Download anticodon codons gene expression genetic code messenger RNA

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1. anticodon
2. codons
3. gene expression
4. genetic code
5. messenger RNA
6. RNA
7. ribosomal RNA
8. RNA polymerase
9. transcription
transfer RNA
12. Uracil
during this process
instructions on the RNA
molecule are read to put
together the amino acids
that make proteins
n enzyme that adds
and links RNA
nucleotides during
carries the instructions
for making proteins from
a gene to ribosome
during this process
molecules that are part another name for protein
instructions for making
synthesis, the entire
of the structure of the
process where proteins are
proteins are transferred
from the information
from gene to RNA
encoded in DNA
the amino acids, start,
and stop signals that
are coded for by mRNA
three nucleotide
sequence in tRNA that
is complementary to a
mRNA codon
series of three
nucleotide sequences
on the mRNA
a nucleic acid that
helps to make proteins
and has a ribose sugar
a nitrogenous base that single strands that carry
pairs with adenine in
a specific amino acid
to the ribosome
mRNA is transcribed from the DNA in the cell nucleus
mRNA leaves the nucleus and enters the cytoplasm and attaches to the
Ribosome encounters a stop codon and falls off the mRNA
start codon on the ribosome
The completed protein is released and ready for use
The ribosome moves along the mRNA and adds more amino acids to the growing protein
tRNA bonds with the correct amino acid and becomes “charged”
tRNA carries the amino acid to the ribosome
Be able to identify the following
From the picture to the right:
□ mRNA
□ tRNA
□ ribosome
□ amino acid
□ protein
□ nucleus
□ cytoplasm
□ RNA polymerase
□ transcription/translation