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Keystone Review Countdown!
Day 1
Topic: Photosynthesis
1. Define autotroph. Give an example.
2. Define heterotrophy. Give an example.
3. Where do each of these reactions (light and dark) take place?
4. Draw and label the parts of the chloroplast.
5. What are the two high energy molecules (produced in light reactions) called?
6. Do the light reactions require light? Do the dark reactions require light?
7. What is the goal of the dark reactions?
8. What is another name for the dark reactions?
9. What happens to the oxygen produced?
10. Why is photosynthesis considered to be a biochemical pathway?
Keystone Review Countdown!
Day 2
1. _________________________ complex process of breaking down glucose into ATP.
2. Glycolysis occurs in the _______________________ of the cell.
3. Respiration occurs in the ___________________ of the cell.
4. If oxygen is not present, how do our cells break down pyruvic acid?(which pathway)
5. The other name for anaerobic respiration is __________________________.
6. What are the two types of fermentation studied in class?
7. The two main stages of aerobic respiration are?
Stage 1:
Stage 2:
8. What is the main goal of respiration?
9. Why can we say that Respiration is a biochemical pathway?
10. Which process is more efficient at making energy….aerobic or anaerobic respiration?
Keystone Review Countdown!
Day 3
Cell Transport
1. What is diffusion?
2. What is the difference between osmosis and diffusion?
3. What are the three main types of passive transport?
4. What is the difference between simple and facilitated diffusion?
5. What type of molecule, found in the cell membrane, helps substances
move into / out of the cell?
6. What do facilitated diffusion and active transport have in common?
7. What are the differences between facilitated diffusion and active
8. What are the two main types of endocytosis?
9. In a hypotonic solution, what substance is moving into the cell?
10. If water leaves the plant cell, and the cell membrane pulls away from
the cell wall (essentially shrinking away), this is called…
Keystone Review Countdown!
Day 4
Which cellular organelle…
1. is involved in cell division?
2. makes proteins?
3. holds the nucleus and its components together?
4. holds hydrolytic enzymes which can digest cellular components?
5. stores enzymes, wastes, and water?
6. jelly-like substance within the cell?
7. stores DNA?
8. makes ATP for the cell?
9. helps to modify and package proteins for export?
10. is the space between the cell membrane and nucleus?
11. contains enzymes that detoxify cells?
12. The three parts of the cell theory are?
13. What are some differences between plant and animal cells?
14. What are some differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes?
Keystone Review Countdown!
Day 5
Organic Compounds
1. Organic compounds are made primarily of atoms of which element?
2. What is the difference between a monomer and a polymer?
3. What is another name for a large polymer?
4. In order to link monomers together to form a polymer, what type of
reaction must take place? (2 names)
5. To break down a polymer, water can be used. This process is called?
6. When many (3 or more) monosaccharides are joined together, they form
what type of compound?
7. In order to make a protein, several __________________ must be linked
8. What is the main difference between the different types of amino acids?
9. Fatty acids have very different “ends.” Describe each.
10. What are phospholipids composed of?
11. What are the monomers of nucleic acid? Polymers?
12. What does a nucleotide consist of?
Keystone Review Countdown!
Day 6
Chemistry Review
1. Which subatomic particles are found inside the nucleus?
2. How can you tell the # of protons an atom has by looking at the Periodic
3. How can you tell the # of neutrons an atom has by looking at the
Periodic Table?
4. How can you determine the # of valence electrons an atom has by
looking at the Periodic Table?
5. When an atom gains electrons, it becomes charged. What kind of charge
does it have?
6. When an atoms loses electrons, it becomes charged. What kind of
charge does it have?
7. Aluminum has an atomic mass of 27 and an atomic number of 13. Draw
an atom of aluminum.
8. Is tin (Sn) a metal, nonmetal, or metalloid?
9. Would LiF be held together by an ionic or covalent bond?
10. Would ZnCl2 be held together by an ionic or covalent bond?
11. What’s the difference between ionic and covalent bonds?
12. Why are valence electrons important?
Keystone Review Countdown!
