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Global Perspectives and Project Work, Grade 11. Term 1
Climate Change and Biodiversity
Subject programme reference
CT1 recognise and critically compare different perspectives on global issues
CT1 recognise and critically compare different perspectives on global issues
REF1 develop and communicate personal perspectives
REF1 develop and communicate personal perspectives
REF4 identify further research into personal and other perspectives
RES2 research and analyse evidence to support arguments, reasoning and claims
RES2 research and analyse evidence to support arguments, reasoning and claims
RES2 research and analyse evidence to support arguments, reasoning and claims
CO1 present global perspectives using a variety of different media
CO1 present global perspectives using a variety of different media
RES3 evaluate evidence used to support arguments, reasoning and claims
CO2 select and present information and evidence
CO2 select and present information and evidence
CO1 present global perspectives using a variety of different media
analyse the structure and identify the main components of arguments, reasoning and claims
analyse the structure and identify the main components of arguments, reasoning and claims
analyse the structure and identify the main components of arguments, reasoning and claims
analyse the structure and identify the main components of arguments, reasoning and claims
recognise and critically compare different perspectives on global issues
recognise and critically compare different perspectives on global issues
select and present information and evidence
develop and present reasoning, argument and claims
develop and present reasoning, argument and claims
RES2 research and analyse evidence to support arguments, reasoning and claims
RES2 research and analyse evidence to support arguments, reasoning and claims
Success criteria
- Identify two perspectives
on global warming
- point out the values each
perspective is based on
- write one question to
make the research.
- provide the explanation of
the chosen question
- Present two different
arguments about climate
- Write the analysis of the
evidence used
- Use at least 2 types of
different media
- Present two different
perspectives on climate
- Use information and
evidence from at least 2
- Evaluate evidence with
- Identify reason
- Identify conclusion
- Identify evidence
- Point the differences in
perspectives about global
- Write your opinion about
global warming
- Support your argument
with reasons and evidence
-Student uses at least three
credible internet sources
RES2 research and analyse evidence to support arguments, reasoning and claims
CT2 analyse the structure and identify the main components of arguments, reasoning and claims
CT3 analyse and evaluate arguments, reasoning and claims
CT1 recognise and critically compare different perspectives on global issues
CO2 select and present information and evidence
CO2 select and present information and evidence
CO2 select and present information and evidence
CT3 analyse and evaluate arguments, reasoning and claims
RES4 evaluate sources used to support arguments, reasoning and claims
RES4 evaluate sources used to support arguments, reasoning and claims
RES4 evaluate sources used to support arguments, reasoning and claims
RES2 research and analyse evidence to support arguments, reasoning and claims
CO2 select and present information and evidence
CO2 select and present information and evidence
CO2 select and present information and evidence
REF1 develop and communicate personal perspectives
REF3 recognise and evaluate the impact of alternative perspectives on personal perspectives
1. Look at the cartoon and identify two perspectives on global issue and compare them.
and/or social media
-Student finds at least three
types of documentary
- Student summarizes the
collected information
- Compare two perspectives
on Global Warming, write
arguments supported with
Student creates PPT
presentation to present
information and evidence
- Select some information
and evidence that is mainly
relevant to arguments,
reasoning and claims
- Identify some strengths
and weaknesses of sources
- Gather and find
information about Global
- make a presentation
-Describe how personal
perspective on global
warming have shaped due
to personal experience, the
influence of your family,
friends and peers, learning
in school, reading and
literature, film
2. Blog about deforestation of Amazonian rainforest
Alex (Green Peace representative): Nowadays we are facing the increase of the average surface temperature. One of the main reasons of this process
is that people cut the trees. We have to stop it. Trees produce oxygen which we breathe and by cutting them we are slowly killing ourselves. The
concentration of CO2 which is also the part of deforestation brings to global warming. Today it is one of the biggest issues in the world.
Nick (woodcutter): I have a family of seven people. I have to buy food for all of them, because no one in the family works except for me. The only job I
can do here is cutting the trees and selling them. It is the only way to earn enough money not to suffer from hunger. You say that we are the reason of
humans’ death but no one takes care of us. I have t think about my family first rather than thinking about people I don’t even know.
Task: Develop a question to research the situation in Amazonian forest, so the answer to this question can help to solve Nick’s difficulties. Explain why
you have chosen this question.
3. Show two different perspectives on climate change. Write analysis of the evidence that you used.
Complete the resource list with different media that you used.
4. Present two different perspectives on climate change using evidence from different sources. Use RAVEN to evaluate the sources.
