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Veggie U Glossary
aerate- to cause air to circulate through
analyze- to study
anatomy- the science dealing with the structure of animals and plants
anther- the part of the stamen that contains the pollen
bacteria- one celled organisms found in rotting matter, air, soil and living things
bud- an underdeveloped stem or branch of a plant
burrow- to make a hole or passage into or under something
calorie dense- foods that are high in calories, but not necessarily in nutritional value
calories- a quantity of food capable of producing energy
carbohydrate- simple sugars stored in a cell as a source of energy
chlorophyll- the green colors found in the chloroplast of plants
chloroplast-the food producer of a plant cell
clay- stiff, sticky, fine-grained soil component that can be molded when wet
climate- a region with specified weather conditions
clitellum- a band of tissue on a worn that secretes a cocoon where eggs are deposited for
clustered- to gather into bunches
coarse- having large pieces or particles
cocoon (worm)- tiny, lemon-shaped sack containing worm embryos
composition- the combining of distinct parts or elements to form a whole
compost- a mixture of largely decayed matter of once living things
cotyledon- the primary leaf of the embryo of seed plants
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cover crops- a crop planted to prevent soil erosion and replace nutrients
crop (worm)- a pouch for holding and crushing food
cuticle- a very thin substance covering the surface of plants
daily value- the recommended amount of nutritional needs on a daily basis
decay- to go through decomposition
decomposition- the breakdown or decay of organic materials
depletion- to run out of resources
dicots- a flowering plant with two cotyledons in the seed
digestion- the process of breaking down food into substances that can be used by the
dormant- in a state of rest or inactivity
embryo- the beginning stage of living organisms
emergence- an outgrowth on a plant
endosperm- nutritive matter in seed-plant ovules
energy- any source of usable power
environment- the factors that influence a plant or animal’s community
exoskeleton- a hard supporting protective structure on the outside of the seed
expenditure- the act of using energy
fat- a component of food that serves as a source of energy for the body
fat soluble- dissolvable in fat or oil
fertilization- the enrichment of soil for the production of crops
fertilizers- a substance used to make soil produce larger or more plant life
fibrous- containing fibers
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filament- the stalk like portion of a stamen
fine- very thin or slender
flower- the blossom of a plant
food groups- five categories of food developed to meet the daily nutrient requirements
germinate- to begin to develop and sprout from a seed
gizzard- a large muscular part of the digestive tube
grow lights- a light bulb designed to mimic the sunlight necessary for plant growth
homosapiens- the species to which humans belong
humus- dark organic materials in the soil
hypothesize- to form a hypothesis, an assumption made to test its consequences
insecticides- a chemical used to kill insects
intake- the act of taking in
interview- a formal meeting in which someone evaluates another person
lateral root- horizontal root that extends from the primary or secondary root
leaf- an outgrowth of a stem
loam- a mixture of sand, silt and clay
major minerals- seven minerals essential to human life in quantities over 100mg per day;
calcium, chlorine, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and sulfur
maturity- the state of being fully grown or ripe
medium- an element that is the natural habitat of an organism
metamorphosis- an extraordinary change in appearance
minerals- a solid inorganic substance of natural occurrence
modified- to change or alter
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monocot- the class of plants having a single cotyledon
nasturtium- an example of a perfect flower
nutrient- substances found in food that are needed for good health
nutrition- the process by which a plant or animal takes in and makes use of food
organic- plants or food produced without the use of laboratory made fertilizers
ovary- the enlarged lower part of the pistil that includes the seeds
ovules- a small structure in seed plants that develop into seed after fertilization
petal- one of the brightly colored parts of the plant that surrounds the reproductive
organs (modified leaf)
petiole- the slender stalk by which a leaf is attached to a stem
phloem cells- these cells help to move food from the leaves to the rest of the plants
photosynthesis- the process by which green plants use light as a source of energy
phytochemicals- chemicals naturally found in fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes that
may have a positive impact on health
pistil- the seed-bearing organ of a flower
pollen- a fine, powder-like material that is produced by the anthers of seed plants and
contains male spores
pollinate- to transfer pollen to the stigma of a flower
potential- the possibility of growing or developing
prediction- a statement made about the future
prejudice- an opinion formed before knowing the facts
primary root- the first root produced by a germinating seed
processing- to change or prepare by special treatment
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protein- a plant or animal tissue rich in nutrients
region- a broad geographic area
rejuvenate- to give new life to
resistance- to oppose or resist
revolution- a single, complete change
roots- the underground anchor of a plant that absorbs moisture and nutrients
rotation- one complete turn
sand- fine debris from rocks
saturate- to soak completely
secondary root- mature, thicker roots with additional vascular tissues
seedling- a young plant
seeds- the ovule of a flowering plant
sepals- one of the separate green parts that form the calyx of the flower
serving size- a portion of food used in reference to a nutrition label
silt- fine sand carried by moving water and deposited as sediment
stamen- the pollen-bearing organ of a flower, consists of the filament and the anther
stem- the stalk that supports a leaf, flower, or a fruit
tap roots- the most prominent root of a plant
temperate- associated with a climate that is mild
testa- the outer, usually hard, coating of a seed
trace minerals- fourteen minerals essential to human live in quantities less than 100mg
per day
tubers- a swollen, usually underground, stem of a plant
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variable- tending to change
vitamins- a group of organic substances essential in small quantities for normal
water- a transparent, colorless, tasteless liquid necessary for life
water soluble- capable of dissolving in water
xylem cells- vascular tissues within a plant cell
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