Day 7
Water & Solutions
1. Describe the pH scale in detail. (Draw it out)
2. On a hot summer day, you decide to make ice tea using 10 grams of tea
mix and 200 mL of water. Determine….
a) the solute? __________________________________
b) the solvent? _________________________________
c) the solution? _________________________________
d) the type of solution? ___________________________
e) the concentration? (Show the set up and calculate)
3. What’s the difference between cohesion and adhesion?
4. What is capillarity?
5. What is surface tension and what causes it?
6. Explain why frozen water floats, instead of sinks.
7. Water has a high specific heat. What does this mean?
8. Why is water called the universal solvent?
9. Explain why water is a polar molecule. Relate to question #8.
Keystone Review Countdown!
Day 8
DNA Structure & Replication
1. What is the monomer of nucleic acids? The polymer?
2. What are the four nitrogenous bases found in DNA?
3.What is the difference between a purine and pyrimidine?
4. Which bases are purines? Pyrimidines?
5. What are the base-pairing rules for DNA?
6. What type of bond holds the bases together? The sugar and phosphates
7. When, in the life of a cell, does DNA Replication occur?
8. In replication, which enzyme unwinds and unzips the DNA double helix?
Which bonds break during this step?
9. The place at which the DNA strands are separating is called?
10. In the second step of DNA Replication, which enzyme brings in
complementary bases to pair with one original strand of DNA?
11. In the last step of DNA Replication, how many strands of DNA are
formed? Why is this called semi-conservative replication?
12. Any gaps in the DNA are joined together by which enzyme?
Keystone Review Countdown!
Day 9
RNA & Protein Synthesis
1. Segment of DNA that is located on chromosomes and that codes for
hereditary characteristics is called ____________.
2. An abbreviation for ribonucleic acid is called _____________.
3. The step of protein synthesis where DNA acts like a template for RNA is
called __________________.
4. RNA directs the assembly of proteins at which cellular organelle?
5. What are the monomers of proteins?
6. The sugar in RNA is called?
7. What are the 4 bases in RNA?
8. What are the base pairing rules for RNA?
9. What are the three different types of RNA?
10. Contrast transcription with translation.
11. What is the job of a promoter?
12. If the DNA sequence is:
The RNA sequence is:
13. What is the genetic code?
14. What is a codon?
15. What is an anticodon?
Keystone Review Countdown!
Day 10
Scientific Method & Characteristics of Life
1. How would one identify the four groups in a controlled experiment? Explain.
2. Identify the four parts of the experiment in the space below. Miss Schantz loves to drink cold
Diet Coke, but somehow it’s always warm by the time she gets a chance to drink it. She knows
that if she is able to insulate the Diet Coke bottle, the soda might remain cold for a longer period
of time. She knows that aluminum foil will definitely keep the bottle cold, but wonders if plastic
wrap will work too.
3. It is said that all living things share 7 characteristics. List the 7.
4. The ability of an organism to maintain constant conditions within the body is called?
5 . Why would a plant lean towards the sun?
6. Fungi produce specialized structures called spores. These spores will grow into new fungi.
Which characteristic of life is this an example of?
7. Whales living in the Arctic have a lot of blubber to keep warm. Which characteristic of life is
this an example of?
8. Green plants are autotrophs, which means they can make their own food. They use carbon
dioxide, sunlight and chlorophyll to photosynthesize. Which characteristic of life is this an
example of?
Keystone Review Countdown!
Day 11
Mitosis & Meiosis
1. Rod-like structures are known as ______________________, which are made of two
___________________, held together by a structure called the
2. The process by which mature body cells divide into new cells is called?
3. Meiosis is the cell division needed to create __________________________.
4. In human body cells, there are _______________ number of total chromosomes. Another
word for a cell having the total number of chromosomes is __________________.
5. In human egg and sperm cells there are _______________ number of chromosomes. Another
word for a cell having half the number of chromosomes is __________________.
6. In which phase of meiosis does crossing over occur? What IS crossing over and why is it
7. At the end of mitosis, __________ cells are created, which are _______________ (identical /
different) than the original cell.
8. What are homologous chromosomes?
9. What are the three stages of Interphase, and what happens in each of these stages?
10. What is cytokinesis and where does it fall in terms of the cell cycle?
11. What's the difference between cytokinesis in animal cells versus cytokinesis in plant cells?
12. What are oogenesis and spermatogenesis?
13. Compare / contrast mitosis and meiosis.