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ActionIQ Grows and Retains Valuable Customers
The Solution
The Challenge
Customer data and marketing channels are
disconnected and siloed—leading to limited
insights, manual segmentation and fragmented
reporting. Teams spend more time trying to
access and assemble their data than they do
actually analyzing and taking action on it.
Unify data
Marketing Freedom and Speed.
The Results
Activate campaigns
Does the anonymous web and mobile
browsing behavior belong to a new or
existing customer? ActionIQ unifies the
data in order to take the unknown and
make it known.
Seamlessly connect all anonymous
and known data
Identify customers—even if
anonymous—with speed and accuracy
+3x match
Too often the strategy relies on
discounts to get the first purchase.
ActionIQ optimizes this by increasing
visibility into a customer and what will
move the needle to a purchase.
Map customer touch points and
identify ideal path to first purchase
Quickly iterate, test, and analyze
treatments across different
audiences and channels
+20% activation lift
Now it’s time to move the customer to
a second and third purchase. ActionIQ
gives marketers the ability to move
one-time purchasers to a steady-state
purchase behavior.
We are marketing freedom.
Use purchase & browsing behavior to
recommend replenishment or similar
Tailor purchase incentives and
discounts by customer value
+25% repurchase lift
The Results
Marketing Freedom and Speed.
Many companies treat all of their
customers the same, regardless of their
past behavior. ActionIQ helps you better
understand your customers and then
proactively communicate with them to
prevent churn.
Proactively identify and flag any
break in customer purchase or
engagement patterns
Optimize discounts and promotions
to avoid becoming the brand that is
“all about coupons”
Marketing organizations often spend
as much to reactive a customer as
acquiring a brand new one. ActionIQ
alleviates this through a unified view of
all data, both past and present.
Know when a customer leaves and
what is the best option to get them
to return
Once returned, engage quickly based
on a full-view of past behavior
+18% reduction in churn
+35% reactivation lift
What we do
Combining data management, business intelligence, and an
integration platform as a service in a single solution for the
first time, ActionIQ approaches marketing data in a stunning
new way. By empowering marketers with all of their data
connected and integrated on a single platform, ActionIQ
delivers an accelerated way to turn insight into action. It’s
fast and nimble as technology fades into the background and
becomes a seamless part of a marketing organization. The
team behind ActionIQ brings years of innovative technology
breakthroughs and a vision to help marketers finally get the
solution they need. Marketing freedom is here.
We are marketing freedom.