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Chapter 5 (Sections 1 &2) Study Guide: The Process of Evolution
Pages 210-227
Vocabulary: You may re-write vocabulary definitions below, prepare flashcards, or printout eflashcards and attach to your study guide.
evolution change in a species over time
naturalist a person who studies the natural world including plants, rocks, and animals.
natural selection the process by which organisms, with traits that help them adapt to a changing
environment, are able to successfully reproduce
adaptation inheritance of traits that allow an organism to survive in a particular environment
structural adaptation an adaptation that is expressed in a physical body structure
camouflage a structural adaptation that allows an organism to blend in with its surroundings
mimicry an adaptation that allows one species to look like or act like another species in order to
fool a third species
behavioral adaptation an adaptation in which a specific action, such as nest building, allows a
species to survive in its environment
extinction no longer existing
Main Ideas: Answer each question in complete sentences.
Who was Charles Darwin and why is he important? Charles Darwin was a British naturalist. He
sailed his ship the Beagle exploring South America and its remote islands the Galapagos Isalnds.
Based on his extensive observations he developed the theory of evolution by means of natural
selection. His work serves as the basis of much biological research today.
What observations did Darwin make of the tortoises and finches on the Galapagos Islands?
Darwin made observations about the diversity and uniqueness of organisms. Many of the animals
were similar, but not the same as organisms in Mainland South Amreica.
What did Darwin reason from the above observations? Darwin reasoned that perhaps the
organisms in the Galapagos originally came from South America and over time, they had
evolved. He reasoned that each new population changed slightly, or evolved, to fit its unique
environment on the island.
Explain Darwin’s theory of natural selection? Organisms with traits that allowed them to survive
under particular environmental conditions produced more offspring. Eventually those traits
would be common in the species. There are four requirements: overproduction, variation,
inherited variation, and natural selection.
Explain why genetic variation is important for evolution to occur. What are some sources of
genetic variation? Genetic variation is necessary for evolution to occur. Sources of genetic
variation include mutations, formation of the gametes, and sexual reproduction.
What are the two main categories that scientists divide adaptations into? Scientists divide
adaptations into two main categories – structural and behavioral.
List two types of structural adaptations and explain each. How can these adaptations benefit an
organism’s survival in its environment? Camouflage—coloring that blends with the
environment—makes organisms difficult to see. Mimicry is when one species (the mimic) looks
like another species (the model) in order to deceive a third species.
List two examples of behavioral adaptations. How can these adaptations benefit an organism’s
survival in its environment? Nesting Instinct: Male bower bird decorates its nest to attract
females. Herding Instinct: Animals that live in large groups or herds are less likely to be
attacked by a predator than one animal alone.
What are some environmental factors associated with extinction? Environmental factors
associated with extinction include climate change, volcanoes, earthquakes and meteor strikes.
List four causes for extinction and explain each.
Loss of habitat: As humans develop, occupy more space, and use more resources, they habitats
of plants and animals shrink.
Loss of genetic diversity: If there are only a few individuals or if they individuals have limited
genetic variability, environmental conditions may more easily cause extinction.
Competition with exotic species: If a species has no natural consumer in the new environment, it
may outcompete the native species and push them toward extinction.
Inability to adapt: If climate changes suddenly, a species may not have any individuals that have
genetic traits that allow them to survive.
Diagram 1: What food type is each bird beak best suited for and why?
Short, large
beaks for
Useful for
breaking seeds.
Long beak
allows it to eat
the fruit of the
prickly pear
Long, narrow
beak for eating
Diagram 2: Correctly label the four steps of Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection?
Briefly explain each step.
Too many offspring are born for the environment to
Some offspring are born with certain traits that
others do not share.
Inherited Variation
Offspring inherit these varying traits from their
Natural Selection
Some animals’ traits help them survive in their
particular environments.
Online Review: Use these online sources to help you review for your chapter test. Place a
check mark in the box when you have completed the review.
 Standards Assessment Chapter 5
 Vocabulary eFlashcards Chapter 5
 Interactive Tutor Chapter 5