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Chapter 2: Ancient Greece and Rome
Study Guide 2.1
Name __________________
Ancient Greece
Instructions: Answer these questions as you read Section one of Chapter 2 (pgs. 51-55)
Pericles Address Athens
1. What did Pericles call his Athens’s Constitution?
Why did he call it that?
2. When did Classical Greece start and when did it end?
_______B.C. to _______B.C.
Early Greek Civilization
3. Much of Greece consists of small ______and river ____________surrounded by high
4. How did the isolation of the Greeks by the mountains
affect them?
5. On what coasts on the Greek mainland did most Greeks
live on? What was the most common form of
6. The _________________Greeks were part of the ________________________-Family of peoples that spread into
southern and _______________, _____________________, _____________, & ________________.
7. Between what years did the Mycenaean’s reach their
_____________and __________B.C.
8. What epic poems tell the story of a Mycenaean military
adventure with the city of Troy? Who wrote the story?
Name of Epic poems:
Author of poem:
9. What was the period from 1100 to 750 B.C. called?
Why was it given that name?
The Polis: Center of Greek Life
10. What became the central focus of Greek life?
11. The top of a fortified hill located in a polis was called the _______________________________._
13. A site below the acropolis where people could assemble and shop for goods was called the ________________.
14. What did people living in a polis share?
15. What is a Democracy?
16. What is an Oligarchy?.
17.. What does the word Spartan mean?
18. At what age could a Spartan male finally leave the
19. According to a story, what did the Spartan mother tell
her son about his battle shield?
20. What kind of government did Sparta have?
21.On what peninsula is Athens located?.
22 How did ruling Athenian aristocrats react to the crisis in
594 B.C.?
23. What did Cleisthenes create that helped ease the
tension between the poor peasants and the aristocrats
24. Cleisthenes created the foundations for _______________ __________________.
Connections Around the World (Bonus Questions)
25. Why were rulers of early civilizations considered to
have divine powers?
26. How did this affect their systems of government?