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Unit 7 & 8 Review Questions
Biology I Theory
1. What is the symbiotic relationship where one organism benefits and the other is harmed? (parasitism)
2. Which type of organism is at the bottom of the food pyramid? (producer)
3. Where is the MOST energy found in an energy pyramid? (bottom)
4. Where is the LEAST energy found in an energy pyramid? (top)
5. What process describes changes in land over time? (succession)
6. Which type of succession follows a disturbance of some kind? (secondary)
7. What comes after rocks in primary succession? (lichens)
8. What are the only organisms that can remove or take nitrogen from the air? (bacteria)
9. How is carbon dioxide removed from the air? (photosynthesis)
10. What type of organisms recycle, or break down, elements in nature? (decomposers)
11. What is the symbiotic relationship where one organism benefits and the other is neither
harmed nor benefited? (commensalism)
12. Why do top predators have more pesticide contamination than organisms lower in the food
chain? (top predators accumulate pesticides because they eat more)
13. What is a group of organisms of different species living together in the same place? (community)
14. What is the maximum number of individual organisms that an environment can support
indefinitely? (carrying capacity)
15. A rise in coastal sea levels is expected to be a result of what environmental issue? (global warming)
16. Give one example of the effects of overpopulation? (loss of habitat, poor sanitation, etc)
17. Which type of succession begins with bare rock? (primary)
18. Survival of the fittest is also known as _____. (natural selection)
19. Which level of taxonomy includes organisms that are the MOST closely related? (species)
20. What is a prokaryote? (cell with no nucleus)
21. Something that cannot make its own food is considered ____. (heterotrophic)
22. An organism’s “job” in a community is referred to as its ___. (niche)
23. An organism that can make its own food is considered _____. (autotrophic)
24. An organism that has a nucleus and membrane bound organelles is also known as __. (eukaryote)
25. The earliest life on earth belongs to which kingdom? (archaebacteria)
26. Which type of symbiotic relationship exists when all animals benefit? (mutualism)
27. Producers create their own food through which process? (photosynthesis)
28. In the water cycle, what are the two ways water returns to the atmosphere? (transpiration, evaporation)
29. In the carbon cycle, what are two ways carbon is released into the atmosphere? (respiration, combustion)
30. Which level of taxonomy includes organisms that are LEAST closely related? (kingdom)
31. Which organism is VERY important in the nitrogen cycle? (bacteria)
32. The burning of fossil fuels results in what two major environmental problems? (global warming, acid rain)
33. Which of the following things evolve: individuals or populations? (populations)
34. What are all the interconnected feeding relationships in an ecosystem called? (food web)
35. Which contains the greatest diversity, class or order? (class)
36. Survival of the fittest is also known as ____ (natural selection)
37. What did Charles Darwin do? (developed theory of natural selection)
38. Why do insects develop a resistance to pesticides? (the ones with genes that allow them to survive will
reproduce and pass on their genes)
39. Which kingdom includes organisms that are both autotrophic and heterotrophic? (protista)
40. Which level of taxonomy includes organisms that are the MOST closely related? (species)
42. Which kingdom are algae found in? (protista)
42. What is a prokaryote? (an organism that does not have a nucleus or other organelles)
43. What is a symbiotic relationship? (an interaction between two organisms where both organisms benefit)
44. What is the term for when organisms move into a population? (immigration)
45. How are scientific names written? (in italics, genus is upper case and species is lower case)
46. Why did the finches on the Galapagos Islands develop different beak shapes? (adapted to different food types)
47. What is a structure with little or no use, such as the appendix, called? (vestigial)
48. What are nonliving factors in the environment called? (abiotic)
49. What is a group of organisms of one species called? (population)
50. What is the combined portions of Earth in which all living things exist? (biosphere)
51. What are living factors in the environment called? (biotic)
52. What is the branch of biology dealing with interactions among organisms and the environment? (ecology)
53. What is the change in a species over time? (evolution)
54. What are features that have different functions, but similar structures? (homologous structures)
55. Which two levels of classification are used to provide the scientific name of an organism? (genus, species)
56. What is a model that shows a single sequence of feeding relationships? (food chain)
57. What is the term for when organisms move out of a population? (emigration)
58. What is the number of different species in the biosphere called? (biodiversity)