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Histology of the Nervous Tissue
ppt 2
Label the structures of a nerve:
Within this nerve there are many nerve cells
Nervous tissue is made up of 2 kinds of cells:
_________________ and ____________________________________________
The supporting cells of the CNS are:
The supporting cells of the PNS are:
These supporting cells serve many functions:
Structure of a Nerve Cell:
All have a cell Body sometimes called a _______ This is the control center and contains the nucleus
Cytoplasm contains:_________________________________________________
Cytoskeleton contains:_________________________________________________
Dendrites are:___________________________________
They are the primary site for _________________________________________
The more dendrites the more_________________________________________
DENDRITES provide_____________________________________________________
Axons (nerve fiber) are __________________________________________________
Axons are responsible for ________________________________________________
They branch into ____________________________
They are covered by _________________________________________________
Axons end in axon terminals called:________________________________________
The ends contains synaptic vesicles full of ______________________________
What do Schwann cells and myelin have to do with it????
Myelin is a______________________________________________________________
Axons are ____________________________________and this is deposited by layers of ___________________________
Schwann cells layer around the axon and squeeze the cytoplasm out of themselves leave layers of__________________
___________________surrounding the axion.
This layer is called the ______________________________________.
This is discontinuous…so there are spaces with no sheath. These areas are called________________________________
What is the purpose of myelin?: _______________________________________________________________________
Synaptic terminal:_also called the ___________________________ does not touch the next neuron. It has a tiny gap
Called a _______________________.
Neurotransmitters are ____________________________________________________________________________
There are many kinds of neurotransmitters…more later
What do the Axons do besides transmit signals?
Axonal transport is
responsible for moving molecules destined for degradation from the axon back to the cell
body, where they are broken down by lysosomes. Movement toward the cell body is called retrograde transport and
movement toward the synapse is called anterograde transport.
Microtubules guide materials along the axon.
Motor Proteins carry materials as they crawl along the microtubules. There are 2 basic kinds of these motor proteins:
1. Kinesin:____________________________________________________________________________________
2. Dynein:_____________________________________________________________________________________
More about the Neuroglial cells (glial cells)
remember these are supporting cells.
Types of glial cells:
1. Oligodendrocytes:
2. Ependymal cells:
3. Microglia:
4. Astrocytes:
Types of Glial cells
1. Schwann Cells:
2. Satellite cells:
Glial cells and Brain Tumors:
Tumors are:______________________________________________________
Mature neurons do NOT ____________________________ and seldom form tumors.
Brain Tumors arise from:
Gliomas ___________________________________________
Very problematic because_____________________________________________________________
Treatment consists of ________________________________________________.
More facts about Myelin:
In CNS is formed by____________________________________
In PNS is formed by___________________________________________
Consists of :__________________________________________________________
Myelination begins :_________________________________________________________________________
Diseases of the Myelin Sheath:
Multiple Sclerosis:
Tay Sachs Disease: