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Travels with Children
Shannon Morneault
Preparation is essential with children!
• Traveling is increasing throughout the years.
• Used to be for the wealthy by now is affordable enough for everyone.
• This change in economy is causing parents to now have to have extra
preparation for long travels with children.
• Travels with children offers products that will help ease the stress of
travel with children.
• Tip, blogs, comment sections are provided to get customer feedback
and allow customer relationships to grow
How will I make money?
• Sole proprietorship
• The main source of income will be through sales.
• Will encourage clear communication between staff and movement to
ensure profitable company.
Goals, Objectives, Strategies
• Have a profitable 1st year
• Build strong brand name, train employees, have net profit
• Customer Orientated Website
• Positive relations, encourage customer feedback, conduct focus groups,
attract customers to become loyal customers
• Accessible Webpage
• Attract a variety of customers, interactive webpage, abandoned cart
• Effective Advertising.
• Promote brand and products, conduct market research
• Market research to analyze data to see where Advertising is being clicked on more often,
analyze which products are more desirable and use those in Advertising
• Competition consist of mainly small businesses.
• The only expectations are companies like eBay and Amazon that provide
any product you want.
• My products are unique and will attract customers to my webpage
• Products include soothing lotions, drops, toys to amuse young children,
portable swings/ playpens, play mats with inflatable edges, travel size
water purifiers, bottle warmers, organized travel bags, disposable changing
table pads, travel packs,etc.
• My site will act as a one stop for any parent to come and access whatever
product they want to meet their needs when traveling with children.
• There is an increase in this market, traveling with children.
• Families are taking more long trips for vacations with family and
friends, work related, etc.
• Facilities are become more affordable for the average family to travel
• Wifi is used everywhere, and makes it easy to work and travel
• Accommodating for children in airports is starting to occur.
Price, Product, Place and Promotion
• Price: Prices will vary depending on what product is bought. My
prices will be affordable to attract customers.
• Product: My products will be safe, affordable, and beneficial to
customers. Customized travel packs and unique products will attract
many customers
• Place: Products will be sold online. As the business grows this could
expand to become a store, or products sold, in airports.
• Promotion: Advertising would be bought on other webpage
Value Chain
• My business will have a warehouse with an office area attached, which will
include finance/accounting, human resources, technology development,
• Target Market: Parents, Grandparents, Guardians, etc.
• Purchase of supplies: Supplies will be bought in bulk from other
companies, with the exception of some unique products that will be made
in the warehouse.
• Market and Sell: I am going have a strong focus on Advertising as the
business starts up and grows.
• Deliver: Products will be shipped from store, using UPS, and sent directly to
customer homes
• After sales service and support: 24 hr call center. Management will anayzle
customer concerns and fix any problems that may arise in timely manor.
Technology hardware, software and security
• Quickbooks: to organize business data about customers, employees,
inventory, etc. 480.00/year
• To help my e-commerce I will use big ecommerce. 960.00/ year
• Hosting: My business will use 1and1hosting. This will help my needs
with storage of business information 120.00/year
• Anit virus: Norton 100.00/ year
• I will have general and cyber liabilities. Cyber liabilities is an extra
layer of protect against fraud and scams. 950.00/ year
SWOT analysis
Offers products that are unique and will be desirable to the target market.
Well managed and organized business that leaves customers satisfied with their product and service, 24 hour telephone service.
Products will be cost efficient, and have lower shipping costs compared to similar products.
Blogs, tips, comments will encourage customer interaction
Startup costs will be expensive.
No brand name, so startup will be slow. People will not recognize my products.
No patent, allow other companies to come up with similar products.
- Plenty of room for growth. My business will start as an online. Future goals might be to expand to a store, or to airports.
- New uses for products. Getting customer feed back with allow me to understand what products are desired.
- Use of marketing and advertising to boost my business.
-Competition: other companies could create similar products and innovations, for example amazon, eBay.
-Seasonal traveling: There are times of the year that people are more likely to travel with children.
-Economic slowdowns will slow down the ability for people to travel.
• Travels with Children will provide parents, guardians, and
grandparents essential products to make traveling with young ones
• The ultimate goal is to satisfy our customer, making their experience
with Travels with Children memorable.
• Products will be affordable, convenient, and exactly what you need to
make your trip less stressful.