Download Imperator Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus Divi Filius Augustus

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He was born on the 23rd of September 63 B.C. and died on the 19th of
August A.D. 14. He lived for 75 years.
He was born into a wealthy equestrian family that was highly respected
and was undistinguished.
Adopted post-humously by Julius Caesar as his heir.
Was soldiering in Spain by Julius Caesar.
When Julius Caesar was assassinated, Augustus took on the role of
emperor merely at the age of 19.
He was born and lived in Rome, Italy.
(There is not much information pertaining
Augustus’s birthplace & home, I’m sorry.)
Augustus Caesar was the first Roman Emperor who
ruled for over 40 years.
He accomplished peace in Rome during his ruling and
created the first permanent Roman army.
He was revered greatly among the citizens of Rome for
his law-enforcement and kindness.
He basically rebuilt the Roman empire after the Battle
of Actium, which Rome was in a crumbling state, and
made it better.
He waged no major wars, therefore not taking a toll on
Rome’s economy. He simply expanded Rome’s
northern borders and further west.
Augustus Caesar’s blood-related mother.
Born on 85 B.C. and died on 45 B.C.
A Roman noblewoman.
She bore two children, Octavia Minor and Gauis Octavius Thurinus.
When Gaius died, she remarried Lucius Marcius Philippus, who was a
consul of 56 BC, and a friend and supporter of Julius Caesar.
They bore two more children, Phillipus and Marcia.
Augustus Caesar’s blood-related father.
Born in 100 B.C., and died on 59 B.C. (Age 41)
Governor of Macedonia.
Ancestor of the line of emperors in the Julio-Claudian dynasty.
Considered as the primogenitor of the Julio-Claudian dynasty.
Having a successful job as a governor, he was nominated for
election in Rome’s Consul. Unfortunately, he died after he
arrived at Rome.
Formed with Marcus Lepidus, Marcus Antonius,
and Augustus Caesar.
Formed with the purpose to rid Rome of any
rebels, enemies, and potential threats such as
Marcus Junius Brutus and Caius Cassius Longinus.
Killed many nobles and powerful people that
would dare to talk about over-taking the throne.
The Second Triumvirate didn’t last very long,
Lepidus got his power taken away from
Augustus’s assumption of keeping Sicily for
himself and Marcus planned a attack on Rome to
over-take the throne that got crushed by
Since two of his associates in the Second
Triumvirate were gone, it was disbanded as
quickly as it was found.
While still a part in the Second Triumvirate, Marcus
Antonius fell under the manipulation and seductive spells
of Cleopatra, the pharaoh of Egypt.
While Romans started to dislike Marcus for his time spent
in Egypt, rumors went about that Cleopatra was using
Marcus for the means of the Roman throne, which they
were planning. Augustus saw to that they weren’t going
Before Cleopatra and Marcus could attack Rome,
Augustus attacked first, starting the Battle of Actium in 31
With Augustus’s amazing military tactics, he destroyed
three-quarters of the Egyptian warriors. With that,
Cleopatra and Marcus took their own life.
With Marcus and Cleopatra out of the way, and Egypt in a
weak state, Rome claimed Egypt.
He reformed and rebuilt the crumbling empire
Julius had left behind, and made it better than what
was before.
Founder of an efficient bureaucracy and also
provided a form of permanent governmental
He also worked on the judicial system, which added
new criminal courts and trials. He also added an
extention of appeal.
He made sure that most houses in Rome had a
water supply, which was very important.
He enforced the law with a police force and fire
brigades for dangers.
He continued to conquer land and crave a mighty
Gaius Octavius (?). 2006. Flickr, Rome. Web. 8 Jan 2013. <>.
Pictures of Augustus:
Title Slide (Left): (Augustus. N.d. Oracle ThinkQuestWeb. 3 Jan 2013. <>. )
Title Slide (Right): (Stuart, Paterson. Berlin: Altes Museum Augustus The Shadows of Power. 2012. Flickr, Berlin, Germany. Web. 4 Jan
2013. <|fordtotti>. )
“His Life” Slide: (Niermann, Till. File:Statue-Augustus.jpg. 2007. Wikipedia, Vatican City. Web. 7 Jan 2013.
<>. )
Other Pictures:
Atia Balba Caesonia: (Washington, Ellis. Atia Balba Caesonia. N.d. World Net DailyWeb. 7 Jan 2013.
<>. )
Gaius Octavius: (Gaius Octavius (?). 2006. Flickr, Rome. Web. 8 Jan 2013. <>. )
“His Birthplace & Home” Roman Republic, Rome: (File:Republica Romana.svg. 2007. WikipediaWeb. 8 Jan 2013.
<>. )
“His Fame” Roman Expansion (Top): (Roman expansion: What it’s done for me and can do for you!!!. 2010. Edu BlogsWeb. 9 Jan 2013.
<>. )
“His Fame” Roman Expansion (Bottom): (Tomczak, Matthias. Lecture 11: Science, technology and medicine in the Roman Empire.. 2004.
Science, Civilization and SocietyWeb. 9 Jan 2013. < society/lecture11.html>. )
“Conflict With Marcus Antonius” Marcus Antonius Bust: (Mark Antony. N.d. k12.wi.usWeb. 9 Jan 2013.
< Loritz Webpage/World History/ResearchProjects/World History
HR3/AndreaMarkAntony.htm>. )
“Conflict With Marcus Antonius” Battle of Actium Painting: (Castro, Lorenzo A. File:Castro Battle of Actium.jpg. 1672. WikipediaWeb. 9
Jan 2013. <>. )
Other Pictures (Continued)
“Second Triumvirate” Marcus Aemilius Lepidus: (Found a bust of triumvir Marcus Aemilius Lepidus . 2012. Ageod-ForumWeb. 9 Jan 2013.
<>. )
“Second Triumvirate” Augustus Caesar: (Bust of Augustus Caesar with Bronze Breastplate. N.d. KaccentsWeb. 9 Jan 2013.
<>. )
“His Legacy” Augustus Caesar Bust: (A bust of a young Augustus Caesar wearing an olive wreath, sculpted during the Julio Claudian
Dynasty. [The Louvre Museum]. 2012. Tumblr, Paris. Web. 9 Jan 2013. <>. )
“His Legacy” Information: (. "The Achievements of Augustus Caesar." Janusquirinus. N.p.. Web. 11 Jan 2013.
<>. )
“Conflict With Marcus Antonius” Information: (. "The Riman Empire: in the First Century. The Roman Empire. Emperors. Augustus."
PBS. N.p.. Web. 11 Jan 2013. <>. )
“The Second Triumvirate” Information: (. "Augustus: The Second Triumvirate." Info Please. Columbia University, n.d. Web. 11 Jan 2013.
<>. )
“Gaius Octavius” Information: (Collins, Steven Wood. "The Patricians: Gaius Octavius (100 BC - 59 BC), Praetor of Rome, Governor of
Macedonia, Father of Augustus - Author's 64th Great Grandfather." Good Reads. N.p., 06 09 2012. Web. 11 Jan 2013.
<>. )
“Atia Balba Caesonia” Information: (, ed. "Atia - Rome Wiki." Wet Paint. N.p., 10 04 2009. Web. 11 Jan 2013.
<>. )
“His Fame”, “His Birthplace”, & “His Life” Information: (. "Augustus Caesar Biography." Biography Base. N.p.. Web. 11 Jan 2013.
<>. )