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Test Ecology Ch. 40,41 1-A
Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. Which is an example of a habitat?
a. predator
b. intestinal tract
c. parasite
d. producer
e. decomposer
2. All of the populations of different species that occupy and are adapted to a given area are referred to by which
a. biosphere
b. community
c. ecosystem
d. niche
e. habitat
3. What term denotes the range of all factors that influence whether a species can obtain resources essential for
survival and reproduction?
a. habitat
b. niche
c. carrying capacity
d. ecosystem
e. community
4. Which of the following is NOT characteristic of most parasites?
a. They are specialists and usually are able to affect only one variety of hosts.
b. They inflict serious injury and kill their hosts.
c. Some reside inside their hosts, whereas others live outside their hosts.
d. Their host may be a plant as well as an animal.
e. Parasites are smaller than their hosts
5. The concept of competitive exclusion is based on the idea that
a. one species will hold some sort of advantage over the other one.
b. no two species can completely occupy the same niche.
c. both of these
d. neither of these
6. In general, a predator is ____ than its ____.
a. smaller; host
b. larger; host
c. smaller; prey
d. larger; prey
7. Ladybugs are effective natural control agents against pest insects, but they do not reduce pest populations to
zero because
a. they can't fly to find pests on nearby plants.
b. of their very selective feeding habits.
c. a predator with 100% efficiency would drive its prey, and consequently itself, to
d. they don't live long enough.
e. their reproductive capacity is nonexistent.
8. Which is(are) an adaptation against predation?
a. thorns
b. camouflage
c. mimicry
d. thorns and camouflage
e. thorns, camouflage, and mimicry
9. Chemicals in both plants and animals serve as which of the following to predators?
a. warnings
b. repellents
c. poisons
d. bad tastes
e. all of these
10. Which is an example of warning coloration?
a. the dark brown mane of a lion
b. the bright green and blue feathers of a peacock
c. the black and yellow bands of a wasp
d. the black and white stripes of a zebra
e. the bright red color of roses
11. Which of the following are adaptations used by predators?
a. behavior
b. camouflage
c. speed
d. stealth
e. all of these
12. In contrast to a predator, a parasite usually
a. does not kill the animal on which or in which it lives.
b. kills its host.
c. is a short-term visitor.
d. is larger than its host.
e. does not kill the animal on or in which it lives and is larger than its host.
13. Which of the following may be parasites?
a. bacteria
b. plants
c. protists
d. viruses
e. all of these
14. Parasitoids are ____ that are parasitic on insects
a. bacteria
b. insects
c. fungi
d. protists
e. viruses
15. Which statement is false?
a. Succession is predictable.
b. Pioneer species have wide ranges of tolerances.
c. Pioneer plant species are usually small annuals with an abundance of easily dispersed
d. The succession that occurs in an abandoned field is primary succession.
e. Climax species are those that are best adapted to the specific climate where the succession
____ 16.
____ 17.
____ 18.
____ 19.
____ 20.
____ 21.
____ 22.
____ 23.
Secondary succession is likely to occur
a. in a clear-cut deciduous forest.
b. on an eroded, bare hillside.
c. in an abandoned field.
d. in a clear-cut deciduous forest and on an eroded, bare hillside.
e. in a clear-cut deciduous forest, on an eroded, bare hillside, and in an abandoned field.
Which of the following represent an early stage in primary succession?
a. pine trees
b. moss and lichens on bare rock
c. weedy annual plants in an open field
d. climax species in succession
e. brambles and other shrubs
Farmland that is under regular and continued tillage will not
a. undergo succession.
b. produce a climax community.
c. develop species diversity.
d. produce a claimax community or undergo succession.
e. all of these
In 1882, the tropical volcanic island Krakatoa exploded and was reduced to an abiotic island covered by a
thick layer of volcanic ash. By 1933, populations of all of the following organisms were present. Which
population was probably established after all the others?
a. ferns
b. bacteria
c. insects
d. rodents
e. grasses
A keystone species is
a. a single dominant species.
b. in control of the prey species.
c. exemplified by the sea star.
d. a single dominant species exemplified by the sea star.
e. a single dominant species in control of the prey species exemplified by the sea star.