5. You should write reason, evidence or conclusion in the spaces provided in the space provided.
6. Debates
FOR: Some people believe that global warming is a serious threat to our society, economically, socially, politically, and action must be taken
immediately to try to alleviate it's effects. Rise in CO2 and other Greenhouse gases are anthropogenic. Historical Temperature records show an increase
of 0.4-0.8°C in the last 100 years. According to the scientist this is an unusually warm period for the last 1000 years. Research proves that climate
models can only reproduce the current trends if they use Greenhouse gas forcing; these models show that there will be warming and a rise of sea level.
AGAINST: Others believe global warming to be a myth and any actions taken in response to global warming will be harmful to the economy and
therefore society as a whole. IPCC draws conclusions from Climate models with acknowledged weakness in cloud physics schemes. There is a
difference between correlation and causation. Just because the temperature was observed to rise around the start of the Industrial Revolution does
not mean the Industrial Revolution caused the temperatures to increase. The study shows that Earth's climate has been both colder and warmer than
today, and these periods are not explained by mechanisms that involve human influences. Global temperatures are directly correlated with solar
(sunspot) activity as some scientists believe.
7. RES 2 research and analyze evidence to support arguments, reasoning and claims
Gather and record evidence about climate change in Kazakhstan, present
media images, documents, statistics, etc.
Working towards
1.Student uses at least three credible internet sources and/or
social media
2.Student finds at least three types of documentary evidence
3. Student summarizes the collected information
8. CT2 analyze the structure and identify the main components of arguments, reasoning and claims
CT3 analyze and evaluate arguments, reasoning and claims
CT1 recognize and critically compare different perspectives on global issues
Compare two perspectives on Global Warming, write arguments supported with reasons
9. CO2 select and present information and evidence
Working towards
1. Create a PPT presentation on global warming issue. Describe how
it influences perspectives using photos or videos.
10. CT3 Analyze and evaluate arguments, reasoning and claims
RES 4 evaluate sources used to support arguments, reasoning and claims
Read the given sources and apply Raven to them.(students score
1. Select some information and evidence that is mainly
relevant to arguments, reasoning and claims
Working towards
2. Identify some strengths and weaknesses of sources
1. By 2007, it had declined to 10% of its original size, splitting into four lakes – the North Aral Sea, the eastern and western basins of the once far larger
South Aral Sea, and one smaller lake between the North and South Aral Seas. By 2009, the southeastern lake had disappeared and the southwestern
lake had retreated to a thin strip at the extreme west of the former southern sea; in subsequent years, occasional water flows have led to the
southeastern lake sometimes being replenished to a small degree. The maximum depth of the North Aral Sea is 42 m (138 ft) (as of 2008).
2. The sea which has shrunk by 90 per cent has ruined the once-robust fishing economy and left fishing trawlers stranded in sandy wastelands. The sea
shrank largely due to a Soviet project to boost cotton production in the arid region. Its evaporation has left layers of highly salted sand, which winds can
carry as far away as Scandinavia and Japan, and which plague local people with health troubles.
3. The impact of the Aral Sea disaster has had a devastating affect on the lives of the people of Moynaq in Karakalpakstan. This town was once the
centre of a large fishing and fish-canning industry, employing more than 30,000 people. However, as the sea dried up, so did the employment and
livelihood opportunities for the population. Now, like many others in Karakalpakstan, they face the threat of increased illness and disease, malnutrition,
immunological problems and birth defects.
4. Changes in population are important to understand the Aral Sea crisis for various reasons that we will explore. Between 1950 and 1988, the
population of the Aral Sea basin grew dramatically - from 13.8 to 33.2 million people, comprising increases from 8.1 to 19.9 million in Uzbekistan, 1.0 to
2.2 million in Kirghizstan, 2.0 to 5.1 million in Tadzhikistan, 1.5 to 3.5 million in Turkmenistan, and 1.2 to 2.4 million in Kazakhstan (all within the seabasin limits). In 1990, the population of the Aral Sea basin numbered 34 million.
11. RES 2 research and analyze evidence to support arguments, reasoning and claims
CO 2 select and present information and evidence
Project work
Students draw a picture connected with Global Warming issue and make a presentation on it.
12. REF 1 develop and communicate personal perspectives
REF 3 recognize and evaluate the impact of alternative perspectives on personal perspectives
Subject: GPPW
Class: 11
Topic: Climate change and Global warming
Success criteria
Working towards
1. Give two examples of the influence on your views and personal perspective on global
2. Describe how personal perspective on global warming have shaped due to personal
experience, the influence of your family, friends and peers, learning in school, reading and
literature, film
Write two examples of the influence on your perspective about global warming (these might be personal experience, the influence of
your family, friends and peers, learning in school, reading and literature, film)
Describe how your perspective about global warming has changed because of that influence