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Name _____________________________________________________________ Score ___________________% Due: Thursday, January 30th
Chapter 10
Mediterranean Society: The Greek Phase
_____1. The political structure of the ancient Greeks
a. achieved unification under Pericles.
b. was a history of early, long-lasting centralized government.
c. stabilized after conquest by Persia.
d. was very similar to that of Egypt.
e. usually consisted of independent, autonomous city-states.
Page: 190
_____2. The Mycenaeans received early, indirect influence from the Egyptians and Phoenicians through their contact with the
a. Minoans.
b. Persians.
c. Lydians.
d. Macedonians.
e. Aryans.
Page: 191
_____3. The Mycenaeans adapted the Minoan written language to their own needs, and developed a syllabic script called
a. Linear A.
b. Cuneiform.
c. Linear B.
d. Phoenician.
e. Hieroglyphics.
Page: 191
_____4. The Greeks used the word polis to refer to
a. the concept of excessive pride.
b. the city-state.
c. the notion of loyalty to the central government.
d. the pursuit of truth.
e. barbarians.
Page: 191
_____5. The Spartans were constantly afraid of the prospect of an uprising by serfs known as
a. helots.
b. poleis.
c. Minoans.
d. Athenians.
e. Dravidians.
Page: 192-193
_____6. Distinction among the ancient Spartans came from
a. social status.
b. political infighting.
c. accumulated wealth.
d. family lineage.
e. discipline and military talent.
Page: 193
_____7. Athenian democracy was open to
a. all Athenians.
b. both men and women as long as they owned property.
c. all male citizens.
d. all males.
e. all Greek citizens.
Page: 193
_____8. Which of the following words was used by the Greeks to refer to generals or politicians who, although often popular, gained
power by irregular means.
a. tyrant
b. polis
c. archon
d. emperor
e. hellas
Page: 192
_____9. Which of the following events occurred during the time of Pericles?
a. Athenian democracy reached its high point.
b. Athens became the most sophisticated of the poleis.
c. Athenian expansion and arrogance helped spark the Peloponnesian War.
d. Athens underwent a massive building program.
e. All these answers are correct.
Page: 194, 196-197
_____10. Which of the following did NOT come about because of Greek colonization?
a. an increase in the size and diversity of trade
b. a centralized imperial state
c. the spread of Greek language and cultural traditions
d. a quickening of the tempo of social life
e. increased contact with other societies
Page: 194-195
_____11. Who won the Peloponnesian War?
a. Persia
b. Carthage
c. Sparta
d. Athens
e. Thebes
Page: 196
_____12. In the years after the Persian War, the leader of the Delian League was
a. Sparta.
b. Persia.
c. Athens.
d. Miletus.
e. Syracuse.
Page: 196
_____13. By 338 B.C.E., the Greeks had fallen to
a. Darius.
b. Alexander.
c. Philip II.
d. Xerxes.
e. Julius Caesar.
Page: 197
_____14. The largest part of Alexander’s conquests, essentially the former Achaemenid empire, was taken over by
a. Ptolemy.
b. Antigonus.
c. Darius.
d. Seleucus.
Page: 199
_____15. In which polis did women have the most freedom? (Page:203)
a. Sparta
b. Corinth
c. Athens
d. Thebes
e. Syracuse
_____ 16. Which of the following statements is true about women in the Greek world?
a. Their roles varied dramatically among the various poleis.
b. Freedom and opportunity for women reached its peak in Athens.
c. Their roles were limited in a strictly patriarchal society.
d. Women were provided dramatically more freedom than in any other society of the ancient age.
e. Women increased dramatically in importance until they often found themselves in positions of leadership.
Page: 203
_____ 17. Socrates believed that it was most important to understand
a. the will of the gods.
b. the basic forces of nature.
c. the makeup of the cosmos.
d. human nature.
e. the hierarchy of animal life.
Page: 204
_____18. Aristotle
a. gave unconditional support for the Platonic world of Forms.
b. called for a renunciation of the world because its distractions blinded the thinker.
c. believed that philosophers could rely on their senses.
d. exclusively studied human nature.
e. was Socrates’ best student.
Page: 206
_____19. Which of the Hellenistic philosophical schools viewed pleasure as the greatest good?
a. Skeptics
b. Stoics
c. Platonists
d. Epicureans
e. Daoists
Page: 207
_____ 20. Which of the Hellenistic philosophical schools considered all human beings to be members of a single, universal family?
a. Epicureans
b. Skeptics
c. Stoics
d. Platonists
e. Legalists
Page: 207