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Skills Worksheet
Vocabulary Review
In the space provided, write the letter of the term or phrase that best completes
each statement or best answers each question.
______ 1. An organism’s reproductive cells, such as sperm or egg cells, are called
a. genes.
c. gametes.
b. chromosomes.
d. zygotes.
______ 2. A form of asexual reproduction in bacteria is
a. binary fission.
c. mitosis.
b. trisomy.
d. development.
______ 3. A segment of DNA that codes for a protein or RNA molecule is a
a. chromosome.
c. chromatid.
b. gene.
d. centromere.
______ 4. At the beginning of cell division, DNA and the proteins associated with
the DNA coil into a structure called a(n)
a. chromatid.
c. centromere.
b. autosome.
d. chromosome.
______ 5. The two exact copies of DNA that make up each chromosome are
a. homologous chromosomes.
c. chromatids.
b. centromeres.
d. autosomes.
______ 6. The two chromatids of a chromosome are attached at a point called
a. diploid.
c. spindle.
b. centriole.
d. centromere.
______ 7. Chromosomes that are similar in size, shape, and genetic content are
called which of the following?
a. homologous chromosomes
c. diploid
b. haploid
d. karyotypes
______ 8. When a cell contains two sets of chromosomes, it is said to be
a. haploid.
c. diploid.
b. binary.
d. saturated.
______ 9. When a cell contains one set of chromosomes, it is said to be
a. haploid.
c. diploid.
b. separated.
d. homologous.
______10. The fertilized egg, the first cell of a new individual, is called a(n)
a. autosome.
c. organism.
b. zygote.
d. chromosome.
Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.
Holt Biology
Chromosomes and Cell Reproduction
Vocabulary Review continued
______11. A photo of the chromosomes in a dividing cell, arranged by size, is
a. electronic scan.
c. X ray.
b. karyotype.
d. anaphase.
______12. What are chromosomes not directly involved in determining the sex of
an individual?
a. asexual chromosomes
c. autosomes
b. chromatids
d. haploid
______13. Chromosomes that contain genes that will determine the sex of the
individual are called
a. X chromosomes.
c. Y chromosomes.
b. sex chromosomes.
d. autosomes.
______14. The repeated sequence of growth and division during the life of a cell
is called the
a. cell cycle.
c. binary fission.
b. cytokinesis.
d. amniocentesis.
______15. The first three phases of the cell cycle are called
a. anaphase.
c. mitosis.
b. interphase.
d. synthesis phase.
______16. What is the process during which the nucleus of a cell is divided into
two nuclei?
a. fertilization
c. mitosis
b. disjunction
d. cytokinesis
______ 17. The process during cell division in which the cytoplasm divides is
a. cytokinesis.
c. interphase.
b. trisomy.
d. mitosis.
______18. What is the uncontrolled division of cells?
a. Down syndrome
c. cancer
b. mutation
d. trisomy
______19. Cell structures made of individual microtubule fibers that are involved
in moving chromosomes during cell division are called
a. chromatids.
c. centrioles.
b. fertilizers.
d. spindles.
Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.
Holt Biology
Chromosomes and Cell Reproduction