Kudzu did well in the southeastern United States because
a. there were few herbivores that ate it.
b. there were few pathogens to infect it.
c. there was little competition from native organisms.
d. the climate was favorable.
e. all of these
Which of the following has Australia tried to reduce rabbit numbers?
a. hunting
b. introduced viruses
c. introduced predators
d. both hunting and introduced viruses
e. all of these
Of the following four islands at the same latitude, the one that possesses the fewest number of species is
a. 1,000 square kilometers and 300 km from the mainland.
b. 3,000 square kilometers and 100 km from the mainland.
c. 100 square kilometers and 3,000 km from the mainland.
____ 24.
____ 25.
____ 26.
____ 27.
____ 28.
____ 29.
____ 30.
____ 31.
d. 300 square kilometers and 1,000 km from the mainland.
e. 300 square kilometer and 100 km from the mainland
The biological wealth of a country can be a source of
a. food.
b. lumber.
c. medicine.
d. recreation.
e. all of these
Restoration of riparian zones usually leads to
a. better flood control.
b. better water conservation.
c. more species diversity.
d. better flood control and more species diversity.
e. all of these
A network of interactions that involve the cycling of materials and the flow of energy between a community
and its physical environment is which of the following?
a. population
b. community
c. ecosystem
d. biosphere
e. species
In a natural community, primary consumers are
a. herbivores.
b. carnivores.
c. scavengers.
d. decomposers.
e. all of these
Which of the following combinations of organisms could be expected to survive in isolation from other forms
of life available?
a. producers and decomposers
b. producers and carnivores
c. carnivores and decomposers
d. herbivores and carnivores
e. herbivores, carnivores, and decomposers
Wastes would accumulate and most nutrients would stop cycling if the ____ in the ecosystem died.
a. protozoans and protistans
b. bacteria and fungi
c. flatworms, roundworms, and earthworms
d. insects
e. vertebrates
Which of the following is the correct word meaning "to feed"?
a. tropic
b. trophic
c. topic
d. trophica
e. tropical
Herbivores represent the
a. primary consumers.
b. secondary consumers.
____ 32.
____ 33.
____ 34.
____ 35.
____ 36.
____ 37.
____ 38.
____ 39.
c. tertiary consumers.
d. primary producers.
e. secondary producers.
Chemosynthetic organisms are
a. primary consumers.
b. secondary consumers.
c. tertiary consumers.
d. primary producers.
e. secondary producers.
The ultimate source of energy in a terrestrial ecosystem is
a. the organic matter in all the organisms of the ecosystem.
b. water.
c. sunlight.
d. carbon dioxide.
e. oxygen.
Primary carnivores are
a. tertiary consumers in the third trophic level.
b. secondary consumers in the third trophic level.
c. secondary consumers in the second trophic level.
d. tertiary consumers in the fourth trophic level.
e. primary consumers in the second trophic level
Most of the energy within an ecosystem is lost
a. when organisms disperse.
b. when organisms die.
c. as a result of metabolism.
d. by organisms at the top of the food web.
e. by herbivores.
Detritus specifically includes
a. organic wastes.
b. toxic materials.
c. dead and partially decayed material.
d. living bacteria and fungi.
e. both organic wastes plus dead and partially decayed material.
a. are able to enter a food chain at any trophic level.
b. are the most numerous organisms in an ecosystem.
c. include bacteria and fungi.
d. use energy in organic wastes and remains.
e. all of these
In biological magnification,
a. poisons accumulate in the high ends of food chains and webs.
b. there is a tendency for an environment to change when organisms first invade.
c. more highly evolved forms are able to build large populations under favorable conditions.
d. parasites spread rapidly through congested populations.
e. sediments fill in aquatic environments so that succession will occur if organisms disturb
the aquatic habitat.
DDT affects which of the following?
a. bald eagles
b. fish
____ 40.
____ 41.
____ 42.
____ 43.
____ 44.
____ 45.
____ 46.
____ 47.
c. song birds
d. bald eagles and song birds, but not fish
e. a, b, and c only
Net primary productivity is the
a. rate of photosynthesis.
b. rate of energy flow.
c. amount of energy stored in the ecosystem.
d. amount of energy utilized.
e. amount of energy stored in the plant tissue in excess of that used by autotrophs in
At the bottom or base of a pyramid of energy are the
a. primary producers.
b. secondary producers.
c. primary consumers.
d. secondary consumers.
e. tertiary consumers.
The biomass of a community is the weight of the
a. material decomposed in a year.
b. producers.
c. living organisms.
d. consumers.
e. decomposers.
