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`Circulation and Blood 1. What are the functions of the circulatory system? 2. Transport blood gases and nutrients around body 2. Distribute heat 1. What are major organs of the circulatory system? 2. heart: cone shaped organ between 2nd rib and diaphragm 3. surround by membrane called the pericardium 3. pericardial fluid=lubricating fluid/reduces friction 2. vessels 3. arteries: move blood away from the heart 3. veins: move blood toward the heart 3. capillaries: connect arteries and veins (very small) 2. blood = tissue 1. What are the major parts of the heart? 2. vena cava: vein that dumps blood into the heart 2. aorta: artery that takes blood from the heart to the rest of the body 2. atria: upper chambers of heart 2. ventricle: lower chambers of heart 2. valves: prevent back flow of blood 3. tricuspid valve: right side (three flaps) 3. bicuspid: left side (two flaps) 2. pulmonary system (vessels) 3. p. artery: carries blood away from heart into lungs 4. p. valves: prevent backflow 3. p. vein: carries blood from lungs back to heart 1. How does blood flow through the heart? 2. Deoxygenated blood vena cava right atriumright ventriclepulmonary artery lungs 2. Oxygenated blood pulmonary veinleft atrium  left ventricle aorta 1. How does the heart pump blood through the body? 2. very muscular ventricles 3. cardiac muscle 3. single pump to the rest of the body 2. creates its own electric current 3. pacemaker is in right atria (where current is created) 3. electrical current moves to bottom of ventricles 3. finally, it moves through outer wall 1. What are disorders with heartrate? 2. Normal: PQRST wave (photocopy page 182 from Marieb) 2. bradycardia: slow heart rate 2. fibrillation: atria and ventricles beat uncoordinated 2. tachycardia: fast heart rate 1. What is blood? 2. red blood cells: transport oxygen and carbon dioxide around body 3. contains hemoglobin, a compound with lots of iron 4. hemoglobin + oxygen = red due to rusting 3. oxygenated blood=bright red; deoxy blood=dark red (not purple) 3. aka erythrocytes 3. made in red bone marrow 2. white blood cells: fight disease 3. aka leukocytes 3. made mostly in lymph nodes 2. platelets: rbc that are broken apart 3. play a role in blood clotting 2. plasma: suspends blood cells 1. What are blood types? 2. There are molecules on the surface of blood cells 2. The type of molecule you have determines blood type 3. A, B, AB, or O (no such proteins) 2. The following chart indicates blood types Type Has these Immune Can donate to Can get from proteins system reacts against these proteins A A B A, AB A, O B B A B, AB B, O AB Both A and B None AB all O None A and B all O only 2. +/-­‐ is called Rh factor 3. named after the rhesus monkey, in which it was first discovered 3. There is a separate protein called Rh. 4. + means you have it, -­‐ means you do not 4. + can get from both + and -­‐, -­‐ can only get from – 2. Universal Donor can give to anyone: O-­‐ 2. Universal Recipient can get from anyone: AB+