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Lecture 43
Prof Duncan Shaw
Alleles & Fitness
• “Fitness” means the relative ability of organisms
to survive and pass on genes
• Alleles can affect fitness:
– In most cases not at all (neutral)
– Sometimes to decrease it (deleterious)
– Very rarely to increase it (advantageous)
• The frequency of alleles in the whole population
affects the health of the population, so it’s
important to know about “population genetics”
Calculating Allele Frequencies
• We have a gene with alleles A and a
• Count number of individuals in population with
each genotype:
• 300 AA
• 500 Aa
• 200 aa
• Allele frequency of A is (2x300 + 500)/2000 =
• Allele frequency of a is (500 + 2x200)/2000 =
Allele & Genotype Frequencies
• In previous example, we had 300 AA, 500
Aa, and 200 aa individuals
• Genotype frequencies are therefore:
• 0.3 AA
• 0.5 Aa
• 0.2 aa
• Allele frequencies and genotype frequencies
are related, but not the same thing
The Hardy-Weinberg Law
• Frequencies of alleles ‘A’ and ‘a’ are p and q, respectively
(so p + q = 1)
• Calculation involving a Punnet square shows that genotype
frequencies will be:
AA p2
Also, p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1
• These frequencies stay the same over time, if population is
large, randomly mating, and alleles have same fitness
• Such a population is in “equilibrium”
Recessive alleles & carrier frequencies
• For a rare allele, heterozygotes (called “carriers” if
the allele is recessive) are much more frequent
than homozygotes: 2pq >>q2
• Cystic fibrosis is caused by a recessive allele and
affects 1/1700 Caucasian newborns:
q2 = 1/1700 = 0.00059
 q = 0.024
 p = 1 - q = 0.976
 2pq = 0.047
• About 1 in 21 Caucasians is a carrier for CF
X - linked genes
• Males only have 1 copy of each gene on the X
chromosome (“hemizygous”), from mother
• Therefore, for X-linked genes in males, genotype
frequency is the same as allele frequency
• For rare X-linked recessive alleles, more males than
females will be affected
• Example: X linked colour blindness affects 1/20 males
• q = 0.05
• q2 = 0.0025
• About 1/400 colour-blind females
Population Evolution
• Changes in the gene pool resulting a species
adapting to its environment
• Dependent on genetic variation
• Driven by natural selection - differences in
fitness make better adapted individuals
more likely to pass on their genes
• Can be described in terms of allele
frequencies in the population
Factors that change allele frequencies
• Mutation - formation of new alleles, leading
to new capabilities of organism
• Migration - movement of individuals
between populations
• Natural selection - different abilities of
organisms to survive and reproduce
• Genetic drift - in small populations, random
changes in allele frequency
Heterozygote advantage
• Sickle-cell anaemia is caused by a recessive allele
- homozygotes have reduced fitness (without
modern medical care), so it should disappear
• But heterozygotes have increased fitness - don’t
have anaemia, but are more resistant to malaria
than individuals without allele
• Distribution of sickle-cell anaemia in the world is
similar to that of the malaria parasite, Falciparum