Download Unit 6 Exam Retake Ticket Chapter Six Evolution Retake

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Unit 6: Exploring Change-Retake Ticket
Fill-In the Blank Vocabulary Assessment: Complete the following sentences with key vocabulary from
Exploring Change in the word bank below. Each term is used once.
Relative age
Selective Pressure
1. A organism’s remains that are preserved in layers of rock is a _________________.Studying several
layers of rock with the organisms preserved in them helps scientists determine the
_____________________________ of these preserved organisms.
are factors that influence and organism’s ability to survive and
reproduce. Predation or competition over mates is _______________ , while climate is an
environmental or abiotic _____________________________ .
Matching Vocabulary Assessment: Match each of the following terms with the BEST answer and fill in the
in the blank with the correct word. Not all words are used.
Natural Selection
Decent with modification
Genetic sequence
_____The mechanism for evolution
_____Similarities between living things demonstrate this concept
_____Differences between living organisms demonstrate this concept
_____Organisms pass on traits to offspring, but variation allows for change over time
_____Organisms with similar characteristics that can interbreed
_____Biological change across time, which occurs by natural selection
_____Characteristics that help an organism survive and reproduce
For the 4 words left out, write a sentence for each which explains how they connect to the concept of
evolution. Highlight each word within the sentence.
10. ___________________________________________________________________________________
11. ___________________________________________________________________________________
12. ___________________________________________________________________________________
13. ___________________________________________________________________________________
Use the following information to help you answer questions 13-15.
The horse family has a detailed evolutionary history in the fossil record. Some of the many fossil horses
that have been found include miohippus (MIO), hipparian (HIP), and equus (EQU)(the modern horse). Look
at the rock layers shown, and use that information to answer some questions about the horse fossils.
14. a. Which horse evolved first (lived the longest ago)?
b. Which horse lived most recently?
15. Give the approximate date range for
when each of the horses lived (in millions of
years ago).
a. MIO
16. Imagine a horse that is descended from
MIO and is a common ancestor of both HIP
and EQU. In which rock layers would you look
for a fossil of this animal?
a. Mark with an arrow where you think you
would find the fossils on the rock layer
Then explain below WHY you think you
would find this fossil there.
The earliest horses are thought to have lived in damp forests with very soft ground, and ate brush, much
like deer do today. They had several toes on each foot, and were only a few feet tall. Later, horses lived in
dry grassland climates where the ground was very hard. Over time, horses became much taller and
developed hooves on their feet, and became grazers.
17. How would a scientist explain how horses changed from being small and having toes, to being
tall and having hooves? Give a detailed explanation. Use the following words in your answer:
natural selection, adaptation, selective pressure, and variation.
Answer the following questions as true or false. If the answer is FALSE, write a corrected statement on the
line below. In either case, true or false, explain your reasoning
___Evolution happens to populations, not individuals.
___Organisms can choose traits to modify through natural selection.
___Organisms try to evolve.
21. The following are lines of evidence that support the theory of evolution. Pick three and explain how
they support evolution.
Structural similarities
Geographical distribution
Embryological similarities
Patterns of organism groupings
Molecular similarities
Direct observations in the lab and the wild
22. Read the following statement. Use what you have learned about natural selection and evolution to
explain why you think the statement is an accurate or inaccurate description of how species change
across time. Be sure to include all applicable vocabulary in your explanation for what is happening in
this scenario
“Elephants wanted longer trunks for reaching leaves, so they stretched and stretched their trunks
until they got longer. They then passed on the longer trunks to their offspring.”
23. Examine the sample cladogram, each letter on the diagram points to a derived character, or
something different (or newer) than what was seen in previous groups. Match the letter to its
character. Note: this cladogram was created for simplicity and understanding, it does not
represent the established phylogeny for insects and their relatives.
1. ______ Wings
2. ______ 6 Legs
3. ______ Segmented Body
4. ______ Double set of wings
5. ______ Cerci (abdomenal appendages)
6. ______ Crushing mouthparts
7. ______ Legs
8. ______ Curly Antennae
24. Describe the stratigraphic column to the
Use the following words to fill in the blanks
primitive traits, derived traits, common
ancestor, shared traits, related
All of these organisms on this cladogram have
a ________________ which lived before the
organisms on the cladogram. This organism,
not shown, had __________________ that all
of the organisms on the cladogram share.
The organism at the bottom of the cladogram
has the least number of __________________
and is the oldest organism. The most closely
____________ organisms branch off a common
branch, e.g. at D and E. The organisms at the
top of the cladogram have the greatest number
of _______________________.
right. Write about the historical events
that took place. Include what the
rock and fossil record shows from
bottom to top.