms. Note: Any form that defines 3-D space is a
8. The universe of form can be built and structured with loops and loops alone.
9. Loops are waves, at the fundamental level of reality, electromagnetic waves.
10. Waves are interacting loops rotating either right or left-handedly.
11. Waves are entangled loops of action that form the medium in which all forms of
mass and energy are derived, called Plenum, which is aether newly understood.
12. An entangled electromagnetic (EM) wave is the product of two or more loops
trying to occupy the same space.
13. Mass is the number of loops in a form, and energy is the number of twists in the
14. Planck's constant is quite simply the fixed ration between looping and twisting.
15. Waves can deploy or condense.
16. Matter is a condensed EM wave.
17. A deployed wave is an action field that surrounds and supports the energy field.
18. How is wave energy condensed to form mass? It is done by condensing three or
more loops, which when done properly, entraps the condensed waves to a
nuclear domain defined by a polyhedron.
19. This form is called a "Structor", Fig. 19, page
20. The Structor defines the form family of particles, i.e., neutrino, electron, proton
and neutron.
21. The form that defines an atom is called a "SuperStructor" and is a Structor(s)
inside a Structor.
22. The electron, proton and neutron are described as not being separate entities
that close-pack to form the nucleus of the atom or a particle, but rather the
nucleus is a single polyhedron each of which represents a single element
depending on the complexity of the polyhedron which is a product of the
number of loops in the element.
23. Field Structure Theory applies to all fields, the physical fields such as a gravity field, an
electromagnetic field, a nuclear field, as well as conceptual fields such as a political field,
a societal field, and economic field. They are all variations on the underlying loop form.
24. The Asian Vedantic and Taoist sages, at the start of civilization, have seen the loop as the
archetypical cyclic nature of life and cosmos. The wheel of life is a distillation into a
simple form that is nothing more than a loop. In principle, Fieldstructures are nothing
new to these ancient teachings. With Fieldstructures, the West has caught up with these
Eastern insights and can now see them working in a pervasive way throughout all scales
of physical reality.
25. All that remains is to prove it, for in modern science, proofing is mandatory.
26. To apply the loop form to the soft sciences, as opposed to the material sciences, we are
still involved with loops, loops of thought and feeling. Any thought that doesn’t loop
Field Structures Explained
Field Structure Theory & Structural Skew Topology
Paper 9 - by Don Briddell - Paper accompanies PowerPoint title: FieldStructure Introduction- RISD
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back on its self, leaves the thought unresolved and without closure. For a thought to be
resolved it must, in some way, find completion.
27. Assumptions are necessary when the outcome is not obvious. If an idea has to be scaledup or scaled-down, as the case may be, to test its validity, assumptions have to be made. .
28. For instance, an idea about structure should be able to predict the known mass and
energy values of particles since no person has seen, a particle with their senses, or with
their sense enhancing technology.
29. It should be able to predict the structure of particles, atoms, molecules, not
independently, but as emergent properties of a hierarchy of forms one evolving into and
supporting the other.
30. As yet, our ideas about form and structure cover only the proverbial tip of the iceberg,
that portion we can see above the water of our senses, so to speak.
31. My own trajectory in thinking about these matters was forced me to take up the study of
structure because exploration of physical reality was considered only possible with the
aid of mathematics. I discovered I did not think about reality in mathematical terms.
While the use of mathematics made obvious sense to the physicist, it had not proven
capable of explaining the structure of the universe after one hundred years of effort.
Evidently it has never occurred to the physicist that his tool of analysis may be
32. Looking at the problem, it seemed to my thesis mate, Stanley Wysocki and me, that
understanding structure and how structure determined form as championed by
Buckminster Fuller was a valid approach. This “structuralist” approach built threedimensional structural models and considered them equations. They had the unique
feature of being self-proving. If they were not structural, they had the decency of
collapsing on their own. As kinetic forms the proof is as simple as an explosive short
33. Structuralist uses natural forces and materials. As a result their model making obey the
natural rules of action and reaction. The mathematics on the other hand has to rely on
man-made rules. If the mathematician gets does not realize what factors contribute to a
process he is trying to model mathematically, the equation, even if mathematically right,
cannot correct for a faulty input. It is only when the conclusion is not confirmed by
reality can the mathematician know the usefulness of the equation. To include an issue
in a mathematical equation, you have to build the issue into the equation before it is
computed and to that one can either make an educated guess or as a structuralists does,
go to work and build with nature herself using structural models.
34. Before beginning to work with form and structure requires the researcher to believe
that Nature is deterministic, discrete, governed by cause and effect, without arbitrary
parameters and rational.
35. A belief that uncertainty and indeterminism (as codified by the Uncertainty Principle)
governs form and structure is to believe that something comes from nothing and that
belief is antithetical to structuralism. That belief has destroyed structural modeling in
physics at the quantum scale, or for that matter, at the cosmic scale.
36. In working with Fieldstructures, the models force the builder to obey nature.
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Field Structure Theory & Structural Skew Topology
Paper 9 - by Don Briddell - Paper accompanies PowerPoint title: FieldStructure Introduction- RISD
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37. Fieldstructure’s assumption is that natural structures can ONLY model natural forms.
Unnatural forms are unstructural and will collapse, disassemble, and disintegrate.
38. Physicists have come up with all kinds of conclusions as to why building models are a
waste of time. The Uncertainty Principle above all other reasons made thinking
structurally invalid because the two things that must be known at the same time are
momentum and position. The Uncertainty Principle forbid this from being known and
could with incredible certainty (note the use of an oxymoron) explain this
mathematically. For physicists, model building was abandoned and probabilities
embraced. Quantum mechanics, while it gave up on knowing what a single electron
proton or neutron looked like, could tell you how a billion of these fleeting particles
behaved, even if it could not tell you anything deterministic about a single particle.
39. Undaunted, structuralist quietly assumed something as real and exact as nature at our
scale of experience, could not be the product of random chance, uncertainty, and
probabilities. Something was not coming from nothing.
Field Structure Theory (FST) is the application of Structural Skew Geometry (SST) to the
understanding of natural form and structure. The three axioms of SST are:
(1) Lines are loops. Lines don’t end.
(2) Lines have dimension. Lines are not infinitesimally small moving points
tracing out infinitesimally small lines.
(3) Lines interact. Lines do not intersect.