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iLEAPS e-mail Bulletin No. 36 June 2014
The Bulletin will keep you informed on iLEAPS news and related information. It is generally posted on a quarterly basis. If you
have any comments or wish to post information in this Bulletin or iLEAPS community, e-mail us at [email protected]. Bulletin No.
37 is available in September 2014, and the deadline for material is 30 August 2014. Please note that we cannot circulate
Publishing an iLEAPS-related paper? Please include the word "iLEAPS" within the abstract and acknowledgements. This
helps the iLEAPS IPO track iLEAPS science related publications.
A. iLEAPS updates
1. iLEAPS IPO will move to China in
2. OH Reactivity Specialist Uniting
3. IBBI special session at AGU Fall
B. Announcements
1. Important calls and news
2. Meetings and schools
3. Job opportunity
iLEAPS updates
1. iLEAPS International Project Office will move to China in 2015.
The University of Helsinki has supported the iLEAPS IPO for 10 years. The Nanjing University will be hosting iLEAPS IPO
starting January 2015.
2. OH Reactivity Specialist Uniting Meeting (ORSUM), 13-15 October 2014, Mainz, Germany. The meeting is endorsed by
The meeting aims to gather the community of scientists interested in the measurement and modelling of OH reactivity and to
share experiences, best practice recommendations, calibration methods, quality control, results, and future challenges and
concepts related to OH reactivity measurements.
Meeting website:
3. ”Biomass burning impacts on composition, clouds, and climate: SEAC4RS, BBOP, SAMBBA, BORTAS, FLAME-4,
and other recent studies” session at AGU Fall Meeting, 15-19 December 2014, San Francisco USA.
Abstract submission deadline: August 6, 11:59 PM EDT
Session link:
Abstract submission:
1. Important calls and news
The abstract submission deadline is extended until 11 July 2014 for the 1st ICOS International Conference on
Greenhouse Gases and Biogeochemical Cycles, 23-25 September 2014, Brussels, Belgium.
The conference is open for all scientists interested in research on greenhouse gases, biochemical cycles and climate change.
All information at:
A. Arneth, C. Brown & M. D. A. Rounsevell have published an article on ”Global models of human decision-making for
land-based mitigation and adaptation assessment” in Nature Climate Change 4, 550–557 (2014),
2. Meetings and schools
12th AsiaFlux workshop on “Bridging Atmospheric Flux Monitoring to National and International Climate Change Initiatives”,
18-23 August 2014, Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines.
All information at:
ICOS-NEON Greenhouse Gas Date Workshop, 7-13 September 2014, Observatoire de Haute-Provence, France.
This workshop will provide the opportunity to learn how to use ‘big data' from the ICOS and NEON large networks of
observatories while discussing the frontier of carbon science and identifying new research opportunities. More information at:
Workshop on "Electrification in dusty atmospheres inside and outside the solar system", 8 - 11 September 2014, Pitlochry,
Scotland, UK.
The meeting aims to bring together and engage into an exchange of ideas between the solar system, the plasma physics, the
terrestrial and the exoplanetary communities. More information at:
TERENO International Conference “From observation to prediction in terrestrial systems“, 29 September - 2 October 2014,
University of Bonn, Germany. The conference aims to discuss new research approaches to detect complex interaction and
feedback mechanisms between the various compartments of the terrestrial system and to identify long-term trends in
observed states and fluxes. More information at event website:
The Climate Initiative REKLIM International Conference “Our climate – our future, Regional perspectives on a global
challenge”, 6 - 9 October, 2014, Umweltforum in Berlin, Germany. The conference aims to discuss current and future
perspectives of the regional aspect of global climate change. More information at:
3. Job opportunity
Professor of Meteorology permanent position is open in University of Helsinki, Finland. The professor will lead research in
atmospheric greenhouse gases and their sinks and sources, in particular the exchange of carbon, nitrogen and water between
the biosphere and the atmosphere.
More information at:
Application deadline: 6 August 2014
3-years post-doctoral position in France, at the Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement. All details