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A. M. Pryshlyak, M. S. Hnatyuk, I. O. Stakhurska
SHEE «I. Ya. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University», Department of Topographic
Anatomy and Operative Surgery.
Key words: ventricular myocardium, morphometry, toxic injury, adaptation.
The environmental pollution with chemicals and their metabolites has negative effect on
functions of heart and blood vessels. The problem of cardiotoxicity is complicated and is not
enough elaborated. Structural changes of heart muscle in cadmium salts effect on the organism,
that have the ability to be caught in the environment because of human activity, are not enough
discovered. The object of the work is information analysis of restructural heart ventricles
peculiarities influenced by cadmium chloride.
Materials and methods. The hearts of 36 white male rats, which were divided into 2 groups (1-st
– 12 intact animals, 2-d – 24 rats injected with cadmium chloride) by complex of morphological
methods (histology, histochemistry, morphometry) have been examined.
Toxic myocardial injury by chemical element has been modeled by subcutaneous injection in a
dose of 6 mg/kg during 4 weeks. the diameter of cardiomyocytes and the diameter of their
nuclei, the nuclear-cytoplasmic index, the length of cardiomyocytes, the total number of
cardiomyocytes, the relative volume of cardiomyocytes, the relative volume of the capillaries,
the relative volume of the connective tissue, stromal and kardiomiothytarical interralations,
capillary and
kardiomiothytarical interralations, relative volume of cardiomyocytes focal
damages of left and right ventricles have been identified histostereometricaly. To evaluate
cardiomyocites space changes of the affected heart parts and interrelations between them
information analysis has been used to define entropy, relative entropy and redundancy.
Euthanasia of experimental animals was carried out by bloodletting under the tiopenthaloval
anesthesia. The parts of the left and right ventricles of the heart, were cut out and fixed in
10.0% neutral formalin solution. after the appropriate conducting through the increasing
concentration of ethyl alcohol the parts were placed into paraffin. Microtome cuts were stained
with hematoxylin eosin by van Gisone, Heidenhain, Mallory, Vaihert. Quantitative values were
treated statistically. It was discovered by histostereometrical methods that infusion of cadmium
chloride resulted in the injury of cardiomyocytes and their hypertrophy. The diameter of left
ventricular cardiomyocytes under the influence of cadmium chloride increased on 43.2%, their
nuclei - 30.9%, right ventricle - 30.2% and 20.0%. the nuclear and cytoplasmic relations in
cardiomyocytes of both ventricles were significantly changed under those conditions. The
relative volume of the stroma in the left ventricle in simulated pathological conditions increased
in 2.1 times, and the relative amount of capillaries decreased – in 19, 6%, and the right - in 1.6
times and 16.3%. Prolonged exposure of cadmium chloride on white rats organism resulted in
the damage of a large number of cardiomyocytes. Thus, the relative amount of damaged
cardiomyocytes in the left ventricle in simulated pathological conditions increased in 21.8 times,
and in the right ventricle - in 16.3 times. Histologically in the investigated chambers of the heart
plethora mainly in veins and remote parts of the microcirculatory channel was observed. Their
plethora, stasis, perivasal edema and centres of diapetesical hemorrhages in
postcapillaries and venules were observed In that case. There were detected hidropical
degeneration, necrobiosis centers and focuses of cellular infiltration of the stroma in the heart
muscle cells. Described above structural changes were dominated in the left ventricle. According
to the data of information analysis of restructural heart ventricles cardiomyocytes was
determined that in conditions of simulated pathology the increase of entropy and relative entropy
in left (11.4%, 10.5%) and in right (8.6% at 6.3%) ventricles was observed. The decrease of
redundancy in 2.7 times of the left ventricle and in 1.8 times of the right ventricle was observed
too. The marked increase of entropy and relative entropy indicate instability and disorganization
of the researched structural and functional systems (left and right ventricles). The revealed
significant decrease of redundancy in both ventricles of the heart, indicates that the effect of
cadmium chloride on the organism of experimental animals not only damages cardiomyocytes,
stroma and blood vessels of the left and right ventricles of the heart, but significantly reduces
their adaptation reserves.
Conclusion. The poisoning of experimental animals with cadmium chloride leads to severe
restructuring of left and right ventricles, accompanied by significant changes of carriers of
biological information. At the same time entropy, relative entropy have increased in the studied
chambers of the heart and redundancy was decreased, which indicated on disorganization,
instability and reduced reserves of damaged structures adaptation. Structural changes were
dominated in the left ventricle.