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Ancient Rome
Unit Organizer
Third Grade
Previous Unit
Geographical Terms
Next Unit
Rivers of the World
Integrated Content
Myths and Legends of Ancient Greece & Rome
 Jason and the Golden Fleece
 Perseus and Medusa
 Cupid and Psyche
 The Sword of Damocles
 Damon and Pythias
 Androcles and the Lion
 Horatius at the Bridge
 Romulus and Remus
 When in Rome do as the Romans do
 Rome wasn’t built in a day
 Last straw
Roman Numerals
Core Knowledge Content
A. Geography of the Mediterranean Region
• Mediterranean Sea, Aegean Sea, Adriatic Sea
• Greece, Italy (peninsula), France, Spain
• Strait of Gibraltar, Atlantic Ocean
• North Africa, Asia Minor (peninsula), Turkey
• Bosporus (strait), Black Sea, Istanbul (Constantinople)
• Red Sea, Persian Gulf, Indian Ocean
B. Background
• Define B.C. / A.D. and B.C.E. / C.E.
• The legend of Romulus and Remus
• Latin as the language of Rome
• Worship of gods and goddesses, largely based on Greek religion
• The Republic: Senate, Patricians, Plebeians
• Punic Wars: Carthage, Hannibal
C. The Empire
• Julius Caesar
Defeats Pompey in civil war, becomes dictator
“Veni, vidi, vici” (“I came, I saw, I conquered”)
Cleopatra of Egypt
Caesar assassinated in the Senate, Brutus
• Augustus Caesar
• Life in the Roman Empire
The Forum: temples, marketplaces, etc.
The Colosseum: circuses, gladiator combat, chariot races
Roads, bridges, and aqueducts
Ancient Rome
Unit Organizer
Third Grade
• Eruption of Mt. Vesuvius, destruction of Pompeii
• Persecution of Christians
D. The “Decline and Fall” of Rome
• Weak and corrupt emperors, legend of Nero fiddling as Rome burns
• Civil wars
• City of Rome sacked
• Social and moral decay
E. The Eastern Roman Empire: Byzantine Civilization
• The rise of the Eastern Roman Empire, known as the Byzantine Empire
• Constantine, emperor who made Christianity the official religion of Rome
• Constantinople (now called Istanbul) merges diverse influences and cultures.
• Justinian, Justinian’s Code
Common Core State Standards
SS 3.1.1.a: Compare factual historical sources with works of fiction about the same topic
SS 3.1.1.b: Use a variety of historical sources including artifacts, pictures and documents to help
define factual historical evidence
SS 3.1.2.b: Chronologically sequence important events in a community or region
SS 3.1.2.c: Give examples of people and events, and developments that brought important changes to a
community or region
SS 3.1.2.d: Describe the history, interaction, and contribution of the various peoples and cultures
that have lived in or migrated to a community or region
SS 3.2.1.b: Find oceans and continents, major countries, bodies of water, mountains, and urban
areas, the state of Colorado, and neighboring states on maps
SS 3.2.1.c: Locate the community on a map and describe its natural and human features
SS 3.2.2.b: Identify the factors that make a region unique including cultural diversity, industry and
agriculture, and land forms
SS 3.2.2.c: Give examples of places that are similar and different from a local region
SS 3.2.2.d: Characterize regions using different types of features such as physical, political, cultural,
urban and rural
SS 3.3.1.a: Describe the difference between producers and consumers and explain how they need each
SS 3.3.1.b: Describe and give examples of forms of exchange topics to include but not limited to
trade and barter
SS 3.3.1.c: Describe how the exchange of goods and services between businesses and consumers
affects all parties
SS 3.3.1.e: Give examples of how trade benefits individuals and communities and increases
Ancient Rome
Unit Organizer
Third Grade
SS 3.3.2.b: Recognize that there are costs and benefits associated with borrowing to meet a short- term
financial goal
SS 3.4.2.a: Identify the origins, structure, and functions of local government
SS 3.4.2.c: Identify and explain a variety of roles leaders, citizens, and others play in local
SS 5.1.1.a: Identify different ways of dating historical sources to understand historical context
What Students Will Be Able To Do
 Label the geographical region of the Mediterranean (Knowledge)
 Explain how the Punic Wars impacted both Rome and Carthage (Knowledge, Patterns, & Mental
 Know that the Romans created the legend of Romulus and Remus to explain how Rome was founded.
 Explain the how Rome began to expand from a kingdom, to a republic, and then an empire (Patterns)
 Describe its culture: religion, language, class status (Knowledge & Patterns)
 Explain how Julius Caesar came into power & how his power ended (Knowledge & Patterns)
 Sequence events leading up to the empire (Knowledge and Patterns)
 Tell who Augustus Caesar is and why he is important (Knowledge)
 Describe the life of a Roman during the Roman Empire (Knowledge)
 Explain what happened to Pompeii and what has been learned about Rome through the discovery of
Pompeii (Knowledge & Patterns)
 Tell about the persecution of Christians (Knowledge)
 Explain the causes of the decline of Rome (Knowledge & Patterns)
 Tell how the Byzantine Civilization began (Knowledge, Patterns)
Habits of Mind
Understand the significance of the past to their own lives and society
Perceive past events as they were experienced by people at the time, to develop historical empathy
vs. “present mindedness”
Acquire a comprehension of diverse cultures and shared humanity
Understand how things happen and how things change, how human intentions matter but how
consequences are shaped by the means of carrying them out.
Recognize the importance of individuals who have made a difference in history and the significance
of personal character for good and ill
Understand the relationship between geography and history as a matrix of time and place as a context
for events