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People of the Judaic faith can be found in many parts of the world, but the largest concentration of the
followers of Judaism is found in the country of ________.
Jewish traditional beliefs state that Judaism was founded by a man named ____________who is said to
have lived in ________________________________.
As the founder of Judaism, Abraham is considered to be the ‘___________________________.’
Judaism is unique because at a time when most people were polytheistic, the Jewish people
Jews call God Yahweh (yah-way), and they believe that in the 2000’s BC, God made a covenant, or
agreement with Abraham.
According to Jewish tradition, this agreement stated that God would ‘make a great nation’ out of
Abraham and his descendants if _________________________.
According to tradition, Abraham’s grandson Jacob (Also known as Israel) had 12 sons who each went on
to lead a separate family group, or tribe. These would become the __________________.
Eventually, in order to escape a severe famine in their homeland of Canaan (present day Israel and
Palestine) the 12 tribes _______________________.
According to Jewish beliefs, by the 1200’s BC, the Jews had become ___________in
Egypt. However, a prophet named ______________led them in an ________, or departure, from
The exodus is celebrated by Jewish people today in the religious celebration of _______________.
The Torah says that during the exodus God gave Moses the __________________, or ten laws for the
people to live by.
According to Jewish tradition, Joshua led the Israelites back to Canaan after Moses died.
For the next 200 years, they _____________________________________________________________.
By around 1020 BC, they united into one kingdom under a king named Saul, who was succeeded
by __________.
David turned Israel into a great kingdom, and built a capital city called _________________.
However, by 922 BC, Israel had split into two kingdoms which would both be conquered by the Assyrians
and the Babylonians by 586 BC.
The Jewish people were eventually able to return to their homeland, but it was conquered by Alexander
the Great around 332 BC
When the Selucid king, Antiochus IV, tried to force the Jews to give up their religion and worship the
Greek gods, they ______________.
The rebellion, led by Judah Maccabee, succeeded in ______________________ and re-establishing
an independent Jewish kingdom that would exist until it was conquered by the ________in 63 BC.
The Jewish celebration of __________________is in remembrance of this event
The holiest city of Judaism is ________________, which is located in the present day country of Israel.
According to the Torah, the land of Canaan, which is present day _________, is the land that God
promised to give to Abraham and his descendants.
People of the Jewish faith worship in temples called ‘_________________’
The holiest site in Judaism is the ‘_________________’
An Israelite king named Solomon built a huge temple to God in Jerusalem, however the temple was
______________in the year 70 AD.
The last remaining wall of the temple is known as the ‘Western Wall’
The Jewish book of holy scriptures is called the __________.
The Torah consists of the first 5 books of the Bible and the writings of the Jewish prophets. The
Jewish scriptures promise that God will one day send a ‘____________’who will bring peace, justice
and unity to the Earth.
Christians believe that this messiah was _________, but the Jewish people do not.
In what part of the world did Judaism originate?
Today, where do most followers of Judaism live?
Who is considered to be the founder of Judaism?
What is the traditional history behind the foundation of Judaism?
What are some of the basic beliefs and facts regarding the Judaic faith?