Energy flow in an ecosystem is
a. cyclical.
b. one-way.
c. two-way.
d. reversible under different conditions.
e. either one-way or cyclical.
Which of the following does NOT cycle through an ecosystem?
a. water
b. carbon
c. energy
d. phosphorus
e. nitrogen
Most of the water vapor in the Earth's atmosphere comes from evaporation from
a. lakes.
b. rivers.
c. land.
d. oceans.
e. plants.
Which of the following contribute to water pollution?
a. dumping raw sewage into the ocean
b. leaching from landfills
c. runoff from fields and lawns
d. chemicals from manufacturing plants
e. all of these
Desalinization may not be a good method for producing large amounts of freshwater because
a. it requires huge amounts of energy.
b. it produces undrinkable water.
____ 48.
____ 49.
____ 50.
____ 51.
____ 52.
____ 53.
____ 54.
____ 55.
c. it produces huge amounts of salt residue.
d. it requires huge amounts of energy and produces undrinkable water.
e. it requires huge amounts of energy and produces huge amounts of salt residues.
Carbon is stored in what form?
a. biomass
b. fossil fuels
c. limestone rocks
d. shells of animals
e. all of these
Carbon is introduced into the atmosphere by all of the following means EXCEPT
a. respiration.
b. volcanic eruptions.
c. burning of fossil fuels.
d. wind erosion.
e. diffusion from the ocean.
Which gas is increasing in the atmosphere and threatening the world with the greenhouse effect?
a. carbon dioxide
b. carbon monoxide
c. ozone
d. fluorocarbons
e. oxygen
Which of the following is not a greenhouse gas?
a. carbon dioxide
b. chlorofluorocarbon
c. methane
d. nitrous oxide
e. nitrogen
Which of the following is evidence that global warming is taking place?
a. There has been a 1oF rise in the Earth's mean temperature.
b. Nine of the ten hottest years on record occurred between 1990 and 2003.
c. Many glaciers are retreating.
d. Sea levels have risen 20 cm.
e. all of these
a. converts ammonia into nitrates.
b. reduces nitrates to nitrites.
c. converts nitrogenous compounds into free nitrogen.
d. is a synonym for nitrogen fixation.
e. converts nitrates to organic nitrogen.
Some nitrogenous waste products or organic remains of organisms are decomposed by soil bacteria and fungi.
The bacteria and fungi use the amino acids for their own growth and, in turn, release the excess as NH3 or
ammonium ion. This process is
a. nitrification.
b. ammonification.
c. denitrification.
d. nitrogen fixation.
e. hydrogenation.
The greatest concentration of nitrogen on the planet Earth is found in
a. living organisms, including bacteria.
____ 56.
____ 57.
____ 58.
____ 59.
____ 60.
b. the atmosphere.
c. soil minerals.
d. fossil fuels.
e. oceans.
Nitrogen is released into the atmosphere by
a. nitrogen fixation.
b. denitrification.
c. nitrification.
d. ammonification.
e. decomposition.
Which plants are planted to increase the amount of nitrogen in the soil?
a. watermelon and cantaloupe vines
b. legumes
c. mints
d. grasses
e. heaths
Eutrophication refers to which change in a lake?
a. decrease in depth
b. increase in dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus
c. increase in species diversity
d. decrease in nutrient concentrations
e. increase in temperature
Animals obtain minerals such as phosphorus
a. primarily dissolved in drinking water.
b. by inhalation.
c. in meats.
d. by eating plants.
e. by eating both meats and plants.
What percentage of the energy in producers is transferred to the herbivores?
a. 0.016 percent
b. 0.16 percent
c. 1.6 percent
d. 16 percent
e. 48 percent
Answer questions in reference to the five kinds of species interactions listed below:
a. competition
b. predation
c. mutualism
d. commensalism
e. parasitism
In this interaction, one species benefits while the other is neither harmed nor benefited.
In this interaction between two species, both species are harmed in some way.
In this interaction, both species benefit.
In this interaction, one individual or species usually is killed, while the other benefits by eating the first.
____ 65. In this interaction, one species is harmed, but usually not killed, to the benefit of the other that lives on or in
the first.
Short Answer
66. If you were to build a biodome what are some key factors that you would have to take into account to ensure
survival of all organisms over time. (10pts.)
67. Respond to the following statement: Global warming is a myth. Support your case with evidence.(5 pts) If
global warming is true, what will the effects to the earth and humans be? (5 pt.s)