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GLEAM Glasgow Linkage Exclusion Analysis Method Su Stenhouse, Daniel Ellis, Ayesha Ahmed and Vicky Murday The Problem Diagnostic molecular genetics has traditionally been concerned with single gene disorders Fragile X, cystic fibrosis, Duchenne muscular dystrophy As more disease associations are identified and whole gene sequencing has become routine in diagnostic laboratories there is more demand for analysis of disorders which may be caused by one of several genes ‘Problem’ disorders Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Long QT APKD Dominant retinitis pigmentosa Tuberous sclerosis Ehlers Danlos Dilated cardiomyopathy The list goes on….. The Solutions? For BRCA 1 &2 in familial breast cancer it is possible to sequence both genes to search for a mutation Disorders with more genes such as cardiomyopathy are harder to deal with Next generation sequencing technologies promise very rapid sequencing but still result in massive quantities of data to analyse Can the NHS afford the expensive equipment required? Sequence only the commonest genes but fewer families benefit The Old Idea Linkage analysis can be used to indicate which of a number of genes might be involved in a particular family However this requires a good family structure and samples from affected and unaffected individuals in several generations Samples are rarely available from the required number of individuals CMGS 2006 The Eureka moment The New Idea Conventional linkage analysis uses a large number of individuals and a few markers If it were possible to use a very large number of markers then fewer family members would be required DNA CHIP technology allows thousands of markers to be analysed at once If two affected family members were oppositely homozygous for any marker within a gene that gene would be excluded from causing the disease in that family Phase The crux of this method is that it eliminates the need to establish phase which is required for conventional linkage analysis Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are chosen with a minor allele frequency of 0.3 or above The SNPs are chosen along the length of the genes of interest and the immediate flanking regions A Novel Use of CHIP Technology Using SNPs to DISPROVE linkage Relative 1 If these were two affected patients in a pedigree and the two diagrams represented their genotypes for 4 SNPs in a putative gene, being homozygous for different alleles in the 3rd SNP would suggest there was no linkage between the disease and the gene. Relative 2 A B B A A A A B A A B A B B A B Choice of SNP allele frequency Chance both parents heterozygote from HardyWeinberg is 2pq x 2pq = 4p2q2 Chance for a SNP to be informative is p2q2 divided by 2 So if p=0.3 and q=0.7 chance informative is 0.022 If p=0.5 and q=0.5 then chance informative is 0.031 Choice of SNP numbers Using a binomial distribution, if 100 SNPs with allele frequencies between 0.3 and 0.5 are used per gene there is a 90 to 96% chance of finding at least one informative. If 150 SNPs of those allele frequencies are used this rises to 96 to 99% Evidence Base Using families with a known BRCA1 or 2 mutation we aimed to establish whether we would have accurately predicted which gene was involved using this novel method. The Families We identified 57 Scottish BRCA 1 or BRCA2 families in which we had samples from more than one affected individual available and 16 were provided from the South West Thames genetic service. Proof of Principle SNPs were selected along the length of the BRCA 1 and 2 genes Illumina system chosen as the platform as equipment was available to us Professor Connor kindly agreed to fund the initial CHIP manufacture The initial CHIP carried 214 SNPs for BRCA 1 and 170 SNPs for BRCA 2 all with a MAF of >0.3 Illumina CHIP Random SNPs attached to ‘beads in wells’ ILLUMINA GoldengateTM assay uses a four colour code to identify which SNP is where Extension and ligation from genomic DNA PCR ligated template using universal primers Hybridise to IllumicodeTM array and identify SNPs Analysis takes 3 days and can type 96 patients Costs First CHIP is very expensive as the cost is in manufacturing the first SNP pool Subsequent CHIPs are relatively cheap as the same SNP pool can be used Averaging out the cost of first and subsequent CHIPs we estimate a cost of about £50 per patient Cf ~£800 to sequence each gene in each patient or £76,800 for 96 patients Choosing the samples As we are looking for opposite homozygosity parent/child combinations cannot be used as they will by definition share an allele Sibs, cousins, aunt/niece etc The further removed in the pedigree the more informative they are likely to be. The Pairs 69 siblings 21 cousins 14 aunt/niece 2 great aunt/niece RESULTS Excluded Gene (BRCA) 2(SH2)_D17055 2(SI1)_D17825 2(SI2)_D31511 rs4941829 rs2872422 rs9531598 rs4943360 rs1359634 rs4941842 rs7321575 rs2245328 rs492821 rs555163 rs1854427 rs660687 rs277151 rs277154 rs277126 rs535962 rs598700 rs1869799 rs1535532 rs1410810 rs277143 None 2(SH1)_D17276 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 Name Chr Position 30842815 30853581 30859924 30866590 30879675 30887435 30894875 30959209 30963121 30970018 30972743 30976343 30985599 30985892 30995631 30999138 30999896 31003351 31012398 31026476 31030567 2 A B B B B B A B A A B B A B B B A A B B B A A B A A B A A B B A A A B B B A A A B A A A B B RESULTS 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2(SH2)_D17055 rs4941829 rs2872422 rs9531598 rs4943360 rs1359634 rs4941842 rs7321575 rs2245328 rs492821 rs555163 rs1854427 rs660687 rs277151 rs277154 rs277126 rs535962 rs598700 rs1869799 rs1535532 rs1410810 rs277143 2(SH1)_D17276 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 BRCA Name Chromosome Genomic Location 30842815 30853581 30859924 30866590 30879675 30887435 30894875 30959209 30963121 30970018 30972743 30976343 30985599 30985892 30995631 30999138 30999896 31003351 31012398 31026476 31030567 A B B B B B A B A A B B A B B B A A B A A B Formula for the eventual result 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE Result TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE RESULTS SIBS 69 UNINFORMATIVE INFORMATIVE 35 33 = 48% 17 = 81% 10 = 71% 2 =100% (1 FAILED) COUSINS 21 4 AUNT/NIECE 14 4 OTHER 2 0 TOTAL 106 43 62 =58% SHIL Following the success of the proof of principle we approached Scottish Health Innovations Ltd who are charged with supporting suitable projects emerging from the health service. They agreed to fund a patent application and further development work Patent application is now in process This is intended as a protective patent rather than a profitable one! Cardiomyopathy CHIP now about to be trialled SHIL Nomination Without our knowledge the project was nominated for the Scottish Healthcare Innovation of the Year Award Shortlisted projects had to give a presentation to the selection committee and answer questions from the panel (Dragon’s Den scenario) In Perth! We Won! Acknowledgements We would like to thank the staff at the molecular lab in St Georges for kindly looking out and sending us the samples form Vicky’s erstwhile patients. We know how time consuming such activity is!